Ch. 22 Messy Packing

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Ch. 22

Messy Packing

*Niall's POV*

Claire is upstairs packing for our trip to Ireland and I'm down stairs entertaining the

kidos so she can finish. I love playing with them but somedays they do what you ask

and somedays they could care less. Today is the one day they don't care what they do.

They were running around, throwing things and making a huge mess. I don't know

how Claire handles them when I'm gone. They don't listen or anything.

They remind my of Greg and I when we were younger. When my mum was gone we

made a huge mess even bigger then these two rag rats. There was one day my mum

went out shopping and left Greg and I home with a babysitter. She was a very bad

babysitter, she fell asleep on the sofa leaving Greg and I to do whatever we

wanted. So we went outside and it was all muddy out from the rain last night and we

started bringing the mud in to the house and painting the walls with it, putting it on the

babysitters face and making mud pies.

Then we went to the bathroom and got this weird cream that was there and painted the

walls with that too. Then the kitchen and got eggs and whatever other food we wanted. I

was not really fond of the idea however if I didn't go with "the plan" he would beat me

up. So we started throwing eggs eveywhere with a sprinkle of flour and sugar. When my

mum got home I thought her head was going to explode she got so mad at us she fired

the babysitter and made us clean . There are still stains on the walls and on the sofa,

but that what makes memories.

Without memories where would we be? We wouldn't remember anything. There would

be no birthdays, no special dates or anything. Our lives would be so boring. We would

forget everything that we have done. Our past makes us who we are. How we acted and who we

would hang around affect your personality. Without a past we are no one. God has a

plan for us, we were put on this earth for a reason. I think I was put here is encourage

other, tell them it's okay to be different and don't let people change you. I didn't realize

this until I was put in One Direction now I know that I inspire thousands of people

daily that's all I can ask for. But I do it for the fans. I just inspire people by doing what I


Claire is the one that inspires me. When I left for X factor she stayed strong. She didn't

listen to anyone who put her down. Her grandma died a couple weeks after I left. I felt

horrible I wasn't her shoulder to cry on. I wasn't there for her or for my own daughter.

But now I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I'm here to stay.

*Claire's POV*

I have four suitcases out in front of me. A pink one for Addie, a red one for Ashton, a

green one for Niall and a blue on for me. I started to get clothes from the dressers and

closets. Grabbing shoes, socks, underwear, boxers, shirts, shorts, pants and a dress or

two. Matching up shirts with shorts or pants. Then having to find shoes to match

everything. I got over a dozen outfits for both Addie and Ashton. Then I started

packing for Niall and myself. Knowing Niall he needs 20 snapbacks and high tops in

every color. I start folding clothes and packing them into the suitcases. Throwing some

toiletries in there also. Then I had to start on our carry on bags. I hated doing carry on

bags. I never know what to bring with me, but the kids are worse. They always want to

bring a million toys and snacks with them. Then there is Niall who's whole backpack is

full of food, chargers and iPad. It is going a very long fight tomorrow with all of us. If

only tomorrow came faster....


I don't know when the next update will be my grandpa is in the hospital. Please pray for him.

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