Hi guys, you'll be glad to know I'm in the routine of things again so I'll be writing a lot more regularly as it is half term!
Without further ado, please enjoy this chapter!!***
George's P.O.V.
Weeks pass, days pass by uncontrollably, water slipping through my fingers and out of my control. We made it official after that kiss, me and Angela. When your life faces the saddest days, the best people come into your life. Whereas my life was quiet and sad before, when I was alone and confined to what seemed like an infinite expanse of empty space, it's now like I've been slowly pieced back together, one by one. Have you ever seen one of those abstracted collages, where you smash a piece of glass and put it slowly back together, filling in the gaps with colour and light until you create something beautiful. That piece of glass was me, that collage, that beautiful creation you ended up with is me now. The light and colour streaming out of me, helping me to shine and achieve my true self, Angela has helped me be that person, and I am so grateful. She poured out her heart to me, and I did likewise to her. We helped each other, we're a team, me and her belong together, we found each other and completed our lives.
I visit her house every day, I dream about her face every night, her sightless eyes locked on mine, she is so beautiful yet so broken, but I am helping to pick up her pieces like she is doing so to mine. We allow ourselves to fall under each other's spell, lose control of our senses, escape. It's so great, being able to escape so easily, there's always the twinge of sadness for what we both have lost, but it is swallowed up by the rush of happiness in what we have found. She helps me forget what I am, what I used to be, she helps me focus o what I have become and what I will be in the years to come.
What else, she is so beautiful. It's like she is hope itself, rolled up into a skinny and blind teenager, but even her face, the shape of her nose and lips and even her scars, inside and out, even her teenage shell is beautiful to me. It's just nobody else stops to appreciate those things like I do. Nobody notices, her sister is beautiful too, but not like her. She is cute and happy and always smiles even through her hardships, like a light in a dark cave. Her and Angela always manage to put a smile on my face, to make me whole again.Elise's P.O.V.
I haven't seen her, haven't caught a glimpse, and that's a good thing. Stupid, depressed old fart thinks she can feel so sorry for herself because of horrible old me. Ruining my friendship, the first proper friend I've ever had she's now sucking up to, portraying me as the bad guy. That's all creeps like her seem to want to do to me, everyone is against me. She's got her adorable little sister, I have nobody, NOBODY, and it's quite obvious that fit dude, George is under her spell. That's so not fair, I've been able to tow in any guy I wanted, all my boyfriends positively worship me, but not him. Because spoiled old Angela with her big, happy family wants to ruin my life even more by denying me everything, even boys. She has everything she wants and its not fair, we should all be equal, so I'm going to make sure she has something in her life that doesn't go her way, something that doesn't always fall at her feet, and that thing is me.
I'm so glad I made her blind.Stupid old Bianca wanted me to apologise to her, she gave me some money to buy some flowers for her, I bought the flowers, I gave them to that George dude and asked for his number but the bastard told me I could keep the flowers and walked off, I threw the roses in the bin after that. What's the point in buying flowers for a girl who can't even see them, and anyways, better throw them away than let them be turned down by the rich, snobby happy family she obviously has, I'm surprised she hasn't been disowned yet, nobody wants a blind girl. Nobody wants me either.
Sorry this chapter was shorter than usual, it has occurred to me that my chapters are actually all quite short but you guys don't mind, right?
Anyway, some bits of the story are coming together now. The gaps that remain will be filled in soon, I promise.
But for now.

Teen FictionCOMPLETED- Angela has suffered from mental depression and disorientation ever since her mum died, she is constantly abandoned and nobody is ever there for her. But when a terrible accident happens causing Angela to permanently lose her sight, the o...