Ch. 25 Wyatt

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Ch 25.


*Claire's POV*

After a long night of planning and cleaning, we have nearly everything. We have put up table

and set up chairs. The bouncy house was halfway blown up, Niall and Greg we

cooking the food. Maura finished the cake. I finished wrapping the presents,

everything was almost done. The kids were still sleeping, so that made our jobs so

much easier. The party was in three hours and the kids were still not up. It's already

nine o'clock, Addie would sleep in but Ashton would never.

*at the party*

It's nice we finally had everything ready the kids we up. Addie had on a pink dress and

a princess crown on with her wavy hair and in a waterfall braid. Ashton just had a

football jersey and shorts. Niall actually dressed up a little for once. He wore a dress

shirt and kaki pants. He looked very handsome, if I may add. Then there is me I don't do

anything fancy because Addie is the person everyone is here for. So I just put on a

simple lace dress with brown flats, put my hair in a messy bun, then don't even bother

doing my makeup. By the time we go down stair, people were arriving the lads and

their girlfriends were already there and some of Niall's extended family was there as

well. We were just waiting for Addie's friends to come. Addie was excited to see them

again. Most of her class mates were coming, she could finally have a semi-normal

childhood party. It's nice to be able to see her run around with having nothing to worry about. By the time kids were arriving Addie was playing with them but she keep

looking at the door. I didn't know who she was looking for. Then the doorbell rang

about five times later. Addie's eye light up, she starts running to the door. I wasn't even half

way there and Addie was already opening the door.

"Hi Addie, happy birthday love."

Addie didn't say anything she just grabbed her son and started walking to the other


"Addison Evelyn Marie! Turn around and tell Mrs. Ross thank you and invite her into

the house." I say.

Addie turned around and looked up at Mrs. Ross and said, "thank you for letting Wyatt

come and my mum wants you to come in."

"Thank you darling, now go have fun. Oh and Wyatt please be good for Ms. Claire."

"Yes mummy," Wyatt replied. Then he walked over to Mrs. Ross and give her a kiss on

the cheek and a hug.

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