Camping in the forest

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Delilah's POV

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Delilah's POV

We stopped after running for a while and Shirley decided that we would camp here for the night.

"Are you sure we aren't followed ?" I asked.

She laughed in a tired voice.

"No but I know how to be sure."

Slowly she brung her finger to her mouth and whistled so loud that it was almost painful. And before I could ask why , we heard rustling in the bushes. And from them came out a whole pack of black wolf.

"See Delilah the thing is when your a sorcerer, missions can include animals. Well one time I had to stop an illegal trafic of wolves. Wolves that I befriended and who now stay in this forest to be my ears and eyes when I need."

She said petting one of them. But before she could gives them proper orders, one of the wolf pushed in front of him a pup.

She bent down and picked it up immediately knowing who her mother is.

"Well hello little one !" She said with a big smile that was so rare. "Since your too little to help with our protection I guess your staying with me."

The little pup licked her nose and Shirley turned to the wolf that pushed him forward.

"I'll take care of him Neilah don't worry." With that Neilah who I guessed was her mother and the others left in different direction to watch over us.

Shirley lit a fire and dropped her things. I started to prepare to go to sleep after eating. Shirley played a little with the little wolf and put it on her lap for him to sleep while she petted him. She looked calm. And it was kind of nice. Suddenly she broke the silence, her expression immediately tightening.

"Tonight we sleep outside cause the nearest town is too far and it would be dangerous but otherwise times we're gonna be in hotels. I'll be awake all night to guard. But you should sleep since it's gonna be a hard mission. Don't accustomed to sleeping a lot tho, cause we'll be tracking them down night and day."

I nodded and she got some sandwich ouf of her bag and tossed them to me. But she didn't take one.

"You don't want some?" I asked worried.

She smiled and continued to pet the little one.

"No thank you. I ate enough at Nono's place."

I nodded and ate while she prepared a make shift bed for her to sleep on.
Then I don't know what the hell happened but she pulled of her top and I was suddenly way hotter. She had on bandages covering her chest and back and even tho it ment that she was probably hurt, she managed to look hot in them. It was even hard to breathe and I couldn't bring my eyes away.
She was tying her hair with her back turned and it was even worse it made her muscle flex. Being with her for this mission was gonna be real hard.

"I can feel your eyes on my back Delilah James." She said making me blush. "What is it ?" She asked bluntly dropping on the floor to lay down her eyes closed.

I had to think quickly at what I was gonna ask. OH RIGHT !!.

"Why do you wear bandages ?" I asked still feeling some heat on my cheeks and my ears.

"Hmm cause I got some previous scars that need to heal." I hummed in response.

"Can I ask you other questions ?"

She nodded opening her eyes to look at me.

"Why did you accept the mission ? I mean I'm glad I'm here but you have Tyrone and Noemie who are worried about you back there. Why accept a mission that could possibly kill you ?"

She looked at me as if it was obvious before answering.

"Because it's my job. And I know that if it's not me it's someone else out there and it's not my first mission like that so I know what to do. Plus I'm not alone this time soooo...." She paused before she talked again. "But since you're asking why did you agree too ?"

I didn't think she'd ask that but since she did I might as well answer.

"Well since I have no one home waiting for me I can afford to go on more dangerous missions. The pay is good and since I want my own place one day I'm starting to save up more. And since my heat is coming when we go back to the school I had to take the opportunity of having some money before."

She nodded before talking again.

"I changed my mind I'm gonna sleep and I'll just put up a shield around us for the night."

"Okay." I said my voice growing sleepy.

I started to lay down too but a question was still burning in the back of my mind.

"Hey Shirley."

"Yeah ?"

"Why are you so sure that something between us would be a mistake ?"

She didn't respond.

"You're barking at wrong tree Delilah. You could have anybody but I would be a really bad choice. You wouldn't have a calm life like a normal person and pretty much like me you would be tracked all the time. It would actually be a miracle if I had a whole year in the house we have. Don't make a mistake Delilah please. "

"What if it's not a mistake ?"

She sighed.

"You won't change my mind on this Delilah." She said finally laying down and closing her eyes to sleep while holding the pup close.

"Bet." I responded loud enough for her to hear.

The night went well even tho what she said was still on my mind. In the morning I was met with four sets of yellow eyes that belonged to four of the black wolves from last night. Suddenly a voice was heard behind all that fur.

"I told you guys to back off. She had a rough evening." Shirley said with a low voice since it was the morning.

One of the wolves turned its head towards Shirley growling at her while she put on a white top.

"No it's nothing like that you little shit !" She said visibly responding to the wolf.
Then she saw my eyes were open.

"Oh you're awake." She said looking like a deer caught in headlights.

'Oooh this is gonna be fun'

Words count: 1074 words

Words count:  1074 words

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