Hi, so just a big thank you to everyone who has stuck reading this story so far. I'm probably not the best writer so to vote and even read my story is an amazing thing to do and I thank thank THANK YOU so much. I hope the story's okay and not too hard to follow but if it is, you're welcome to ask any questions you like.
This has been the longest author's note ever Omg! Okay let's get on with the story then!!
My name is Angela, I am seventeen. I live in Whittengarden, a place as tough and tasteless as it sounds. I have a boyfriend called George and a little sister called Hazell. I went to Whittengarden comprehensive but now I'm supposed to go to St Cuthbert's School for the Disabled. I am blind, it's all Elise and Bianca's fault. IT'S ALL THEIR FAULT!
The fireworks are exploding in my head like never before, their merciless noise clouting my brain and ears from the inside in painful, sharp bursts. My breathing is short and sharp and my arms and legs wave frantically as they attempt to break free of the slippery bindings that restrain me but without avail, an invisible hand chokes me as I struggle for breath. Finally. I don't have to answer that question myself, its answering itself now.
Death is peaceful. Less painful than life. No mid life crisis awaits in the land of everlasting dream, nobody can hurt you. Nobody can blind you, nobody can haunt you, nobody can tell you you are not free to be who you want to be. It's like going to sleep after the kind of day you wish you could just fast forward to it's end, going to a bed where all nightmares are repelled, along with the responsibility for your lungs to breath and your heart to beat. It must be a nice rest for my heart and lungs, like it is for me. I will dwell on leaving George and Hazell behind later, they will stick together, George will not leave her. They are each other's family now. For now I'm just enjoying drifting, being free and careless. Why didn't I just end this long day sooner?
I guess I'll never find out.
Because I'll never be able to.
There are so many unanswered questions.
But I don't care.
I don't care about anything anymore...The hiss of escaping air from my lungs brings me back to reality. I am alive, the familiar beeping of the hospital fills my ears, a lovely sound to come home to. Not that I wanted to.
In the distance there is sobbing, so mournful and broken, I want to reach out to that person but their cries seem so far away. There are reassuring voices that never reach me, mixed in with the sobs, creating a harmony of misery.A blast of pain almost makes me black out, I cry out loud, unable to stop myself and am instantly entombed by a mesh of hands and muddled voices of which I cannot work out what is being said. I almost want to know, to be reassured by their gentle voices. But no, even that privilege has been taken away from me. I wonder if I'm deaf and blind yet I can still clearly hear the beeping machines and mesh of voices, as well as dimmer fireworks, arbitrarily exploding inside my head. A sequence of agony, my head is my own personal torture chamber. The pain is too much, I can't take it, it is unbearable, my eyes are burning, an inextinguishable fire spreading fast to my brain.
Then... Scratching, in my eye, as if someone's searching for something.
Then... More beeping. I guess I'm not deaf then.
"Is she breathing?" It's the first voice I can hear clearly, the angelic and perfectly glorious voice of George, so broken yet so beautiful. More indecipherable speaking.I honestly haven't got the faintest idea what's going on.
Sorry this chapter, was short- but it was dramatic!
What the floating chickens just happened to Angela!?Read the next chapter to find out!
But for now...¡Adiós!

Teen FictionCOMPLETED- Angela has suffered from mental depression and disorientation ever since her mum died, she is constantly abandoned and nobody is ever there for her. But when a terrible accident happens causing Angela to permanently lose her sight, the o...