Eternity|Chapter 17

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Soon enough, our plane landed in the fantabulous HollyWood. Quickly, I ran off the plane, in a hurry to see our house for the next few days.

"Come on. Come on. Come onnn!" I cried, jumping up and down like a child in a candy store.

"Jeez. Can you be any less patient?! Patience is a virtue." Jasper grumbled, walking out of the plane and rubbing his eyes.

"Ooh. Sleepy I see!" I giggled twirling around repeatedly.

"Are you high? What is wrong with you?! You're so dang annoying." Victoria complained, pulling her pink suitcase towards her.

"No, I'm not. I'm just exxxciiiiteeed!" I drawled, bouncing around.

"Whatever." Jasper muttered, grabbing his bag and leading the way.

"Is the house nice?" I asked, my head coming up with ideas of how the house might look like.

"Wait. Anna told me to wait for her, you guys go ahead." Victoria informed us, taking a seat on the silver benches outside our gate.

"Sure we can go first?" I asked.

"Yep. Go ahead."

"Okeeeeeyy." I sang, dragging Jasper with me.

"You're so annoying."

"I know, thank you." I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Can you be any less energetic?"




"Jeez, I didn't mean it like that idiot."

"Who cares?"


"Whatever." I mimicked, handing a lady my passport. Jasper did the same, handing his to another slightly older lady.

"I'm going to ignore you." He stated, grabbing his passport back and walking out. I took my passport and ran after him, afraid to lose him. What can I say? I've never been here and I really don't want to be lost on the first day. I caught up with him and started to poke him repeatedly, hoping to annoy him.

"Don't ignore me.." I pouted, poking him. He ignored me, grabbing his luggage off the belt and taking it with him towards the glass doors.

"Waiiiiiiittt!" I shrieked, running over to him. Except, I didn't actually get to go to him because when I turned, I crashed into Caroline - Alex's mother. 

"Hello dear!" She grinned, crushing me in a hug. 

"Eh... Hi?" I mumbled, awkwardly hugging her back. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked, pulling away and smiling. 

"Modeling. Lemme guess, you're here to see Alex?" I replied, trying not to growl his name out. 

"Yeah. He's doing modeling as well! I wanted to go say hi to my baby boy. So, are you and Alex doing a long term relationship?" 

"No.. We broke it off. We didn't want our relationship to fail." I lied, fiddling with my fingers. 

"Oh. Well, that's sad. You seem like a daughter to me." 

"Oh, uh yeah." 

"Well, nice to see you. But I have to run, see you!" She called, running over to her blue and yellow suitcase. I nodded and also grabbed my suitcase, dragging it. I ran out, hoping for Jasper to jump out yelling, "Ha! I got you!"

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