❄ A Ballad Of The Crown | BRIT ❄

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Reviewed by: ChristineAcedon
Book Title: A Ballad of the Crown
Author's Name: AnneMaria30

Cover: 10/10

Your cover is simple, elegant and easy to read. I love the simplicity of it and how easy the title is to read.

Title: 10/10

The title goes well with the genre and the overall feel of your story. It clearly highlights what the motivation will be without really giving anything away.

Blurb/Description: 10/10

Well done again. You introduce both sides clearly, as well as their overall goal. You manage to entice your readers, drawing them into your world and into the lives of these two women, eager to watch their tale unfold.

Creativity and originality: 10/10

The way you describe the world around them makes it easy to imagine yourself right there with them. I enjoyed how you presented all of the suitors. You made it very natural to have suitors of both genders, a world seemingly lacking that prejudice. You’ve created an entire world, all your own and it feels very natural as well as unique.

Plot and Flow: 20/20

You don’t have much out yet, and your chapters so far seem short. It seems as though Berenice has quite a bit going on, which is expected of a queen, however you’re not rushing the reader through it or overloading with information. I also like how naturally you go from Berenice to Eros. It isn’t confusing or difficult to follow. As long as this is the pace that continues throughout, you will be fine.

Character Development: 20/20

As I said, the chapters are short and you don’t have much out yet, but what IS available introduces your characters at the perfect pace. You don’t throw a bunch of facts, beliefs or descriptions at us, allowing us to get to know everyone in an easy way without feeling overwhelmed.

Writing style: 10/10

You are well-spoken and even though the story hasn’t even really begun yet, you keep it interesting. It wasn’t hard to stay interested and engaged in the story.

Grammar, spellings, etc.: 10/10

I didn’t notice any mistakes. You did well with your editing. Good job.

Genre relevance: 9/10

The only point I’m taking away is that I believe you should also include fantasy as the genre as well. Romance is clearly going to be present and it still falls perfectly into the category.

Overall: 99/100

Not typically a story I would find myself picking up, which makes it even more of a pleasant surprise that I enjoyed it so much. You’ve made me feel like I’ve missed out by NOT picking up more of this type of story. Your hard work and clear talent are evident in your work. I noticed you haven’t gotten a lot of readers yet, but don’t be discouraged. You’ve just started posting and the readers will come. Once they find you, you’ll have them hooked immediately.

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