i love this

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November 8th, 2023

Paige's POV:

It's the day I've been waiting for since I could walk again: the first game of the season. UConn versus Dayton, at the XL Center in Hartford. After months of rehab, sitting out, and watching from the sidelines, tonight, I finally get to lace up my shoes and step back on the court where I belong.

I've been dreaming of this moment for so long, but as we ride the bus from Storrs to Hartford, nerves settle in my stomach. I glance around at my teammates, who are laughing and hyped, but there's a quiet tension buzzing in me. Everyone knows how much this means, and I can feel the weight of expectation sitting heavy on my shoulders. I've worked so hard for this—now it's time to prove I still got it.

Azzi nudges me from her seat beside me, reading the look on my face like she always can. "You ready for this, P?"

I swallow, giving her a tight smile. "Yeah. Just a little nervous, I guess."

"Nervous? Paige Bueckers? Come on," she teases, giving my arm a light punch. "You're gonna kill it tonight. The whole crowd's been waiting to see you back out there."

"Yeah, but I don't wanna let anyone down."

"You won't," she says firmly. "And besides, you've got your cheerleader over there." She nods toward the back of the bus, where Alex is sitting with the rest of the cheer team. "You know she's been waiting for this as much as you."

I glance back at Alex, who's chatting with Naomi and Cassie. Even though we've been together for a while now, it still feels surreal sometimes—like I'm dreaming. She catches my eye and sends me a soft smile, and my nerves ease just a little. She always has that effect on me.

"I know," I say, turning back to Azzi. "You're right."

"Of course I am. You're gonna remind everyone why you're the best tonight. Just wait till they announce your name—place is gonna lose it."

Azzi leans back in her seat, scrolling through her phone, and I try to take a deep breath, letting her words sink in. I've done this a million times before. It's just another game. But this one feels different. It's my comeback, and I can't shake the pressure.

When we arrive at the XL Center, the atmosphere is electric. The arena's already buzzing with fans, and the energy's contagious. I take in the familiar sights and sounds—the smell of the court, the squeak of sneakers on the hardwood, the thud of the ball as we warm up. This is where I'm supposed to be.

As we line up in the tunnel for introductions, my heart starts pounding. It's almost time. I try to focus, bouncing on the balls of my feet, but all I can think about is that moment when they call my name. The music, the crowd, the anticipation—it's overwhelming.

The announcer's voice booms over the speakers. "And now, your UConn Huskies!"

One by one, my teammates run out to wild cheers, the music blasting through the arena. KK goes first, followed by Ice, then Azzi. My hands are shaking as I wait, my eyes fixed on the court. I'm next.

"And now, returning to the court for the first time since her injury, from Hopkins, Minnesota, number five—Paige Bueckers!"

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