Winter Break

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The Pact

Chapter 16

Winter Break,


I'm sure by now you get the usual for me so I'm not going to explain what's normally going on, but I do have a few new things that have happened recently. Well I haven't mentioned but before sixth grade us fifth graders were in a mixed class with several fourth graders because they were short a fourth grade teacher due to budget cuts. I met this kid, his name is Jason, he playes Minecraft just like I do and we'd hang out a lot. We ended up dating because we like one another plus we shared interests in a lot of things. I never mentioned that we saw one another at the dance and we got back together. We broke up last year because I was in sixth grade and he was in fifth so we barely saw one another.

As for christmas most children make wish lists, well where I live it's 'uncool' to make a wish list for christmas. I make them anyway because a few years ago when I didn't my parents ended up buying me weird stuff like a plug in DJ toy and it wasn't the cool kind, so now every year I make a good list of stuff I want or have wanted for some time. On my list for this year I have a few things that I have put in caps to let my parents know that I must have that or I'll be pissed.

My X-Mas list-





Fiji water

Good headphones

Paint (To paint my walls)

XBOX 360


CUTE cloths


See now I am very precise about the things I want, actually not really. Anyways moving, as I gave my father the list of things I wanted for Christmas he looked at it and nodded his head. I always give my list to my parents as early as possible because if I don't the'll just start buying things for good deals on Amazon Prime.

Every year nearing Christmas my father would do this thing where he'd pretend my brother and I were getting wooden toys from Santa and I'd just laugh along but personally I have no clue why he finds it so funny.

In November our school started a new tsunami route just in case of an earthquake, see I live in Oregon and here an earthquake is overdue 315 years so it could snap and hit any moment. When this earthquake hits its going to be like two kids holding a rubber band on each side walking away from each other till it snaps, when that band snaps, shit will happen. If you're wondering, I learned this all last year in science.

The tsunami route is more killer than the old one, we have to hike up this huge muddy hill, it's like two miles long and steep as hell. When we did the drill mid November I ended up walking with my friend Kellie and it was pretty fun. There is a sink hole about halfway through the hike and Kellie and I ended up pushing one another into the sinkhole; we got really dirty but so did a bunch of other kids. At around homeroom all the kids that got muddy were called down to go to the parking lot of the school to get rinsed off with a hose. The cool thing is, us kids got sprayed off with the hose and it was like a water park at the school, it was amazing.

Besides the new tsunami route nothing else has changed, I'm still not doing so hot in school but it doesn't bother me because I know I'll fix it later on, Hunter and Jay continue to throw drama at each other's way, Daisey and Delilah don't privately talk much anymore but they now are like new best buddies. It makes me a bit upset because each pod has certain people in them, Delilah isn't in our pod she's in Kat's. Its not the best to go 'pod jumping' because it's like in Once Upon A Time when Mary Margaret and Emma go to the enchanted forest, it wasn't the best.

Besides life happening I realized Kyle hasn't been at school a lot which was worrying me because he claims he cuts and a few days ago I yelled at him and who knows what he'd do to himself if the girl he likes yells at him. He likes Daisey and I, I have no clue why somebody would like an individual that yells and curses at them but I guess he does.

Luckily winter break is right around the corner and personally I can't wait to get away from life for a week. Not only escaping life but I'll be able to get new items I can posses for all eternity. One other thing I like about life is that every day before or on a holiday the school makes big special meals for everybody, and on top of that being in seventh grade we get to take all the leftovers, so that means more for me!

"Okay, I'm going to go to the front of the line and see what's for lunch." As I walked to the front to see what was for lunch I prayed we'd get something good because yesterday was tacos.

"No, yes we get a special meal because it's the last day till break! I walked back to our spot smiling with glee.

Hunter guess what!" I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Haha, what?" She giggled under her smile.

"Today is a special meal!" Her eyes winded as she smiled openly. "Including mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, ham, green beans and brownies!"

We both jumped up and down with joy of a nice delightful meal from the school, its hard not eating for eight hours a day till you get home so this meal was making our day.

After we ate our amazing lunch we headed to recess, as usual we scanned the halls making sure Daisey wasn't inside before we went out. Daisey tends to go where ever the crowd is so that means we need to look pretty much everywhere and anywhere. As we walked we check each classroom because recovery was open, we checked the bathrooms and then decided to check outside next.

As we walked out frost covered the basketball hoops and the grass, no snow nor icicles because the weather isn't that dramatic here. Every time the duty teachers turned around a group of kids would slid down the hill by the tree, the hill was covered in frost so it was like a slid. If they were caught they'd be sent to the detention area by the office where I went in sixth grade. Every Time I ate nachos at school it reminded me of Kellie, Baylee and I's adventure.

I scanned the black top looking for Daisey and noticed she was sitting with the 'popular mofos'. See not all popular people are 'mofos' their just young and stupid at this age, all kids are for matter a fact. I looked at Hunter and told her I didn't want to go over their so she left me. I looked like a kid playing COD sitting in the open being shot which is embarrassing so I decided to break my rules and 'pod jump'.

I went to the old pod I hung out with when I was in fifth grade, Alex and Hillery. I like them but their not my pod if you get what I'm saying. You can switch pods in life like I did, but it's a lot of work and I mean years of work. If you go threw with it and end up being apart of a new pod life is different, it's not like moving into a new house it's like moving into a new body. That's why 'pod jumping' is bad because other parties could wish to be a 'pod type of friend' when you're in a different pod. By all means I'm not saying don't do it though, you make your own choices.

After my long recess and belly full of most likely poisoned food I finally landed myself on the bus. Riding the bus is one of my favorite parts of the day because I fall asleep during the ride, I put my earbuds in and blast Iggy Azalea then sleep for the entire ride, and I mean sleep sleep.

Hey guys, I hoped you like this chapter, I just finished reading it and re-editing it because my book needs a few touch ups. I hope you vote because I do vote for vote, follow for follow and even comment for comment!! XOXO ~t3llatal3

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