16 : •Cupcake pout•

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**Days went on. Nova and Leo started to talk almost everyday. They alwats hang out together whenever they have time.**

**In a sunny morning, Nova was doing his chores, he gets text.**

- "Nova, r u busy?"

- "Nope. Why?"

- "I invite you to my house today"

- "Omg really?"

- "Hmm. I made some colourful cupcakes"

- "I am gonna try them fr"

- "Then come quickly."

**He got up quickly cause he doesn't want to make her wait for the cupcake. He Gets dressed quickly and heads to the entrance door. Mr.L was passing by him, he noticed him and speaks,**

Mr.L : "Ay, Where you going buddy?"

Nova : "Well, someone invited me.."

Mr.L : "Someone? Who invited you?"

Nova : "Well, someone special...for me."

Mr.L : *chuckles* "Well, at least Can I have him or her name"

Nova : "Leo"

**That name made him more curious. He really didn't heard that name properly.**

Mr.L : "What is her name?"

Nova : " It's LEO."

**Mr.L's eyes goes widen for a moment. He thinks a bit and lets out sigh*

Mr.L : "Okay..But be careful"

Nova : "Okay."

**Nova notices his sudden weird behaviour, like he was hiding something from him. But he didn't care at that moment.**

**He leaves from the house and Mr.L Watched him leaving from a distance. After sometime , He reached her house. Leo was standing in front of the gate. She smiles and waves at him.**

Leo : "Hey dumbass, You waited me for so long."

Nova : "Sorry..."

Leo : "You haven't see my house, have you?"

Nova : "Not really."

Leo : "Okay come inside."

**Nova walks up to her house. He got amused that her room was so nice and clean. He sees some photo of her and admires it**

Nova : "Wow, you are cleaner than me. By the way, your photo is very nice."

Leo : "Thanks. Now sit on the bed. I am going to bring my cupcakes."

Nova : *sits on the bed* "Okay okay. I am not going anywhere."

**He waits from her, but not so long. Leo comes back with colourful cupcakes on the big tray.**

Leo : "Here I go"

Nova : *looks at the cupcakes* "Wow, they are so nice."

Leo : "It's made by me of course."

Nova : "I appreciate that."

** Nova picks up a cupcake and bites down. This was totally good for him**

Nova : "Wow Leo, You are so good at cooking. Thanks you for inviting me."

**They both eat and speaks random stuff. It was like Nova was falling for her. The was she speaks and acts, She reminds him of Lynx. At that time he really misses her.**

**In the meantime, Mr.L looks outside through the window and calls someone.**

Mr.L : "Hello?"

??? : "Hi, It's been awhile since we have talked. How are you?"

Mr.L : "Nothing special. What about you? You seem so busy with your work."

??? : "Yeah so much."

Mr.L : "Hey, I think Nova already fell for someone. What do you think?"

??? : *chuckles* "I wonder who it is."

Mr.L : "But we also have to do our work right?"

??? : "I know. Let him find out himself. The loss of Lynx almost broke him down. She is just keeping her promise."

Mr.L : "Oh I get it."

??? : "Yup. We will see each other soon. Take care"

Mr.L : "Good bye."


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