Chapter 28: The Dinner Party (Part 2)

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Zhang Saizi watched the interactions between Shi Tingyu and Lu Weiguo with a smile. Ever since Lu Weiguo and Shi Tingyu got married, people in the family compound had been quietly lamenting, saying that a girl as beautiful as Shi Tingyu could have married someone better.

Given Shi Tingyu's appearance, she could have found someone of higher status. Military life, with its constant training and the risk of missions, was far from easy. The wives of soldiers, like Zhang Saizi, knew the hardships well. Their husbands were often away, leaving them to handle everything alone, from illness to childbirth, and even more so if they were not high-ranking officers. Despite the glamour on the surface, the reality was tough.

Yet, Zhang Saizi observed that Shi Tingyu didn't seem indifferent to her husband. The atmosphere between them was not as the rumors suggested.

By the time the food preparations were complete, it was almost five o'clock. Zhang Saizi brought some firewood from her home. To speed things up, Shi Tingyu used both the coal stove and the clay stove. With Zhang Saizi's help and Lu Weiguo assisting, Shi Tingyu wasn't worried about being overwhelmed.

As the guests were about to arrive at six, the delicious aroma from the house wafted out into the street. Li Lianzhang from the first battalion's eyes lit up. "We've hit the jackpot today! The food smells incredible. I've been looking forward to this for a long time."

Zhang Jin, the second battalion commander, nodded in agreement. He and Li Lianzhang were the only ones who knew Shi Tingyu's cooking skills.

Li Lianzhang explained, "My parents and Shi Tingyu's parents worked at the same research institute, and Shi Tingyu's family lives just downstairs from us. Whenever I visited my parents, I'd smell the delicious food from their place."

As the guests entered the courtyard, they called out cheerfully, "Commander, Sister-in-law, we're here!"

Lu Weiguo came out of the kitchen with a plate of spicy crayfish and gestured them inside. "You're here. Hurry and go into the main room."

Li Lianzhang eagerly took the crayfish from Lu Weiguo, captivated by the smell. "The food here is truly amazing."

The guests looked towards the kitchen, hoping to see the beautiful new wife of Commander Lu. Inside the kitchen, Zhang Saizi and Shi Tingyu were busy. Zhang Saizi, from the second battalion, was known to be a good cook, while Shi Tingyu, who had her back to them, seemed to have an ethereal quality about her.

When Shi Tingyu turned around, her hair styled in a bun and her face fully visible, her delicate features and bright eyes captured everyone's attention. Her smile was warm and inviting, making the atmosphere feel special.

The guests were momentarily stunned by Shi Tingyu's beauty, though they quickly regained their composure. Zhang Jin, the oldest among them, commented, "You've married such a beautiful wife without anyone knowing. I was worried you'd stay single."

Lu Weiguo cleared his throat, "Please, make yourselves comfortable. I'll check on the kitchen."

Feng Wei, familiar with Shi Tingyu, said, "Lu Weiguo's shy now."

The group settled in, and Lu Weiguo returned to the kitchen to relieve Zhang Saizi. "Sister Saizi, you can go home and bring Da Mao back. I'll handle the cooking."

Zhang Saizi left to change and prepare for dinner. Da Mao, her son, was meeting Shi Tingyu for the first time and was awestruck by her. He greeted her with enthusiasm, "Auntie, hello!"

Feng Wei chuckled, "That's a true soldier's kid."

Shi Tingyu, about to get some wine, was stopped by Lu Weiguo, who reminded her that alcohol wasn't allowed in the camp. Shi Tingyu accepted this and was glad she had some stock from her family home.

The wine, brought from her family before their house was sealed, was a special touch. While Zhang Saizi and Feng Wei were familiar with Shi Tingyu, the others were impressed by her demeanor and cooking skills.

As Shi Tingyu finished up in the kitchen, Lu Weiguo wanted to help but was deterred by the guests' gazes. Shi Tingyu told him, "Lu Weiguo, attend to the guests. I'll go change clothes."

The scene was set for an enjoyable evening, with the guests eagerly anticipating the meal and the atmosphere warm and inviting.

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