20 : •Killing the darkness•

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**At the time, Leo was so close to them. Only 2 kilometers difference She increases the speed of her bike and rushes. The place was a bit far from the city, A path that is leading her to a different environment.** 

**Leo reaches her destination. She stops her bike and takes stands up from the bike. It was completely different atmosphere. She stood in front of a bit abandoned factory. She sees that the van was standing in the side of the main entrance. She is sure that Nova is somewhere around her, but where..?** 

**She carefully reaches the gate and opens it. She carefully investigates the Factory, It wasn't that big to explore. She sees the 'stuffs only' door and she decided to open it.**

**Once she opened it, She sees a long stairs leads a way to the basement but it is supposed to be a room. She didn't hesitate and starts taking downstairs. Those stairs starts leading her in a dark hallway. Once she reached, There was a dead end. A dead end by a door.**

**She  holds the knob and pushes the door. It was unlocked, she expected to be locked. She sees Nova is still tied up tp the chair, but this time he wasn't blindfolded or something. Nova looks and gives her a big smile.**

**That smile didn't take long to be faded. Once Leo moves his foot to go near him, Sam Bangs her head with a metal pipe. She lost consciousness immedietly. Sam gives him a creep smile and says**

Sam : "Look. Who's coming to save you."

Nova : "Wha..?"

Sam : "It's her. I waited her for so long. But I didn't expected to see her like this...Pathetic."

Nova : "Please Leave her."

Sam : "Oh really? You want me to leave her?

Nova : "I'll protect her at all cost."

Sam : "Protective huh? You know what, I really don't understand what's going on with you guys. You're saying you'll protect her, She is coming to protect you. I am imagining who will take charge."

Nova : "Wha- what do you mean by 'charge'?"

Sam : "Nevermind."

**Sam picks her up and ties her up to a chair, just like Nova. Now both of them desperately waiting her to wake up. After Some minute, Leo opens her eyes. She was too blurry to see everything. She notices that Sam was sitting in front of him with a big smile.**

Sam : "Wakey wakey, It's time to wake up. Good sleep?"

Leo : "S..Sam?"

Sam : "Yeah, It's your friendly neighborhood businessman."

Leo : *notices that she is tied up* "What the-"

Sam :"Surprised huh? It's been a long time since I met you. You changed a lot."

Leo : "But you haven't."

Sam : *chuckles* "Thanks for noticing." 

Leo : "What you want?"

Sam : "I need those papers...'The VIII papers'..."

Leo : "On my dead body."

Sam : "It won't take any time to kill you. Just like your sister."

Leo : "sis...ter?"

**Leo gets shock by mentioning her sister. Nova looked at her for a moment. She was too quiet.  Leo looks at Sam with her cold eyes and speaks calmly.**

Leo : "Look, I am not here to talk some nonsense. If you really want those papers...You have to. fight with me."

Sam : "Looks like you have loss of femininity. Be a good kid, and hand me those papers."

Leo : "I dare you."

Sam : "You changed but your attitude haven't. Sam, loves dares. Let's see. *turns to Nova* Hey, who would win if me and her fight?"

Leo : "Nuh uh, I'd win."

**With a laugh she breaks the chairs handle that was tied her up. She got up and punches his face but Sam dodges it. Every punch that Leo was making, sam instantly dodges every single punches. In this situation, Sam decides to tease her.**

Sam : "You are so weak. More more. I wanna see the beast in you."

Leo : "You are going the fuck down."

**Leo increases her speed but Sam keeps backing away. At that time he grabs her hand and throws her away. Leo crashes into some boxes. She grunts with a small pain and looks up at him. She clenches her hand and runs toward him. Sam chuckles again on her action.**

Sam : "Why don't you understand? You are just like your sister. Pathetic."

**Leo screams and kicks him. This time he didn't expected her kick coming so her kick hits right on his stomach. He immedietly falls on the ground. He growls and stands up. He still keeps his smirk on his face and speaks**

Sam : "Oh you took it personally? Alright...I have to back YOU down."

Leo : "Try me, you sucker."


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