Chapter 16

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        They were in the car, heading home.

"Oh, I want to ask you something" Minho took the popsicle out of his mouth. Both of them treated themselves to some frozen sweets after shopping.

"What is it?" she took the popsicle and helped pull the plastic cover lower so he could eat it more easily. She put it in his hand again.

"Thanks," he said. "The thing is I saw this one person earlier in your class. You have an enemy in there?"

"Enemy?" Raon too was enjoying a popsicle. She thought for a bit then replied. "You mean Dami? The one with cool hair?"

"I mean.. yeah her hair kinda cool. But yeah. That person"

"I notice it too. She seemed to like me the least in the class. We seldom talk so yea I'm not sure if she hates me"

        Minho glanced at her. "You want me to help you with anything?"

         She chuckled. "What are you going to do if I say I don't like her? Remove her from the face of the Earth?"

"I could do that" his eyes were focused on the road.

"Wait no! I really should watch my words talking to a filthy rich fella like you" she teased. He raised his eyebrows and grinned. He couldn't resist teasing her.

          They arrived home and took out all the shopping bags upstairs.

"I'll be in my room for a while" Minho glanced at Raon as he was looking at his phone. She nodded as she continued to store the groceries they bought earlier.

            Minho got into his room, making sure to shut the door closely before moving to the office area near the window. He turned on the laptop to open the file Yeonjun emailed to him. He had told him to make a background check earlier on Dami. Minho sat there in the dark, reading the file he received. The more he read, the more his brows knitted together. He clasped his hands together, resting his chin on his hands, focusing. His eyes widened when he read what it said regarding her past.

         Right then, a shattering noise came from outside. He shut the laptop close and ran outside. Raon was there near the kitchen counter, picking up the shattered glass with her trembling hands. Blood trailed down from her finger. She mustered a smile as she saw him. "Sorry, it was just-" Her voice sounded different like she was holding back her tears.

         Her smile eventually faded and she let go of the glass shard. She covered her ears, eyes shut tight. "No. No no no...." She began to hyperventilate and sob uncontrollably. She stayed there on the floor.

          Minho moved closer, putting his arms around her. She leaned on him as he rubbed her back, whispering soothing words to her. She buried her head on his chest, shaking. He held her tightly. "It's okay, you're okay"

          They stayed like that. It didn't take long until her shaking stopped and she finally calmed down. Minho still held her in his arms. After some time, Minho heard her sniffling. He released her and looked at her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes. She brushed away the dried droplets that remained under her lashes but instead, he helped her with it.

"Come on" he dragged her to the daybed. Only then did she notice he had been holding her bleeding finger with his shirt. And now it was red with her blood. Minho let her sit on the bed while he took the first aid kit. He came back soon and helped tend her wound.

          She watched him in silence. Deep down she was moved by how gentle and caring he was being towards her even after seeing her having an attack. It made her feel comfortable, as though he wasn't an evil man like she imagined him to be. Maybe she shouldn't underestimate him so much.

"You sure you're okay?" he broke the silence. Raon slowly nodded, avoiding his eye contact.

"I'll get us some take-out for dinner. You rest here, don't move" he left her to clean the shattered glass. She just watched him.

         Their dinner arrived. They sat across each other at the kitchen island that doubles as their dining table. Minho stole glances at her. He was worried. Part of him was shocked by what just happened. And after she read about Dami's past, he grew more worried about Raon.

"I'm fine, Minho," Raon noticed his gaze. He quickly averted his gaze, eating his noodles.

"I'm sorry" she whispered. She was picking on her food. "I must have scared you."

         Minho gave her a sad smile. "Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're okay"

      He glanced at her. "Does it... happen often?"

       She looked at him. She shrugged. "I can't say for sure... I think it has happened less since the last two years..."

       He nodded, understood. He did not wish to continue such a conversation if she was uncomfortable about it.

         It was a few hours after dinner. Minho got out of his room. He saw no light coming from underneath her door. Probably she slept soundly. But just to make sure, he peeked inside anyway. Raon was in her bed with a night lamp dimly lit by his side. A book in her grip. She probably fell asleep while reading. He closed the door slowly.

           He made his way outside to the balcony. The air felt cold tonight but it didn't bother him. The moon was full and bright. He walked out and sat on the cold floor, leaning against the wall. He pulled up his legs and wrapped his arms around his knees. Minho stared at the view, breathing deeply. The sky was clear, without any clouds. He took out his phone and made a call.

           Seconds later, the line connected.



"Minho? What's wrong dear? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah... well... Actually there is something" he hesitated for a moment. "Are you busy right now?"

"Not particularly..." Mrs. Jung said, sounding curious.

"I have something about to ask about Raon" "Is she alright?"

"Um.. yeah she is, but uh.. something happened..." he gave her a short sketch of what just happened. Mrs. Jung didn't reply immediately. Instead, she took a deep breath.

"It's been a while since she had such episodes. But it got less for the past two years" "Did she go to any doctor because of it?"

"Yeah," she said. "She took meds and all. But the doctor did say it could occur again but not too severe or often"

"Ah, I see... Mom", he scratched the back of his neck. "If this happens again, what should I do? I want to make sure she will be okay. If there's anything else I need to know..."

"Being there for her is already enough. You did great just now. Thank you, Minho for being there with her" she said which made him smile a little.

"And Mom, there's something I want to talk about with you" he paused for a second then he continued. "Her past. About her school days"

Mrs. Jung was silent for a while. "You did some background check on her?"

"No. I did some background checks on her friend. Which led to knowing something about Raon's accident"

           She sighed. "Please never bring it up to her, unless she talked about it to you. She doesn't remember about that incident. I don't want her to experience huge shock if she remembers the incident"

"Even to this day? She still doesn't remember?" "That's right"

       Both of them sighed.

"I'll keep that in mind" Minho replied. "Thank you, Mom"

"You're welcome. You two take care, okay?" "Alright, Mom"

        Minho put his phone on the floor after ending the call. His mind continued to digest the new information he just gained as he stared into the night.

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