Chapter 8

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              A few days later, Raon didn't see the black sedan near the kindergarten area. She was finally able to get some peace. But she felt something was missing. While watching her students playing outside, she couldn't help but look for the black sedan outside. She even looked for the car with the exact license plate as his.

            She sighed as she was picking up books for the next class. 'Why do you have to be this restless, Raon? Chill he's not here for good

            The sight of children gathered at the gate caught her attention. She went to the window to take a closer look. It was the students of the class that she was supposed to teach for the next period. And they were gathering at the gate, talking to a guy who was standing outside of the school gate. 'Wait-' she rushed outside.

"So uncle," one of the boys asked the gentleman outside of the gate. "Are you a real pirate?"

          The gentleman laughed. "Uncle? Wait I am not that old. Call me hyung" he introduced himself. "Minho hyung"

           With that, the kids made a disgusted face which Minho ignored.

"Where did your eyes go?" another girl asked.

"I got into an accident. That's why" he replied.

"A car accident?"

           That question made him pause. He smiled. "Kind of, sweetie"

"So you are a real pirate?" the same boy asked. Minho laughed. "Yes, you can say that. But my parrot died years ago"

"Are you a bad pirate?" another girl asked once again making him pause. He smiled and bent down to their height. "I'm a good pirate. Do you know why? It's because I love my parrot. It's good to love animals right?"

"Then do you have a ship?" a boy asked with his arms spread. "Ship so big you can go anywhere with it?"

"You kids sure have lots of questions" Minho chuckled.

"Miss Jung said we should ask we have a question" the boy replied. Listening to the name made Minho smirk. "I think I know which one is your Miss Jung"

         Raon ran down the hallway and paused at the doorframe, listening to their loud conversation.

"So you have lots of treasure?" one of the girls asked.

"Well yeah, of course," Minho chuckled and spread out his arms. "This much of treasure. I have lots of gold coins"

"Do you have swords too?" the children grew more excited and he replied more enthused than before.

"Of course! Swords, spears, and shields."

"Can you shoot arrows?"

"Aye pirates don't have arrows" another boy replied to his friend's question.

        Minho smiled looking at them having their own little bicker. Without her realizing it, she was watching them with a smile.

"Can I try to touch your eye?" a boy asked. "Sure" Minho approached closer to the gate and the boy pressed his finger onto his eye-patch. He felt no bulging of an eyeball and a shiver ran down his spine. "Ahh, it's weird!"

"I told you I don't have an eye in there" Minho laughed. The other children tried to touch his eye patch too.

"You guys!"

They turned to the source of the voice. Raon ran to them. "You don't poke other people's eyes for fun"

"But this ahjusshi said he's a pirate" the boy replied to his teacher.

           Raon met eyes with Minho.

"Come let's head inside. Say you're sorry to this ahjussi" Raon instructed. The children apologized to Minho and he replied with an 'it's okay'. They thanked him before going inside as their teacher instructed. Some of them even waved at him. He waved back with a huge smile.

"Sorry about that," Raon said when it was just the two of them. "It's okay I like children anyways," he said.

"Why are you here anyway?" she asked. "I mean after not coming here for days"

"Did you miss me?" he teased. Raon rolled her eyes. "No way"

         Right at that moment, a cat walked nearby. Minho called it over and it came to him. He bent down to pet him. "I just want to check if you are sure about your decision"

"About the wedding?" "Uhuh," he was distracted by the cat.

"Yeah I agree to marry you" She looked away, embarrassed now that she said the words.

"Great" he rubbed the cat on its belly which made the cat flop to its side and enjoy the rub. He smiled more. "I'll inform you of the details later. I'm thinking next weekend"

"No, I have courses to attend from Friday until Saturday" "The following weekend it is" "Yes sounds great"

         They were silent for a while.

"Mr Lee-"

"I know our marriage is only on paper but you can call me by my name you know?" Minho glanced at her.

"Min... Minho-ssi" she tried. He smiled with a nod. "That sounds better"

"The other day-" "Ouh she came to your house right? Chaewon? How is it going? The gown fitting?" "It's going well actually... I just want to thank you"

"Raon" Minho stopped petting the cat and stood facing her. "Stop thanking me. I'm doing this for myself too. Don't feel guilty about it"

          Raon bit her lips. She did feel guilty though. "I really appreciate your help though"

"Then promise me you'll show up on the day of the wedding," he said. "No bailouts"

          Raon stared at him. Both of them locked eyes for a moment. She nodded confidently. Little that she know, that this one decision would make her life turn upside down.

"Then I'll see you later. I have another class coming up" Raon spoke. "Sure. See you later. I want to head to the office back" he replied.

         Raon looked around. "I don't see your car"

"I told Yeonjun to park a bit far. Since you said our car might scare the children" he replied.

"Ah I see," she replied. "See you later" She turned around and went inside the building. She hid behind the wall to see him walk away but only to see him pulling a small strip of plastic cat treats and bending down to the cat, feeding it. Minho smiled so wide as he continued to talk to the cat. Raon held the book in her grip to her face. She blushed a little. 'He's kinda cute smiling like that'

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