Ch. 9 A Band?

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Ch. 9

A Band?

*Claire's POV *

"Okay Addie are you ready for school?"

"Yes! Mommy can you hand me my show and tell shirt?"

"Sure" I hand her her shirt and she just stares at it looking at each boy carefully.

"Mommy, the boys are the shirt look like people we know," she tells me with a pensive look on her face.

"Ya like who?" I asked carefully.

"This one is curly hair looks like Uncle Harry, the one with yellow hair looks like Niall," she tells me.

"That's because they are your uncles Addie" I confess to her.

"Really?!?!? My uncles are on shirts! Why are they on shirts?" she asked innocently.

"Your uncle Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Niall are on famous band called One Direction," I explained to her.

"What's a band? Like a rubber band"

"No a band is are people that play instruments and sing songs, like the ones on the

radio," I explained to her.

"Oh so they play music!" she asked excited.

"Yes *giggles* yes they do," I tell her.

"Can Niall pick me up from school today?" she asked me.

"I will ask him," I tell her.

"Yay! Thanks mommy!" she says excitedly.

"Your welcome sweetheart. We are here, do you have your things?" I asked her.

"Okay, let's go inside."

*walks in to class room*

"Okay, Addie be good for Mrs. Nelson," I tell her.

"Okay, I will" she tells me.

"Oh Mrs. Nelson!"

"Yes, Mrs. Cullen?"

"Addie's uncle Niall is going to be picking here up is today," I explained to the teacher.

"Okay, thank you for telling me."

"No problem! Bye Addie I love you!" I waved to her.



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