Chapter 1: The Past

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"Raon!" a soft male voice called.

It was too bright.

Giggles could be heard. Was it the same person?

The same voice could be heard whining and laughing and talking.

But it was still too bright to make out of anything. Was it a classroom?

The angelic voice stopped so abruptly. Then a loud explosion could be heard. Screams and objects were shattering onto the floor. And footsteps running. More screaming. A door slammed open.

What had happened?

"Raon, you need to wake up!" another voice shouted. This time it was a girl's voice. "We need an ambulance!"

"He's not waking up!" another male voice could be heard.

There was sobbing from somewhere in her vicinity but it was too blurry for her to figure out where.

And then it was all gone.

* * *

        That night was cold and windy. The dark sky loomed above the city and its citizens, illuminated by neon signs and the moon's silver glow. A lone figure stood on top of one of the skyscrapers, gazing out at the city below him. His silver hair danced as the wind blew. He stood straight again and turned around.

         Before him was a large open rooftop space. Not far from him was a helpless weak guy, tied to a single chair. His head faced the cold ground beneath him. His black hair was stained with the falling snow.

     The silver-haired guy approached him with a smirk. He bent down to meet eyes with him. The guy tied to the chair gathered his strength to look up at him. Blood dripped from his lips. Bruises and cuts covered his entire being. He felt helpless. "Yoo...Yoongi hyung" he called.

"Lee Minho" Yoongi smirked. He was satisfied to see him weak like so. He began to walk around him. "What would it take for you to just die already?!"

"Hyung... of all people, not you... don't say something like that" his bloodied lips trembled both from cold and anger as well as a bit of sadness.

"You know why I'm doing this, Minho," the latter said without stopping his steps.

"Yes, but I can't change the decision! The boss chose me for the position of"

"And that's why you're here. They should have chosen me to be the next boss! After the things they put me through, I deserve the job!" He stopped in front of Minho and grabbed the collar of his shirt with his fist. "But then, they gave the position to someone not only less experienced than me but also younger than me!"

"Hyung..." This time Minho's lips quivered from holding back his tears. "But we're good friends. Me and Niki look up to you..." Yoongi let go of his collar after hearing the name mentioned.

"Yes you're right" he looked towards the cloudy sky for a while, reminiscing about his past times with his two younger friends.

"That's why I'm doing all this" Yoongi turned to Minho, a gun aimed at him. Minho's eyes widened, fear consuming his body.

"Any last word?" Yoongi asked. Minho lifted his head. He took in all of his surroundings probably for the last time. But most of all he took a great look at Yoongi, one of his best friends whom he trusted. The three of them, Yoongi, Minho, and Niki had been close for years. Although Yoongi was the eldest, Minho could say both Niki and him were more mature. But he still respected the eldest and knew that deep down Yoongi loved both of them like his little brothers.

        Minho sighed as all their memories spent together went through his head. He looked at Yoongi with a small melancholic smile. "Hyung... you know I always trust you with my life..."

        Yoongi didn't reply as he watched Minho. He didn't even budge a bit. Minho closed his eyes, ready to face death.

       Then, Yoongi fired the gun.

       Minho felt the impact of the bullet but he felt weird that he could still have thought. And he felt a strange sensation in his right eye. His head was throbbing from the impact. Minho looked up at Yoongi, did he purposely miss the shot?

       Yoongi was ready to pull the trigger again. Minho was panting and looked away. He was scared. He thought getting killed by someone he knew at least would make it easier for him... But somehow, this was worse. Yoongi was looking at him with a blank expression. He pulled the trigger again.

        Right at that moment, there was a scream calling Minho's name.

         Minho's eyes flew open when he suddenly felt his body thrown down onto the floor with another heavier mass on top of him. He opened his remaining eyes.

"Ni..Niki..." Minho breathed out. He couldn't even move at the moment. The weight that had fallen on his chest was almost crushing him. "Go.. go away.." he whispered. He wanted to talk to the person who had pinned him down.

"Shhh.. shhhh... it's okay" a soothing voice came from above him, "It'll be alright.." Niki smirked. He coughed out blood. Minho saw the blood seeping from his shirt. The bullet hit him from the back near his heart.

"Get... the fuck off! You'll.. get yourself.. killed" Minho gathered his strength to kick Niki away but the younger wouldn't budge. "Hyung, stay" Niki whispered.

        Yoongi stepped towards them. "The truth is I never imagined our friendship would end this way"

        Niki hugged Minho tighter, shielding him from Yoongi.

"You seriously will die for this guy?" Yoongi jerked his boot to knock Niki over but the younger refused to move. He tightened his grip around Minho.

"You fucking brat" Yoongi continued to kick him on his back but each time Niki didn't move.

"Hyung...please stop" Minho pleaded to Yoongi. "Don't hurt... Niki.."

        The latter ignored him and Niki remained still.

"That's it!" Yoongi finally stopped. He ruffled his head in annoyance and again aimed the gun at both of them. Niki held Minho tighter.

"Let's make this quick" Yoongi said in a low tone. He pulled the trigger so many times and the bullets pierced into Niki's torso. He collapsed onto Minho's lap. Minho gasped, feeling his heartbeat disappear.

"No.. no... wake up.." tears filled his eyes and ran along his cheeks. He continued to plead that this was all just an ugly nightmare. That he would be now in the comfort of their shared apartment playing video games in the living room and laughing. The three of them... just like always. And Niki would be the one who nagged both Minho and Yoongi into getting some house chores done even while they were playing games, and both of them would simply make fun of Niki as always. The two older members loved to pick fights with Niki since the youngest would sulk and both of them found it funny. Perhaps it was because he was just a child, and they knew that despite acting like a man his age he was still very innocent. They found it amusing to tease the boy. The two older guys loved him more than anything.

       But Minho was brought back to reality by a sharp pain all over his body. He wailed and bent over to Niki's body. Tears fell uncontrollably.

Both of them were in the pool of blood.

His best friend's blood.

Suddenly Minho felt lightheaded. He couldn't think anymore. Everything became blurry around him. He saw multiple men come and chase Yoongi. He looked down at Niki who was now lifeless on his lap. Minho bent over to the lifeless lad. Tears didn't stop streaming from his eyes. He didn't care how weak he looked to them even before his underlings. He just lost his best friends, one of them to death.

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