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Please Read This. The story won't make sense otherwise.

Speech - "Why can't you just be normal?"

V1 Speech - ″0101001001100101 0110010100101110″

Actions - *BACKHAND*

Regular Cuts - [}{}{}{]

Story Beginning/Ending - /\/\/\/\


Another day in heaven, another day closer to the next extermination.

Gabriel had already gotten a full scope of heaven, even the lowest parts of it. And it's far too cheery here for his tastes. And it's not even the good cheery, all of it feels...


As if everything is held together by hopes and dreams. Knowing these people, it damn well might be.

From a distance, Gabriel could hear music beginning to play, and people starting to sing. "Oh, wonderful. They're singing. Again." Gabriel said to no one in particular, just talking to himself.

He teleport dashed to where the singing was. St. Peter was the one singing, Gabriel knew this as he'd heard his singing voice before. He landed in a crowd that was standing around for whatever reason, St. Peter then swooned into his arms, still singing.

"And everyone, is hot~" St. Peter then noticed who's arms he swooned into, and happily waved. Gabriel promptly dropped him.

"Gosh I'm pleased to show some outsiders around," That was Emily, singing to two demons about– wait a damn second. "After you see our realm you'll never want to go back down."

"Of course it is just temporary, we're sorry you can't stay." Sera's here too?! Were these demons let into the gates willingly? St. Peter flew around with Emily. Finishing the song.

"Cause every single day in heaven, is a happy day~ welcome to heaven!" St. Peter was breathing heavily from having finished the song, and Gabriel took this chance to ask the burning question in his mind.

Gabriel walked over to the blond demon, who jumped at his sudden appearance. "Oh, hello!"

"What is..." Gabriel pointed at the demon. "This. Doing here?"

"I'm Charlie Morningstar, you may have heard of my dad, Lucifer Morningstar." Charlie said.

"Lucifer. Last time I heard that name I..." Gabriel didn't have any good memories of Lucifer. But this is a different Lucifer being brought up. "Nevermind."

"She's here to present a case." Emily answering Gabriel's initial question. "But that's later, so right now we're showing her around!"

Upons closer inspection, Charlie looked and acted eerily similar to Emily. "...Are you two secretly half siblings?" Gabriel thought out loud.

Emily and Charlie looked at each other and laughed. "Whaat? No way!" Charlie and Emily said at the exact same time, proving his point.

Charlie gasped and pointed at a nearby ice cream shop, pulling a moth demon... No that's not quite right. Angel? Fallen. "Look Vaggie! They have sprinkles made of rainbows!" There's no way this girls a demon.

But more importantly, this Vaggie character was very interesting. Angelic light held back by... something.

Every Angel was blessed with this universes God's light. And Gabriel can sense that Light. He can also sense Darkness, present in demons, like the one in front of him enjoying strawberry ice creams with way too many rainbow sprinkles.

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