Chapter 4

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"Sweetie?" Mrs Jung called from outside. "Is everything alright?"

"Ye-yes, Mom" Raon replied, glancing at Minho.

"Are you with someone? I thought I heard another voice"


"No Mom, I'm watching drama maybe that's why"

Mrs Jung turned the knob but it was locked. "Dear? Let me in"

"In a minute, Mom"

      Minho snorted. "Sorry but I need to get out of here" he threw the towel aside away from sight and went to the door.

     Raon half-whispered. "What are you doing?!"

      The door opened. Mrs Jung almost jumped back when she saw it was not her daughter who was standing at the door. Minho gave her a sweet smile and bowed. "Hello Mrs Jung"

"Who- Who do we have here?" Mrs Jung mustered a smile despite her being shocked.

"I'm Lee Minho, Raon's friend"

     Raon appeared behind him. "Yeah he's a friend" she smiled, nodding, hoping her mother would believe her.

    Mrs Jung chuckled. "I don't know we have a guest. You don't tell me you invited a friend over"

"I totally remember I told you. He helped me buy the things for the experiment earlier and he somehow ended up falling asleep in my room" "And you just let him alone all day while you practice in our yard? Raon, I don't raise no disrespectful daughter"

"Yeah, I know. Sorry about that" Raon whispered, looking away from her mother's eyes, trying not to crack under pressure.

"And I don't expect a guy to be in your room" Mrs Jung raised a brow at her. "Believe me, Mom. He's just a friend helping out my work" "Well, I don't know if your father will be okay with it"

"Please, Mom. Don't tell Dad" Raon brought her hands together, pleading.

     Minho watched both of them in awe.

"So you're afraid of your Dad?" he teased. "Believe me you won't like it if he's mad" she replied.

"If that's the case, why don't you join us for dinner?" Mrs Jung suddenly suggested. Raon had her eyes widened. She faked a laugh. "Woah look at the time. I'm sure he needs to be home right now" She pushed Minho out of the room.

"You sure, Minho?" Mrs Jung asked as Raon pushed Minho down the hallway. "Yes thanks for the offer, Mrs Jung" he waved at her.

"I'm just going to see him out" Raon glanced at her mother before both of them went down the stairs.

     Mrs Jung smiled. "He sure looks like a good kid. And good looking too"

      Raon peeked into the office to see her father was not there. She sighed in relief.

"Let's go" She grabbed her coat and led Minho out of the house.

"What the fuck!" she complained once they were out of the yard.

"You're taking too much time" he replied. "That's your mother? She seems nice. I wish I could stay for dinner"

       She glared at him and walked faster. Minho snickered and walked faster than her. He glanced at her. "Why are you still following me anyway?"

"The hospital is just around there" Raon pointed ahead. "Let's get you fix"

"I told you I don't need to go there"

        Raon watched as he still held onto the wound. "Yeah, I don't think so. What if you faint in the middle of the road?"

        He ignored her. Raon ended up having to drag him inside the hospital after some curses and threats from her. He reluctantly received the treatment. He came out from the examination room with a bandaged abdomen. His right hand was bandaged as it was sprained.

        Minho looked around the hospital. It was quite a big place. There were tons of people walking around. He went to the bed he was assigned earlier in the general ward. Raon was there sleeping in the chair with her head resting on the empty bed.

          He stared at her for a while.

        Raon woke up in shock. She looked around and she was alone in the hospital bed. She approached the counter and asked about Minho.

"Your friend received his treatment already" the nurse informed her. "Oh, I see... Thank you" Raon gave her a smile in reply. She turned around, heading out from the hospital. "And he just disappeared like that"

* * *

     It was dark in the empty alley. The alley was a little too far from the livelyness of the street. Thrashes and huge garbage cans filled most of the space along the sidewalk. Rustles could be heard in the darkness.

"Please..." a weak male voice could be heard followed by a whimper. "Please, help me..."

      A figure stepped out from the shadow, towering over the weak person who already lying weak beside a garbage bag.

"Don't... don't kill me... I'm begging you" the man cried out again. He was holding his hands in front of his face, shaking in fear.

"Don't worry" the figure spoke with a somewhat muffled voice. Perhaps their mouth was covered with a mask. "I'll make it less painful for you".

          With that, something was swung towards the weak man's head, killing him completely. and he collapsed. A moment later the figure stood up after inspecting the dead to make sure no traces of them left. They threw something that belonged to the dead aside. It was a white cane.

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