Ch. 10 Chicky Nuggets

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Ch. 10

Chicky Nuggets

*Niall's POV*

*later that day picking Addie up*

As I pull into the parking lot of Addie's school it was a small school, which is good for

Addie. I walked into the school it was very.....bright but it is pre-school. There were 6

class rooms 3 on each side of the hall. Claire told me it was the 'frog' room. What the

hell is that even mean. Are there frogs in the room? Were there real live frogs

jumping in the room? As I open the door all is see is frog stickers and poster. There

were about 10 or 11 kids sitting on the rug by the books waiting for their mom or dad

to pick them up. I see Addie sitting in the corner all by herself with a book in her

hands. I slowly walk over to her, the teacher is looking at me like she just saw a ghost

or something. I mean who hasn't seen someone walk over to his little girl. The teacher

walks straight up to Addie and grabbed her and takes her away from where she was


"Hey what was that for!" I yelled at her.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't take her," she tells me.

"Why can't I take her?" I asked bewildered.

"Her mother said someone names Niall is picking her up," she tells me.

"I'm Niall!" I answered with a slight edge to my tone.

"Addie is this the Niall you were taking about today?"

She looks up from her book and has the biggest, brightest smile I have seen from her

since Sean was in the hospital.


"Hey princess! How was your day?" I asked her while giving the teacher a knowing look.

"Even better now that you're here!"

"Aww that's sweet darling, now go grab your backpack so we can drive to pick up some

lunch," I tell her.


We walk out of her classroom, her hand wrapped tightly around my pointer and middle


*in the car*

"Okay Addie where do you want to have lunch?" I ask her while buckling her into her car


"McDonalds I want some chicky nuggets!"

"Okay McDonald's it is then!" I replied.

As we walk into McDonald's I was worried there might be fans there. No one knows that

Sean and Claire even had a little girl. So fans would run up to us and start asking me

and Addie questions. I don't want Addie to be in the spot light she's only 4 and even

celebrity hate it. Most people that become famous when they are young are usually

bitches to everyone around them. I mean really I don't want my little girl to end up like

that at all.

"Hello welcome to McDonald's, may I take your order?"

"Hi, I want a Big Mac, large fries, double cheeseburger and a cola. Addie what do u

want!" I ask Addie.

"I want chicky nuggets!"

"Okay, and some chicken nuggets"

"20 or 50 piece?"

"50 please," I respond.

"Okay your total is £19.32"

As I slide my card, all I hear are high pitched screams. As I turn around I see 15 or

20 girls. My first though was ADDIE. I have to get Addie, before I know it I was

surrounded by girls. Next thing I know there was someone grabbing on to my leg. Their

grip was strong like they were hanging on for dear life. I look down and see a little dirty

blonde girl on my leg. Addie's little head popped up, her eyes were full of fear.

I look down and I picked her up and put her on my side. All the girls just stood there in

awe of what I did. I take pictures and gave them autographs. It was funny when we

were taking pictures Addie would alway make a funny face, Claire was always great at

those. They would always make me smile and laugh. That was one of the only ways I

could cheer up after I was pissed off or in a bad mood. She always made my day.

I remember when right before X factor when I didn't make it tho. She was the one that

waited for me. When I didn't make it she was the one that helped me smile again.

Claire was the love of my life until I was put into One Direction. But Sean,

Claire and Addie are the most important thing right now. As soon as all the girls leave, Addie

and I have a very nice lunch in McDonalds. We headed over to Addie's grandmas.

Addie's grandma Mrs. Larson is a preschool teacher, she works very well with kids.

Mrs. Larson and my mum are very good friends. She was like a second mother to me.

She would always come to my football game and bring me home. She would take care of

me like I was another son. Claire has a brother named Cory. He is a year below us but he

would play football with me and Sean. He was amazing at it. He was a goalie and was

the best in his age group. That season he only let two goals in. He was like a younger

brother to me.

Since Cory was on my team, Claire would come and watch the football. The best part

was her and her friends were very fit. Claire played volleyball and was a back row. So

me, Cory, Sean and a couple of the other lads would come and watch her play.

Claire doesn't have a big ass, but in spandex's, it looked quite nice. She was an amazing

player, her passes were perfect and she never missed the ball. There was one game that

another player shanked it, and she ran passed it backward and got it in, but she tripped

over and chair and landed right on me. I have to say that was one moment I will never


As she was getting up I couldn't help but slap her ass as she walked away that was the

worst mistake I have ever made, Claire being a volleyball player means she can hit

hard, I mean super hard. She gave me a five star right on my back. At football every guy

laughed at me but it was worth it because I got to touch her bum.



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