The Tipsy Rose

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Roman and Maya were at their favorite bar, The Tipsy Rose. The drink combinations were unique, and it was a short walk from State of Create. Sitting at the bar, Maya turned to Roman and said, "Alright, let's hear it. All of it." Looking at her friend, Roman said, "Can we at least order drinks first, Maya? Jeez!". Laughing, Maya said, "Roman, if you don't tell me about sex with that man right now, I swear to God." Both women were laughing now, "Ok, obviously the sex was life-changing, Maya. I mean, I can't stop thinking about it or him". Sitting back and crossing her legs, Maya responded, "Damn girl, you are so gone." Letting out a slow breath, Roman nodded, "Completely gone for him." Maya sat up, the teasing and playfulness replaced with worry, "Look, I am all for this. You need to put yourself out there. You found someone that's not only hot as hell but who also treats you well. You don't have to make it anything serious yet. Just have fun." Roman wished she could tell Maya everything about Azrael. She didn't know how to tell Maya how serious it was already. Even if she could tell Maya the truth, Roman wouldn't know where to start or what to say. She was still processing Azrael being an angel, let alone her mate.

Sipping the drinks they ordered, Roman changed the subject, "So, what about Daniel then?" she teased. Maya took a drink of her cocktail, "I don't know. I like him, and we have fun, but I don't know if I am ready for a serious commitment again." Roman nodded with understanding. Roman's relationship with Azrael happened so quickly and intensely that she hadn't had time to consider what kind of commitment she was making. Not that she resented him for it; she was pretty sure she was in love with him, as crazy as it seemed. She turned to Maya, "I understand. Trusting someone completely is difficult, and letting them in is even harder." Both women were momentarily silent, sipping their drinks and watching the other customers at the bar. It was starting to get crowded, tables were filling up, and people were dancing to the loud music. "Alright, enough of this!" Maya shouted, clapping her hand to her thigh, "Let's dance.

It was just after eight o'clock, and they'd been dancing and drinking for a few hours. Heading to the bar's bathroom, Roman read Azrael's texts.

Azrael: Having fun?

Azrael: I can pick you up when you are ready.

Giggling, Roman dialed Azrael's number. Butterflies danced in her stomach as she waited for him to answer. "Turn around, baby," Azrael said from behind her. Spinning with surprise, Roman threw her arms around him. Kissing him, she asked, "Did you know where I was this entire time?". Smirking, Azrael quirked a brow and replied, "Perhaps. I didn't want to impose on girls' night, but Phoenix is still very much a threat, and there is no way I'd leave you unprotected". Roman's arms fell from Azrael's neck; how could she have forgotten about Phoenix? "Oh my gosh, how could I be so careless," she told Azrael. "I'm sorry, between learning we are mates and everything this morning, I honestly forgot about Phoenix," Roman said with a heavy sigh as she placed her forehead on Azrael's chest. Smoothing her hair back, Azrael said, "I'm happy you could have fun tonight and not worry about Phoenix. I won't let anything happen to you, Roman. I promise". "Besides," Azrael said, tilting her chin to look into her eyes while grinning, "I enjoyed watching you dance."

Leading Azrael back to the bar, Roman kept a firm grip on his hand. The Tipsy Rose was packed now, and she had to squeeze between the other patrons to find Maya. Spotting Maya on the dance floor, she signaled she was returning to their seats. Maya nodded in understanding as she looked at Azrael behind her. Azrael smiled warmly at her. He had been watching over the two women since they arrived after work. He'd meant what he said to Roman; he wanted her to have fun tonight despite everything that was going on around them. Azrael wasn't going to leave her unprotected, though, so he sat watching her drink, dance, and laugh with Maya.

Sitting on the stool beside her, he watched her sway to the music. A part of him wondered if she was trying to distract herself from the truth of what she had learned. He was surprised when she hadn't asked any questions about her heritage after finding out she wasn't human. He didn't blame her, though. It was a lot to comprehend in such a small amount of time. He wanted to give her all the time she needed. She looked so carefree and happy at this moment; he did not want to ruin it. Pulling her into his side, he wondered how he had ever gone without her. He had known duty and obligation for so long that he'd forgotten what it was like to love another and to live a life beyond ferrying souls. The last person he loved betrayed him deeply, shutting him off from the world. He closed his eyes for a moment, dissolving any thoughts of Isda. Roman was the picture of life; beautiful, talented, and caring, she was nothing like his ex-wife. Running his hand down her back, he pulled her closer, inhaling her scent. He needed to take Roman to speak with Eloheem. They were missing something, and he was sure Eloheem would have the answer.

Maya plopped down on the stool next to Roman. "Ok, I think I'm done for the night.", she said, shouting over the music as she fanned herself. Roman agreed; it was too hot and crowded now. Plus, if she was honest with herself, she just wanted to be alone with Azrael. They hadn't talked as they sat at the bar and listened to the music, but his hand gliding up and down her back sent shivers through her body. The combination of the alcohol and his scent had her more than ready to have a repeat of this morning. Shaking away her thoughts, Roman grabbed her purse and Azrael's hand, following Maya to the exit. She hugged Maya goodnight and waved as her Uber drove off. She faced Azrael, who watched her as she approached him. "Take me home," she whispered as her lips brushed his.


Roman slept peacefully, legs peeking from beneath the sheet, as Azrael watched her. They had barely reached the front door before their clothes were off, and he was falling into her. His mate was perfect. Her body moved perfectly with his, her lips fitting between his like the final puzzle piece. Now, he'd been lying awake beside her as a memory nagged at him, wriggling in his mind, trying to come forth. What was it, though, and why couldn't he remember? Malakai yipped, causing Azrael to tense. Azrael walked toward the dog, getting up carefully so as not to wake Roman. "What is it?" he asked Malakai. The dog growled, emitting a low, rumbling sound from his chest.

Looking toward the back door, Azrael slowly opened it. Zadkiel stood, white wings still splayed wide as if he just landed. "What are you doing here, Zadkiel?" Azrael asked in a cautious tone. Tucking his wings in, Zadkiel replied, "Eloheem wishes to see you both." He nodded, looking toward the hallway over his shoulder. Azrael turned, seeing Roman leaning her hip against the wall and watching their interaction. She was wearing only his shirt and was looking toward Zadkiel curiously. "A simple text would have sufficed," Azrael said, looking back at Zadkiel. Zadkiel took a step back, examining Roman's house. "I was curious", is all he said. Azrael was on edge; the less anyone knew about where she lived, the better. Feeling uneasy, he barked, "Leave. We will come to Shamayim in the morning". Zadkiel nodded, unfurling his wings. "Next time, do not come over unannounced," Azrael said before slamming the door shut.

"Who is Zadkiel?" Roman asked. "He is an Archangel, The Angel of Mercy," Azrael answered. "You seemed unhappy with him," she stated. Ignoring her comment, Azrael led her back to the bedroom. "Eloheem wants to speak with us tomorrow. Are you ok with that? I know this is sudden." She took his hand, "I'll admit, the thought of meeting Eloheem is intimidating, but maybe he has news about Phoenix, and I think it's time I stop avoiding reality. Besides, you said we needed to talk with him too." Azrael smiled, brushing his thumb gently over her hand, "You are more than I could have asked for in a mate and so brave. I'm thankful I found you. Let's go back to sleep. It looks like we will be going to Shamayim in the morning". 

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