The days pass by like years, minutes become hours, weeks drag out into decades. You would think it would be easier, my life now that Hazell is better and I understand my dad more but now I get the impression all my family worries were merely just a colossal distraction from the real worries. An obstacle diverting my way from the pit of fire that is... Elise. She swoops down from below ready to hurt you, but never kill, she has never punched me or kicked me but the words that come out of her mouth are much worse than death. Trust me, I know. She advances on me the moment I come into school, chewing me out about a missing fiver of hers. She's not up to her usual standards but I can feel a punchline hovering overhead like a dark cloud, when it comes though, it's even worse than I could've imagined, and she uses her special from of torture designed to break me. Mum.
It's not really mum's fault she committed suicide. I'm still trying to make the decision myself, but every time I try to do it a little voice in my head tells holds me back. It's all I can do to keep the tears from spilling down my cheeks as she rants and raves. Walk away, says the voice now. Walk away if you can't argue back, it's for the best. My feet turn, prepare to run, says the voice, three, two...
"You're going to run, aren't you?" Sneers Elise, her voice low and dangerous.
"No," I answer back stupidly, choking on my words,
"You're going to run, like mummy did?"
I feel the fireworks again, pounding on my skull, screaming to be let out. My vision is covered with white spots, a stray tear trickles down my cheek.
"You know why she killed herself, Angela."
There it is again, that low dangerous tone. The suspense creeps up on me, I have no idea what she's going to say next. She's as unpredictable as a snake.
"Because she was sick of you, you ruined her life like you ruin mine. She wanted to escape from you, the only reason why your dad sticks around is that he feels too sorry for you."
It's too much, I gasp and a sob escapes, Elise has silenced even the voice. It's even worse because I know at least the last bit's true.
"You want your mummy, Angela?" She sneers, nothing can prepare me for what comes next.
"WELL GO COMMIT SUICIDE THEN!"The world freezes, slow motion like at the Remembrance Service. Did she even say that or was that just my mind making it up as part of the bizarre fantasies it sometimes creates. Even I'm shocked she's said it, how could she?
Even she looks shocked she's said it, her face registers anger, guilt, but all I see in her eyes is dismissal. Without thinking, I run into the school forest.The world is dark and damp as my legs carry me through the haze of trees and greenery until I have scarcely any breath left in my body. All sunlight from above is blocked by the blanket of leaves, the silence is unnerving. All I can pick up is the bubbling of the tiny stream on the brink of the forest. So all it takes is the rustling of a few dead leaves on the ground and I know I'm being followed. My body automatically twists to face my opponent, but that's as far as my defensiveness goes, or even can go. There is a breathtakingly beautiful boy standing right behind me. My brain is full of mixed emotions, how can a being this gorgeous be even real?
He stands motionless, scarcely blinking, in front of a huge willow tree. His green eyes following my every move, his six pack clearly visible even through his ordinary schoolboy uniform. My heart gives an excited flutter as he walks towards me, his feet barely skimming the ground. His eyes never leave mine. One moment and I already know I am in love.

Teen FictionCOMPLETED- Angela has suffered from mental depression and disorientation ever since her mum died, she is constantly abandoned and nobody is ever there for her. But when a terrible accident happens causing Angela to permanently lose her sight, the o...