Sharing dreams

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Trusting Azrael, Roman said, "I want to show you something." Standing, she reached for his hand, guiding him down the hall. They stopped at the closed door. She looked back at Azrael, took a deep breath, and opened it. The scent of paint hit Azrael as he stepped into the room. Looking around, he took in the many canvases, paints, and brushes. Roman watched as Azrael walked around the room, studying each picture. He stopped before the canvas that depicted the black-winged angel reaching for the woman. After studying it for a long moment, Roman held her breath as he turned toward her; would he also see the similarities?
Azrael spoke, low and gruff, "I've seen this image in my dreams." She was speechless. What had he just said? " your dreams?" she questioned. "Azrael, I painted this from my dreams. I...I've had the same dream for months." Azrael walked to her, tilting her chin up to meet his eyes. She continued, "Since I was a teenager, I've been fascinated with celestial beings. Angels, demons, and biblical wars between heaven and hell." Azrael watched as she spoke, that pulling of the invisible string intensifying. Something strange was happening between them, something unexplainable and something he had never felt in his hundreds of years. She had to be the woman in his dreams; there was no doubting it now, but if that were true, then it meant Roman was indeed his mate. Azrael looked at her now, realizing she was his soul in the flesh. He was looking at his mate, a human woman.

Roman went to step back, letting Azrael's hand fall from her face. She dipped her head down, embarrassed at what she just revealed. What if he thought she was ridiculous? Painting these fantasies, these strange dreams. He stepped toward her, placing his hands on her hips and pulling her flush to him. "Roman," he breathed, softly saying her name. Roman's heart was beating so fast. She was nervous, excited, and terrified. She was more attracted to Azrael than she had ever felt toward any man. His fingers caressed her hips, moving to her waist and bringing them even closer. She looked into his green eyes, shining so bright, and she knew she was safe. Safe to share her dreams, her paintings, Azrael couldn't deny her anymore. He couldn't deny himself. He leaned down, pressing his lips to her parted pink ones. Roman's lips were soft and full; slipping his tongue between them, he deepened the kiss. She met his tongue with her own, letting him take control. Azrael moved his hand to her neck, grasping it and pressing her back against the wall. He slid his fingertips down the bare skin of her arms. Roman pulled away from him and gasped, feeling a sharp tingle form up her arms where his fingers had just been. She looked down, expecting to see something, anything to explain the pain. Azrael was staring at her arms in disbelief. The markings, his markings, were scrawled in silver, running the expanse of her arms. Roman rubbed at her arms to ease the pain. If only she could see the ruins both on his arms and hers. They were mirror images. Azrael's black and Roman's silver. He stared at her and couldn't help the smile that formed. He had found his mate.

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