Hiya, just a quick note. I've been writing ANGELA a couple days now and if you've been reading it then I hope you've been enjoying it and not getting too sad. Though personally I nearly cried just writing it! How do you feel about Angela's personality. Is she nice, is she the sort of person you'd like to be your friend putting behind you all her general depression and disorientation. How do you imagine her?
Let me know down in the comments. Please keep reading my book- I promise I won't do many of these little notes- they're not part of the story, just to get you thinking. Please if you haven't already, comment on my book. I don't care if they're bad comments so long as they're not hurtful, how else will I get to improve my stories!?Just a quick recommendation for you here, too. If you haven't already, check out some stories from Isalina123- she's one of my best friends and her stories are beautifully provoking- considering you like that kind of thing. Anyway, please check her stories out- they are great, my favourite is ADOPTED BY JANYA or something like that. Comment if you like it too!

Fiksi RemajaCOMPLETED- Angela has suffered from mental depression and disorientation ever since her mum died, she is constantly abandoned and nobody is ever there for her. But when a terrible accident happens causing Angela to permanently lose her sight, the o...