Chapter 12: Taking Her to the Canteen

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As the two left the family housing area, the cool breeze gradually dissipated the sweat on Lu Weiguo's face and eased the lingering itchiness in his chest. He let out a silent sigh of relief.

They took a vehicle into the city and arrived at the furniture store.

A few years ago, obtaining furniture required official approval, but recently, furniture had become available with tickets. However, these tickets were difficult to come by.

Shi Tingyu's family had managed to save some, and Lu Weiguo had a few as well, so they didn't need to trade for them.

Unlike others who could plan ahead for their weddings and have furniture custom-made, they had to settle for ready-made pieces due to their rushed marriage.

After buying the furniture, their supply of tickets was running low. They arranged for delivery the next day and headed back.

With the sky darkening, Lu Weiguo had not driven that day, leaving other purchases for the following day. After ensuring Shi Tingyu was safely home, he returned to his barracks. Being on leave, a late return was no problem.

The next morning, Lu Weiguo drove to pick up Shi Tingyu. The car was provided by Zhao Tuan, who, knowing they needed to purchase many items, had offered it since it was not in use by the camp.

With the car, Shi Tingyu felt more relaxed about shopping. Lu Weiguo followed her closely, carrying whatever she picked out. Soon, their hands were full of packages.

After loading the items into the car, they headed back to the furniture store. They learned that the delivery crew was about to leave, so they accompanied them to avoid being turned away at the housing area.

Two vehicles, one in front of the other, arrived at the family housing area. After registration, they drove in.

It was nearly lunchtime, and the arriving furniture caused quite a stir among the nearby residents. They marveled at the sheer amount of furniture, wondering how much it had cost.

"Commander Lu is really generous," they thought, surprised at the opulence.

When the truck stopped in front of the yard, a woman in her thirties from the neighboring house came out. She had short hair and her clothes were neatly arranged.

Seeing the truck, she stood at her door and looked east.

Shi Tingyu and Lu Weiguo got out of the car. Shi Tingyu, petite in stature, was almost entirely obscured by Lu Weiguo.

Noticing the neighbor, Lu Weiguo greeted her, "Sister Zhang, off work?"

Sister Zhang, one of the few people not intimidated by Lu Weiguo, smiled and nodded. Her husband was the commander of the Second Battalion, and he got along well with Lu Weiguo. Knowing Lu Weiguo's temperament and having shared meals with him, she had been aware of his good nature.

Sister Zhang glanced at the truck and asked, "When are you planning to move in? I heard from Old Zhang that you got married. When are you bringing your wife over for a meal?"

Lu Weiguo stepped aside, revealing Shi Tingyu.

Shi Tingyu stood gracefully, like a blooming flower.

She greeted Sister Zhang with a smile.

Sister Zhang's eyes widened in surprise. After a moment, she stammered, "Lu, is this... is this your... wife?!"

Seeing Lu Weiguo nod, Sister Zhang clapped her thigh and exclaimed, "Oh my! Lu, how did you find such a beautiful wife? I thought you'd end up single!"

Sister Zhang was so shocked that she spoke her mind. Flustered, she quickly added, "I know Lu's character well. Don't take it to heart; Old Zhang and I were just worried that he wasn't married yet."

"We're really happy for both of you. Since you're busy right now, just come over to our place for a meal once you move in."

Shi Tingyu could feel Sister Zhang's genuine warmth and responded, "Once we've settled in, we'll definitely invite you and your husband over for a meal."

Lu Weiguo also chimed in, "Yes, Sister Zhang, you must come."

He wasn't very skilled at interacting with the wives, and he had noticed that many were wary of him. He had often heard whispers behind his back, which left him feeling frustrated. Speaking more with Sister Zhang was a significant step for him, especially with Shi Tingyu by his side.

Sister Zhang, impressed by Shi Tingyu, didn't keep them any longer. "You two get to your work. I just came out to check when I heard the noise. Now that I know it's you, I'm at ease."

With that, she waved them off and went back inside.

The delivery workers had already started unloading the furniture. "Where should we put this wardrobe?" they asked.

Shi Tingyu took the lead, showing them where to place the items while Lu Weiguo helped out. By the time the bed, wardrobe, and tables were all in place, it was past mealtime.

With no occupants in the house yet, they couldn't even offer the workers a drink. Lu Weiguo gave them a small tip for their efforts.

After the workers left, Lu Weiguo took Shi Tingyu to the canteen.

At this time, the canteen was nearly empty, with only a few latecomers asking the cook for some food.

The combination of Lu Weiguo and Shi Tingyu—a strikingly beautiful woman with a stern-looking man—caused quite a stir. People stared and then looked back in disbelief, thinking they might be seeing things.

They had heard that the formidable Commander Lu had married, but they hadn't expected his wife to be so delicate and attractive. The sight of her not fleeing from him was nothing short of a miracle.

They were certain that Shi Tingyu was indeed Lu Weiguo's wife. In the military district, everyone knew that Commander Lu never associated closely with female colleagues. Seeing them together like this confirmed their suspicions.

Lu Weiguo settled Shi Tingyu in a corner of the canteen and arranged for the cook to prepare an extra dish with the money and tickets provided.

The cook, efficient and quick, soon began to cook. When Lu Weiguo returned to his seat, he noticed that the people who had initially sat far away were now subtly shifting closer to their table.

He shot them a disapproving glance, only to receive cheerful, sheepish smiles in return.

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