Eternity|Chapter 20

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☼Laura's POV☼

"So.. Have you ever thought of repaying Melissa?" Ryan asked as I stuffed a fork-full of spaghetti into my mouth. 

"Ya!" I said, my voice muffled from the food in my mouth.

"Ew. Don't speak with your mouth open! It's disgusting. Hasn't your mom taught you your lady manners?" He teased, wiping my mouth for me. I beamed at him and swallowed my food. 

"Anyways, I said yes. But I never know what to do to repay her! Like, what can I do to ever even repay her for everything she's done for me! She's helped me and been there for me since I was in year 1. Do you have any ideas?" I asked, looking down at my food. 

"You do know Jake has a crush on her right? So much for her being 'not oblivious'. By the way, don't tell Jake I told you. He'd cut my balls off and shove it down my throat." 

"Okay...? And, she already told him she suspected him liking her, but he denied it. So... It's not her fault you ass!" I scolded him. How dare he blame my best friend? 

"What? You think if someone asked if I liked someone - not that I do like anyone other than you of course - I would say yes? Of course I wouldn't! That would be plain embarrassing. Especially if the person you like is asking you. You both are so dumb." 

"Excuse me?" I faked shock. He rolled his eyes and pointed his fork at me. 

"So get them two together. It's not that hard you know," He suggested, twirling his spaghetti onto his fork. 

"Whatever. I have the perfect plan." 


"Hey Melissa!" I waved, my mischievous plan stuck in my head.

"Oh h-" She started. 

"Sorry, have to run! Uh, morning detention!" I lied, pretending to check my hot pink G-Shock. 

"Gee, what is it with people cutting me off?" She mumbled quietly as I ran towards the huge sports hall. 

"Hey Mr. Harrison, for dodgeball today, can you get Jake and Melissa to go get the equipment? And can I have the key for the supply room?" I begged, giving him my best shot at the puppy dog eyes. I was Mr. Harrison's favourite student, seeing as he was in his early 20's and rumours said he had a huge crush on me. Crushes had it's advantages right? 

"Fine." He sighed and continued "But why?"

"Oh, I have to do something," I winked, smiling at him. He nodded and headed back to his tiny office. I headed back out, smiling to myself.

It's time I did something for my best friend for everything she's done for me.


"Students, today we are going to do the awaited dodgeball!" Mr.Harrison called. I gave him the 'DO IT!' look and he looked down and sighed. 

"Melissa and Jake, go get the dodge balls! Laura, come here!" He demanded, pointing to the supply room. I got up nonchalantly and walked over to him, watching him carefully. He handed me the supply closet key and took a step back. I thanked him and ran towards the supply closet. Right after they stepped in, I slammed the door shut and locked it. After trying to open it a few times, I walked away and smirked. I threw him the key when nobody was looking and kicked the stack of dodge balls that was hiding in the shades in his direction. 

I hope they work things out if they haven't yet.

♡Melissa's POV♡

"Students, today we are going to do the awaited dodgeball!" Mr.Harrison announced to the class. I looked at Laura and saw her give Mr.Harrison a look before she shot me a tiny smile and looked back at him.

"Melissa and Jake, go get the dodge balls! Laura, come here!" He commanded, pointing to the supply room. Me and Jake robotically nodded and walked to the closet slowly. Right after we entered, I heard the door slam and someone outside locking it. I immediately banged on the thick as hell door, hoping for that person to die. They jiggled the door a few times before the door went still. 

"We're... Trapped." I cried, kicking the door a hundred times.

"Hey, at least you're with someone right?" He smirked. 

"I don't need you're cockiness right now. Thanks!"

"Geez. There's no dodge balls here.." He stated, looking around. I looked around and agreed with him, nodding my head. I slid down the wall and looked at the dull, grey ceilings. 

"So.. Now what?" I asked defeatedly, watching as he sat down next to me. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him. 

"Anyways, wh-" All of a sudden, the air conditioner started to blow loads of cold air, interrupting me mid-sentence. 

"Holy, it's freezing cold!" I complained, rubbing my arms to warm up. The air conditioner started to blow even more freezing air into the room. The temperature was at less than 0ºc. I swear on it! 

Soon enough, my body couldn't tolerate the cold and my teeth were chattering. My hands were shivering and my body was shaking like crazy. 

I shouldn't have wore a crop top and jean shorts.

"Jesus. Are you really that cold?" He asked, shivering once in a while. Sighing, I nodded. All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around me and let his warmth embrace me. I stuffed my face into his chest to get more heat. 

"Thanks... Ooh, how do you stay so warm? So unfair!" I whined, pouting at him. He chuckled at my behaviour and tightened his arms around me. 

"Who told you to wear a crop top and jean shorts huh?" He asked, smirking. I looked down in embarrassment and felt his chest shaking as he laughed. Blood quickly rushed to my cheeks, making my cheeks burn red. Teasing me, he pinched my cheeks and squished it. 

"Awww, how cute!" 

"F*ck you." I swore, flipping the bird at him. Then I realised that this was the first time I swore and flipped the bird. Then, another thought hit me. 

I was stuck in a tiny supply closet with my 'fake boyfriend'.  And, the third thing I realised was.. His arms were wrapped around me in a protective manner. 

"Uh.." I murmured awkwardly. Quickly, I removed my face from his chest and looked up at him. 

"Look, I need to te-" He was cut off by the door opening and Laura's beam covering the doorway. 

"Come on lovebirds, you've missed a lot of this lesson." She smirked, strutting away. 

Was this her plan all along? Well, I sure as hell am gonna kick her ass for this. 


Hey guys. If the time for you is earlier or later, sorry for the confusion. Hope you liek this chapter! I have a feeling the next chapter all of you will love. :)

On the top/side (depending on device) is the song I was listening to. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO!

Once again, no picture today! 

Teaser [Chapter 21]: Jake's POV! ;)

Update: Day after tomorrow or tomorrow if you vote!






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