33•I'm never fine

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Chapter 33
I'm never fine

Aoyama, Tokyo
Ian x JK House

JK paced around the living room while Haemi sat, her head in her hands. She felt devastated. JK's constant walking didn't help. He mumbled curses, insulting Kyo and his whole bloodline. "Lucky bastard. Lucky son of a-"

"Enough!" Haemi screamed, her emotions getting the best of her. "Shut up! Why did you bring me here in the first place?"

JK stopped right then. He looked at her, noticing the stress on her face. He kneeled by the couch in front of her. He grabbed her hands, joining them together. "I'm sorry," he said. "How are you feeling?" he asked in a rather soothing voice.

Haemi looked into his dark eyes, trying to find comfort. She looked away, pushing his hands off slowly. "I don't want to stay here..." She looked around, remembering the Ian incident.

JK nodded. "I'll get you a hotel. Don't worry."

He was interrupted when his phone rang. He pulled it out, and his face went pale. His emotions dropped, and he froze completely.

From: Hyung
I can't count on you, so I'll do it alone
Thank you brother

JK's jaw was shaking. He was late to the one thing his brother expected him. Even though Haemi was a priority, he couldn't handle reading the text. "Wait..." he told Haemi and stood up. He immediately called Ian. "Hyung-"

On the other end of the line, Ian was jaded.

I'd ask where you are, but I don't care.
What? Could you finally get some with Haemi, but you forgot everything? Was it good, at least?

JK felt chills from Ian's cold and cruel chuckle. He paced around the room. "How long do I have? Something happened with Haemi... I'm sorry."

Ian laughed more.

I sure hope something happened, JK. Don't bother coming.

JK violently threw his phone against the wall and groaned in frustration and anger. "Fucking dick!" He held back from slamming a chair against the wall when he noticed how Haemi reacted.

She looked at him with disdain. He felt pathetic under her eyes. She rolled her eyes and massaged her temples. "All men I know need anger management classes..." she sighed.

JK bit his lip, thinking. "Come with me," he said without giving her a choice. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the car.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked, irritated that he touched her without her permission—especially after her future husband abused her.

"To Kali," he said.


Yakuza Village
Soma House

She can't go home yet.
I need to go to Hyung.
Please take care of her.
I'll pay you millions.

Those were JK's words after he dropped Haemi at the Soma House. "As if I need money to care for my niece," Kenichi commented bitterly.

Haemi sat in the living room with Kazuo, Kali, and Yoru. She felt out of place and couldn't process anything. She remained quiet, fake smiling and ignoring Kali's stare.

"Do you think he'll be on time?" Yoru asked, amused by the situation.

Kazuo shook his head. "Ian could buy time. But JK is late for sure..."

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