Eternity|Chapter 10

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Heyo guysssssssssss! I hope the 'two chapters in one day' cheer you guys up! Since I don't have much time on this book, I think I'll make around 25 chapters. BUT DON'T WORRY! I'm going to make a sequel or a spin-off. Not sure yet! Anyways, on the top/side (depends on which device your using), is Nina :D The song I listened to for this chapter is... Trouble by Iggy Azalea! I'm now proud to present.. Chapter 10! Please,



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I sighed as I closed the door to my eerily silent house. Heading down the porch, I saw the back of a certain brown haired boy.

"Hey Jake!" I smiled, waving at him. He turned around and smiled back at me.

"Sup?" He called. I skipped to him and hugged him.

"What the hell?" He asked, surprised that I just hugged him. Me, hugging Jake.

"I figured you'd need a hug since you broke up with your crush," I teased, pinching his cheeks after pulling away.

"Look.. I don't actually l-"

"Jake, you- Oh hi Melissa dear!" Jake's mom -Jasmine- cried, waving and grinning. I smiled back before turning to the direction of my garage.

"I'll go, see you later Jakie!" I laugh, running to the car before he could shout at me for calling him Jakie. But wait a minute.

What was he trying to say before his mom butted in? Some things, I will never know.


Sighing, I made my way to my closet. Apparently, I had a 'special' modeling session today.

After searching for 20 minutes, I decided to call Laura and ask for her opinion.

"Helloooooooo?" Laura sang. I face palmed before remembering she couldn't see me.

"Hi. Laura, help me! Apparently, I have a special modeling session today, and I need to dress up. I don't know what to wear! What do you think? I'm pretty sure you remember my closet like the back of your hand." I stated.

"Damn right I remember!" She giggled. I sighed before waiting for her answer.

"Hmm... What about that black puffy dress with the lace corset thing?" She suggested after a moment of thinking.

"Sounds good." I agreed.

"See you sister!"

"See ya!" I replied, my finger hovering over the end call button.

"Oh and send me a pict-" She started, cut off by me ending the call. I laughed before going to dress up. The dress had a black and white corset, the bottom bit black and puffing out. On top, a layer of clear lace and white flowers scattered over it. I put on makeup before grabbing my heels and running out of the house. Taking out my phone, I took a selfie and sent it to a very impatient Laura. After having a small chat with Laura, I grabbed the car key, unlocked the car and got in.

"Here we go!" I cried before blasting on the music and singing along.


"Hey Melissa!" Jasper grinned, pulling me into a hug. I blushed and hugged him back, grinning as I did so. 

"Jasper! Let go!" I exclaimed after 2 minutes of hugging. He pulled back and smiled at me before trying to use his brown hair to cover his blushing cheeks. 

"Aww.. Jasper, no need to blush!" I teased, grinning cheekily at him. He glared at me before dragging me upstairs to the modeling stage. 

"Good luck," He winked, running back downstairs. I rolled my eyes before turning towards Victoria. 

"Now tell me, what makes this modeling session so special?" I asked, emphasising the word special. She smiled mysteriously at me before hiding it with a shrug. 

"Eh, I don't know. You'll have to see for yourself." She cackled. I face palmed and glared at her. 

"Okay Melissa! Get on stage, the scene will be a castle for the first picture. Pose like a princess." Anna ordered, pointing towards the stage. I nodded before making my way to the desired spot. 

This is going to be a long session. 


Groaning, I rolled out of bed to the sound of my alarm clock. I quickly took a shower before brushing my teeth and brushing my hair. I didn't have modeling today, but I had to bring my car to fix since my tire got deflated by a pin on the road. I didn't have any spare tires so I brought it to the nearest car fixer to help me inflate it. I pulled on a off the shoulder red shirt and jean shorts, a simple white cardigan to finish the look. I only put lip balm since I felt like my face needed a break from all the makeup my face had to deal with for the past few days. 

It felt good to finally be able to wear casual clothes.

After making a quick stop to the kitchen, I headed out the door and onto the sidewalk. 

"Aren't you driving? You're not going to make it to first period if you walk." Jake stated from behind me. I checked my phone's time before smacking myself in the face. 

"Jesus. I guess I woke up late." I muttered, putting my phone back in the pocket. 

"So... Why aren't you dressed up today?" He asked, closing his own door and walking behind me.

"I figured I needed a break I guess." I replied.

"Oh.. How about the ma- You don't know do you?" He smirked. 

"Nope. What?" I asked curiously. His smirk deepened before he took my arm and dragged me to his motorcycle. 

"Just tell me. Please? You're making me so curious." I grumbled, following him. 

"No. Just shut up and get on." He grunted, shoving a helmet to me. I took it and placed it on my head before climbing onto the death machine. He got on as well before speeding off. I quickly grabbed his waist, scared of falling off. 

"Slow downnnn!" I cried, my voice getting lost in the air. I heard him laugh before he sped up, going about 1000km per hour. I removed one hand from his waist and slapped his back, hoping to hurt him. 

Sadly, it didn't. A bummer, ain't it?

After a few more moments, his black and red death machine came to a stop outside the school. Everyone in the school turned to us, before everyone started whispering to each other.

"Oh wow. Why is everyone gossiping if I only took a ride on your death machine? I mean seriously, it isn't that big of a deal!" I complained, climbing off and giving the helmet back to him. 

"OMG! Oh my God! Oh. My. God!" Laura screamed, bouncing to me with Nina next to her. 

"What?" I groaned, sighing. 

"YOU DON'T KNOW?!" Nina shrieked, giving me the look that said 'don't lie to me'. I shrugged truthfully before turning to them.

Why was everyone acting so weird? What did I not know that everyone knew?

"Melissa, I didn't know you were that dumb. Nina and I know, everyone in this school knows, but YOU! Girl, you're in the cover of the Teen Vogue Magazine." 

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