Chapter 37.

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I end the call trying to compose my self. My heart is painfully tight and I'm starting to see stars.

Pushing this feeling away for a second I call my pilot.

"готовьте самолет, мы улетаем в десять утра" I command hanging up shortly after.

"Get the jet ready, we're leaving at ten am."

I race home and arrive in record time, opening the door I'm greeted with the smell of pasta and loud laughter. Silently walking in I'm met with my whole entire family, all my friends, blade and his family, all sitting around the table and laughing with one another.

I look at papa, Asher, Aaron and blade and see worry in their eyes, their smiles evidently fake but the rest of them? They seem a-okay. Even Lucas and Leo. Even after that accidental bomb they just planted.

I enter the kitchen fully and make my presence known as I fill a glass of water up. The room turns silent as I feel eyes bore into my skull. I chug the water and take a second before I turn around fully, face of thunder.

"You guys sound like you're having fun, don't mind me" I say feigning innocence.

"Bella-" mama starts as she runs towards me hands reaching up to my face. "What happened ria what the fuck happened?" She says tears welling in her eyes.

I take a step back avoiding her touch as I glance at everyone else "don't cry mama, I'm fine" I say harshly.

"I'm flying to Russia tomorrow. Got some things I need to sort out." I say not leaving room for argument

"No you're not." Maximillo says argumentatively

I raise my eyebrow. "Oh?"

"It's too dangerous, plus we all know what you're doing." He snarks

"And what's that brother?"

"Your pushing us away Aurora, I'm not gonna let you go to Russia to get yourself killed?" He shouts

I smirk

"You didn't really seem to care for 16 years Maximillo, and then there was the 6 months I was dead" I start "I put my life on the line for you fuckers and for the past week all you've fucking done is avoid me like I was a deathly desease. I haven't even been properly fucking introduced to the rest of the family. My fucking second in command, the only person I could trust in this whole entire world" I spit looking at my so called cousins Lucas and Leo and then at the rest of my friends "is dead. So I'm not going there for a fun time, I'm going to plan his fucking funeral, go to it, and then kill the persons who took the only person I could trust away from me" I say slamming my glass down and heading up stairs.

Not before noticing blade stiffen and pale ever so slightly

" well Shit" I hear Elijah and Arlo say at the same time.

1 hour later

I changed the flight to later on tonight. 12am to be exact.

I don't care what the family thinks, yes I was Alexandre's boss and we didn't speak all that much, but he was my second for a reason. He was the first person I ever sparred with, he was the reason I stayed alive in many cases, he wasn't just a best friend he was my brother.

And now he's dead, I don't know why, and I have to be the one to break the news to his girlfriend and little daughter.

It's 10pm right now, I have two hours before I need to make my move to the airport. Half of me wants to try and talk to my family before I leave, try and settle them a little bit and not leave with bad blood between us. But the other half? I'm mad and I have every right to be. I don't want to tell them I'm leaving because I don't want to argue my case. I'm going and that's final, so I don't say a peep.

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