28•Kenichi's bastard

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Chapter 28
Kenichi's bastard

Yakuza Village
Soma House

     "Hmph!" Kali tried to speak up, but her mouth was covered by Ian's hand.

     "Quiet," he said, still covering her mouth.
The couple had overheard Kazuo and his mother's conversation. Kali almost screamed from the surprise, but Ian held her back. She had so many questions. Ian stared at her, waiting for her to calm down. "I think they left now..." he said before releasing his grip on her.

     Kali breathed in, confused. "But... This is... My God... Kazuo isn't my brother? I'm..." she said, still quietly.

     Ian tilted his head to the side, a subtle smile appearing. "Baby..." he called her.

     Kali stared into the void. "So, she cheated on my father..." she uttered. But Kazuo looks like Dad. It makes no sense. Is it Uncle Ken?" she kept wondering, panic taking over her.

     Ian couldn't help the chuckle coming out of his mouth. Kali immediately glared at him.

     "What's funny?" she asked, frowning.

     Ian chuckled. "I think you got it the other way around... Kazuo looks like Ken. That's a fact... But..." he chuckled more.

    Kali was pissed at that point. "Ian, what is wrong with you?" she asked.

     Ian started laughing more and more. "You know who else low-key looks like, Ken?" he tried to say without laughing. "It blows my mind that I'm the only one noticing these resemblances," he maniacally laughed, holding his stomach.

     Right then, Yoru and Amaya exited the bedroom, curious about Ian's burst of laughter. "What's up?" Yoru asked.

     It was Ian's end. He started crying from laughter under the eyes of the shocked Kali.

     The girl looked at Ian, blinking before she turned to the confused Yoru. She gasped at the realization. "You're..."

     "Yoru is Kenichi's bastard," Ian spoke between laughs.

Mina held her tears back as she stared at the negative pregnancy test. "Shit... Fucking... Shit..." she cursed at herself. Once again, she failed at her only job as Kenichi's wife. She threw the test away and looked at her cell phone.
"So?" Yaeko asked, already guessing the result. "It's alright, you'll be fine," she reassured her friend.
Mina rolled her eyes. "He's going to divorce me this time..."
"He wouldn't. Even though he keeps having mistresses, he will never leave you. He promised your parents he would take care of you, right?" Yaeko reminded her. "Soon enough, you will give him an heir, he will take over the clan, and everything will be ok," she smiled.
Mina sighed, feeling annoyed. "At this rate, he will get a dumb stripper pregnant before I can bear a child," she insulted.
Yaeko failed to ignore the direct insult to her and her colleagues. "Don't call it dumb. How do you expect any woman to reject Kenichi? It's not the prostitute's fault if he's unfaithful..." she commented.
Mina scoffed. "You make it sound like you and your girls don't risk it all to have your way with him... I've seen the way you all look at him..." she crossed her arms.
"How can you say that?"
"Isn't it true? You whores suddenly get all naked as soon as he enters the club!"
Yaeko paused. She wasn't the type to fight, but Mina had been a brat for a while. "You're right. And tonight will be so much fun when he learns you're not pregnant. Again," she replied bitterly. "I wonder who will be lucky enough to have hi-"
Mina suddenly slapped Yaeko across the face. "You bitch. Get the fuck out of my house!"
Yaeko obliged, leaving the house in a hurry. Mina took a deep breath in, aggravated by the conversation. She nervously bit on her nails before picking up her phone. "Akui? Do you still sell those drugs?"

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