First off. I'm SOOO sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been so wrapped up in school work right now. Anyway, really sorry and I really hope you enjoy this chapter.
George's P.O.V.
I have to see her. My mind wanders beyond my family, at home counting on me. I want to see this girl so badly. It's insane, I've only seen her a couple of times yet here I am, sprinting down the sidewalk took see Angela in hospital, choosing her over my family. She has this quality that entices you in, although people see her as plain and ordinary, I can see that gleam, that light lighting up her eyes from the inside. Although she is unhappy, which I would give anything to change, she makes me happy. And I'm not going to turn down the one opportunity for something good in my life to change me and the sick bastard of humanity watching over me controlling everything I do with the flick of his wrist. I can't deny that every time I look into her mesmerising eyes my heart does a little back-flip, or that every time she says my name in that beautiful soft voice of hers I want to hear what she sounds like laughing but that haunted look in her eyes that never seems to go away seems to grip her vocals into not doing so. I want to be the first one to release her vocals, to make her happy. But more than anything I want to kiss her again, I know it was only an accident, it didn't mean anything, but yet something really weird stirred inside me at it. It was like we were both trapped in a magical little bubble where no time existed, that we would stay in that moment forever. I never wanted to pull away.
I wish I hadn't.Now I'll never see those eyes again.
A voice interrupts my train of thoughts, sounding from me. I look around to see a sour faced girl around my age, with small, spiteful green eyes that remind me of Angela and cheeks that are as pink as her lipstick. She rings a bell, actually.
"Heeey?" She says again, waving her hand in front of my face rather rudely.
She runs her fingers down my back, pulling me in close, breathing her rosy breath onto my shoulder. Grabbing my hand against her own, tiny and freshly manicured one, whispering softly in my ear.
"So," She says huskily, swinging her arm onto her ass and sighing in a short breathy way.
"I'm Elise,"
She squeezes my bicep and runs her hands down my arms, I shudder.
"What's your name, baby?"
It feels good, a year or two ago I would be taking her top off here and now but things have changed, this crack whore obviously wants me in bed with her. But she's not luring me into that trap, my heart belongs elsewhere. Where does it belong, George?With Angela.
Angela's P.O.V.
At home it's awkward, most teenagers like me would jump at the chance of so much attention and try to ham it up as much as possible but I find myself sneaking away from Hazell as she fusses and tries to get me back into the swing of things without success, she jumps and shivers at odd places, frequently dropping whatever she's holding. I know why, I as good as yelled at Bianca outside the hospital, and Hazell always gets uncomfortable when people yell. But I had reason, and a very good one at that. She abandoned me when I needed her most, what kind of best friend does that?
And now she's apparently trying to make amends, acting like she really gives two shits about me when right now she's probably snuggling up to Elise right now, if Elise isn't busy tormenting some other motherless girl on the streets.
Now it occurs to me that I don't have a clue what my enemy gets up to in her spare time, does she have a warm happy family who snuggle her in by the fire and buy her loads of sweets and presents, or does she live like me or even, does she spend her life as I had always assumed.
Scavenging the streets, searching for people to hurt.It's only then when the penny drops do I realise that me and Elise may have more in common than we think.
Elise's P.O.V.
He has a handsome face with extraordinary cheekbones, better than any I've ever touched before, his eyes are like emeralds, glinting and gleaming in the fading sun, his skin feels so good against mine. Better than Rex or Kaine or Will or Rex or Made or Raymond or Liam or...
Automatically my hand slides under his T-shirt and onto his shiny and, as soon as I lean in to run my tongue against them, he pushes me away. Hate and anger rises up on my throat and bubbles on my tongue.
"No," He says quietly.
"No?" I half-shout, making him flinch. Right, he's a wuss, maybe I don't want to fuck a guy who flinches at a girl shouting at him - but I do love the best where I get to break their hearts afterwards by going to bed with another guy. Mostly I can make them fall under my spell at this stage, but not this one, he's holding strong. But he'll be chasing after me soon."Don't do that," He says loudly when I attempt again. Tugging his shirt free of my grasp, but I advance towards him, anger burning. Oh for god's sake just give in already! My waggling tongue reaches for his and I swing my leg around his waist. But there's a monster inside me that is rearing to escape...
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I scream right in his ear, the monster escaping in the form of words, this time he doesn't flinch and I'm waiting to see him do so when he turns around and walks off into the evening sun.Bianca's P.O.V.
Everything seems so strange, so odd. It's dusk, Melodie and Amber are snuggled up in a little nest sleeping together like two twin cats on the couch while Friends plays over and over on our television. I try to include myself in their humorous conversations, I try to block out the world, but there's a booming voice in the back of my head pointing it's huge finger and making it harder and harder to forget that all this is my fault. True, Elise was the one who pushed her, but we both ran away - we both as good as left her to die. I look back and can't even blame Angela for shouting at me like that. I prise the TV remote out of Amber's clammy hand and change the channel, flicking through each individual programme and doing my best to block the voice out of my head. Then, the newsround theme tune starts to blare and next thing I know I'm left staring at the familiar red screen proclaiming the news of a teenage girl left blinded in thorn bush in West Writtengarden, Kent.
Oh, Angela, oh Angela, I am so sorry.
"Gwhy are gyou grying, Gsis?" My guilty tangent is interrupted by the small, familiar voice of my younger sister Melodie whispering to me with her thumb wedges firmly in her mouth. It's only then do I notice the streams of tears streaming down my cheeks.Oh Angela, how will you ever be able to forgive me?
How will I even be able to forgive myself?
Ooh, long chapter wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed having a few little insights into my characters lives and feelings. Elise is a prostitute, OMG!
So exciting, I can't wait to hear some of your feelings on that matter. So much happened in this chapter so I really hope it made up for the wait.¡Adiós!

Teen FictionCOMPLETED- Angela has suffered from mental depression and disorientation ever since her mum died, she is constantly abandoned and nobody is ever there for her. But when a terrible accident happens causing Angela to permanently lose her sight, the o...