Eternity|Chapter 3

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[EDITED] Well guys, I updated! I checked my story every hour and I saw 2 reads each time! Thanks a lot guys. You really mean a lot to me. I love each and every one of you equally! :D Please don't mind the mistakes/typos. On the top/side (depending on what device you read on) is a picture of none other than Levi Heartstone. He shall appear in this chapter! Also, I was listening to this song (clichè) for most of the time and I think its a really good song! Check it out. I don't know if it relates to the chapter though.. Anyways, I hope you like this chapter! Once again..



Share! :D (btw sorry for a really long authors note! >.<)


I think fate really hated me. Right as I stepped out of the school from my talk with my teacher about my 'college ideas', rain started pouring cats and dogs. I threw my bag onto the floor and dug through it, in hopes of a umbrella. With no luck, I didn't find it.

"Dang it!" I swore, zipping up my bag and slinging it carelessly over my shoulder. I sighed heavily before starting to trudge through the rain.

Honk! Beep beep! Screech.

A sound erupted from behind me, making me jump ten foot in the air (I'm exaggerating). A quite embarrassing yelp escaped me when he or she honked, causing me to turn around and glare at the driver.

And the driver happened to be none other than Mr. Levi Heartstone. He was Jake's closest friend and he also had really good looks. Well, basically everyone in Jake's group including him was hot or cute, no lies made.

"Get in.. Melissa. I don't have exactly the whole day," He grumbled, rolling down the windows. I laughed quietly to myself before answering, "What do you want Mr.Heartstone?"

"Get in, it's raining," He muttered. I nodded curtly before opening the door and getting in. I sat down quietly before closing the door.

"Where do you live?"

"Are you trying to stalk me?" I joked. "I live on Birch Street, 904,"

"Oh. Okay."

"You know you didn't have to do this right? If it's inconvenient or anything.." I whispered quietly, but loud enough for him to hear.

"No, no, it's okay. I live only 2 streets away on Stripe Street. Plus I need to talk to you," He murmured quietly.

"And what is that going to be about?" I asked curiously.

"I.. I-I like you Melissa. Ever since I first saw you outside my locker," He confessed. Oh no, not that memory again!

I sighed as I made my way through the crowded, confusing maze of the school. Hmm... Locker 427... Then I saw it. My.. Locker! The numbers that were supposed to be engraved into the locker was slightly hard to see, but I think I saw 427. I stuffed my silver coloured key into into the key hole, hoping I could open it. I tugged and pulled but the dang locker wouldn't budge. Not even a inch.

"What are you doing?" A voice said from behind me. I spun around to face a cute yet hot black haired boy.

"Opening my locker?" I answered unsurely. He laughed before grinning. "This is my locker pretty girl, this is 429.. What locker are you?"

"Uh.." I blushed. Dang it. I was caught opening someones locker. "I.. I'm new here and I'm locker 427. I just got mixed up, I'm so sorry!"

"It's just over there, 2 lockers away. If you need me, just a leave a note in my locker," He smiled. I thanked him before walking to my locker.

But I never did leave a note for him.

"You like me? But I didn't even leave a note.. For you.."

"So? Who cares. I still like you. But I'm not going to ask you out yet.. I need a special time for that," He chuckled. I smiled to myself before the car came to a halt.

"Well.. I'll see you tomorrow," I drawled before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed a bit and waved as I got out.

"See you." He replied before driving away. Smiling to myself, I walked up onto my driveway to see Jake glaring at me.

"What?" I asked, squinting at him.

"So.. You dating him? Lev?" He asked, with a spark in his eye that I couldn't quite decipher yet. I think it was either jealousy, anger or betrayal. Maybe all three of them even..

"Who? You mean Levi? No! What would make you think that?!" I cried, blushing. Thankfully, it was dark so he couldn't see my red face.

"Yeah right. Don't think I can't see your blush. I shouldn't have expected you were the good girl. Your a.. A sl-" He began. I cut him off by covering his mouth. He glared at me before biting my finger.

"Ow! Whatever. Wait a minute.." I mumbled, thinking. It all adds up. He was jealous, and he nearly kissed me not too long ago. Did he like me?

"D-Do.. You like me?"

"N-No! You retard! How would I like someone like you?"

"I have no idea. I'm not that dense you know," I shot back. He looked so mad I half expected to see steam coming out of his ears. I was about to laugh but was stopped when his hand shot up and slapped me really hard. Since it was unexpected, I fell to my knees from impact.

"W-What.. Was that for?" I whispered painfully, holding a hand to my cheek.

"For thinking that. For tricking me. For being a sl-" He shouted. I slapped him in the face before he could finish that dreadful word and thankfully, he stopped. He glared at me one last time before stomping back into his house like a spoilt 3 year old. Okay, maybe he was a spoilt 3 year old. Sighing, I opened the door to my house and slid in. Since my mom was already asleep, I quietly called Laura.

"Hello?" Her slightly British accent hollered.

"Laura. You asleep? I have to tell you something. Come over to my house for movie marathon, stay over tonight. My moms asleep and she's leaving early tomorrow," I whispered.

"See you in 10!" She informed before hanging up. Thats what I love about Laura;she was always there for me and she was only 10 minutes away. After 10 minutes of sulking in my black leather couch, there was a quiet knock on the door. I opened it to be greeted with Laura clad in her Minecraft printed pajamas.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Don't hey me, tell me everything." She demanded.

"Rude much? Hello to you too," I joked.

"Just tell me!" Laura argued. So I did. I told her. Everything.

I just hope she could keep her promise to not tell anyone.

Including Nina.

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