Angela-Chapter five

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I sit in the forest with the boy, it's almost like I know him. The bell for school has long gone but it doesn't really matter, like Elise said. It doesn't matter, they won't tell me off. Like dad they feel too sorry for me, but that doesn't bother me at present. It's just me and George, that's what matters. He's bunked off school because a snob named Jacques was giving him a hard time. There's a connection between us, his dad is long gone and his mum is to depressed to care about George or his younger brother, Nathaniel. It feels so strange to be near someone with such a similar story, such similar feelings about life. So oddly comforting, and he's so gorgeous...
"Angela," he waves his hand in front of my face, I snap back into focus, humiliated. That's the third time!
I sigh apologetically, and I'm about to bang my head with my fist when he grabs my arm, I feel a rush of satisfaction, excitement. He's touching me, a gorgeous angel is touching me! It's like his hand gives us both an electric shock, we both flinch, and that's when it happened. Love at first sight. My heart gives another flutter and something, something compells me to touch him. Go on, says the voice, go on, GO ON!

We both jolt forward at the same time and then we're kissing, full on the lips. The warmth spreads through my body, tingling every nerve. I wish I could freeze this moment forever, and live in it over and over. His lips are soft and tempting and close up, his skin carries the scent of fresh lemons. His arms wrap around me and it's like magic, my brain and heart feel like they have stopped, this is sheer bliss. I've never felt this happy even before mum died, even when I wasn't a wreck. But now, for the first time in what feels like forever I feel like a real human being, with no disorientation or depression to hold me back. His arms embrace me, securing me, encircling my waist, he is my dream man come to life. There will be a catch, the voice warns, but I push it away, not even my own conscience can ruin this moment. We sink together to the floor, neither of us wanting to break away, but the time comes eventually. His arms slacken their grip on me and his amazing lips break away from mine. Our eyes fix on each other's, the passion visible in them, burning like fire.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" He whispers softly in my ear.
And I answer,

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