it's like their love language is flirting

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April 22, 2023

Alex's POV:

I woke up to the soft rustle of blankets and a muffled giggle from across the room. It was early morning, and the light was seeping through the cracks of the curtains in Paige's dorm room where I spent the night after another crazy night at Ted's. Although, this time, thankfully, I wasn't completely inebriated. I shifted under the covers and glanced over to where Paige was, already half-awake and scrolling through her phone, a small smirk on her face.

"Good morning," she whispered, her voice low and teasing. "You survive last night?"

"Just barely," I murmured, rubbing my eyes and stretching. "It feels like a bus ran over my head."

Paige chuckled, sliding out of bed and pulling on a sweatshirt. She tossed me one of hers too. "That's what happens when you go toe-to-toe with Nika at tequila shots."

I groaned, sitting up slowly and pulling the sweatshirt over my head. It still smelled like her, and I felt a flutter in my chest. Last night had been a blur of music, dancing, and alcohol-fueled fun, but this morning? This morning was the good part.

"Come on," Paige said, leaning over the bed to give me a playful nudge. "Everyone's meeting at the diner for breakfast. You need food. We all do."

Reluctantly, I slid out of bed, grabbing my phone to check the time. It was still early enough that campus was quiet, but late enough that we'd probably be dragging our feet to the diner. I checked the group chat—Azzi, Aubrey, Nika, Naomi, Cassie, Maggie, and Sarah were all still on for breakfast.

"Ready?" Paige asked as I slipped into my shoes. She gave me that smile, the one that sent my heart racing every time. I couldn't help but grin back, even if I was still half-asleep.

"Ready," I replied.

The diner was packed by the time we arrived, the chatter of early risers and college students filling the air with a constant hum. We found our friends crammed into a large corner booth, a chaotic mix of hungover faces and lively banter.

Azzi was sipping black coffee like it was life support, while Nika was waving around a menu, insisting everyone try the pancakes.

"Finally!" Naomi called out as Paige and I squeezed in beside her and Aubrey. "We thought you two were gonna sleep through breakfast."

I laughed, settling in beside Paige, who immediately draped an arm over the back of the booth behind me. "We're here, aren't we?"

Aubrey grinned across the table at us. "Barely."

The waitress came over, and as everyone gave their orders—some choosing the greasiest things on the menu while others settled for simple bagels—I felt Paige's fingers lightly brush against my back, teasingly tracing small patterns through the fabric of her sweatshirt that I was still wearing.

"Cold?" she asked quietly, just for me to hear.

I raised an eyebrow, glancing sideways at her. "Not really. Just enjoying your sweatshirt."

"Is that right?" She grinned, and the flirtatious edge in her voice sent a spark through me. "You look good in it."

The corners of my mouth twitched upward. "Maybe I'll keep it."

Daylight - Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now