Getting home

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"So how'd you two end up here anyway?" Nyx asked standing over the villainous couple.

"My minions are complete morons." Hades said, obvious anger in his voice. He finished rewraping Maleficents leg to stop the bleeding, for now.

"Yeah imma need more info than that." Nyx pushed for information.

"They set off a bomb in an attempt to kill me and we both fell into tartarus." Maleficent explained.

"Now see Hades," Nyx says, "that's all you had to say."

Hades rolled his eyes, "if you're done bugging us, we kinda need to get on our way."

"And how do you plan to do that if your girl can't walk and you won't let her turn into a dragon?" She asked.

"I can walk." Maleficent argued.

"Not without making that wound of yours worse." Nyx pointed out.

Maleficent turned back to Hades and asked, "is she always like this?"

"Yes," he sighed, "why do you think she says down here?" Hades stood up and helped Maleficent to her feet. He put his arm around her waist and put her arm over his shoulder to support her so she didn't have to put much pressure on her leg.

"You two are really gonna walk to the doors?" Nyx asked again.

"Unless you have a better idea." He snapped.

Nyx smirked and with a snap of her fingers, her chariot appeared. Hades and Maleficent looked at it and at Nyx surprised. They didn't think she'd offer to help them; sadly, hades wasn't stupid. "Okay, what's the catch?" He asked.

"No catch."

"Really?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "No catch?"

"Really. Consider this my one good deed for century." And with that she disappeared leaving the chariot in front of a skeptical Hades and a confused Maleficent. "Your friend is weird."

"Again, why do you think she stays down here." Hades helped Maleficent onto the chariot takes off, guiding the horses to fly out of Tartarus. Maleficent watched the ground below them, and watched as they flew over the River Styx where all the lost souls were wandering around the river bank. "Is there really nothing we can do for them?"

Hades looked down at the souls his girl was referring to. "They don't have payment, Lotus flower. They can't get across without it."

"And the ones who aren't even meant to be here?"

"Like I said before, most have already lost their voice. If they can't speak, we can't help them."

Maleficent didn't like that answer. The whole concept of having to pay to get into the afterlife just rubbed her the wrong way. Hades could see the sad look on her face. He put his arm around her waist and held her close, "I know it's kinda a screwed up system, but that's the way it's been for centuries and it's to late to change it now."

Maleficent laid her head on his shoulder and he drove the chariot the rest of the way to the palace. "Still, the concept is weird."

"I know Lotus flower. But you'll get used to it."


"THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HADES AND MALEFICENT ARE IN TARTARUS!?!?" Hecate yelled at a very terrified Pain and Panic.

Panic could barely get a sentence out he was stuttering so much. "We uhh..we me..mean..hehe well.."

"SPIT IT OUT!" Hecate yelled.

"We set off a bomb to make maleficent fall into tartarus but the boss fell with her and now there both down there and we don't know what to do!!!" Pain blurted out.

Hecate was silent for a moment before unleashing all her rage on them. "YOU DID WHAT!?!?" She threw a fireball at the terrified imps, burning them to a crisp. "You two absolutely stupid morons!!! How could you be this stupid!? Do you have a death wish!? Do you want the underworld to be thrown into chaos!?" Hecate was in such a state of panic and worry that she didn't notice Hades and Maleficent entering the room.

"Should we stop her or.." Maleficent asked

"Nah." Hades said, "she'll stop eventually." She in fact did not stop eventually. She continued to berate pain and panic and beating the crap out of them for a solid 7 hours. Maleficent and Hades had gotten bored about an hour into it and went to treat their injuries and get cleaned up. They came back after accidentally falling asleep to see pain and panic cowering in a corner while Hecate threw several books and other furniture at them, while yelling about how stupid they are. "Can we stop her now?" Maleficent asked.

Hades shrugged. "Yeah, only because I don't want her to break my couch." Hades walked over to Hecate and pulled her away from the two imps by throwing her over his shoulder. "Okay that's enough." He ordered

"Hades put me down this instant!!" She yelled, attempting to get free from his grasp. It took about half a second to realize Hades was now in fact, not in tartarus. "HADES!?" She yelled, get free from his grip and hugging him tightly, "Oh thank the gods you're okay!!!"

Hades chuckled and hugged her back. "Glad to see your actually worried about us."

"Of course I was worried about you!" She yelled. "You got fucking sent to tartarus!!!"

"Less sent more like thrown into it."

"Same thing!"

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