Favorite dumbass

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Shirley's POV

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Shirley's POV

" The fuck you're doing here Tyrone ?"I say to this dumbass on the ground.

( Shirley and Tyrone 👇🏽)

"First Aouch ! Second I have something from the castle for you

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"First Aouch ! Second I have something from the castle for you.
What happened ? You seem tensed ?" He asks still visibly hurting while I remove my feet from his chest. 
" Hum maybe because you got behind my back while I was training ! Plus,  what could be this important for one of the king's personal guards to come visit me ?" I ask still tensed.

"It's because I had to give you this." He says giving me an envelope. Without waiting more,I take it from his hand seeing a stamp sealing the white envelope,but not just any stamp,the royal one. I quickly open it and take out the piece of paper. My eyes flies letter to letter in less than a minute.


"Dear Shirley Indira Jackson,
You are to come to the palace next week for an entrevue with the King. You have the possibility to bring a plus one if your heart tends to do so. If this mission becomes an emergency you must be ready to come at anytime to the palace."

"*sigh* What is it about Tyrone ?" I ask already annoyed.
"Honestly Shirley,I don't know. The only thing I know is that your plus one has to be powerful enough to accompany you on the mission but I think you already knew that. I'm happy for the mission but I hope they don't put you on this because it's dangerous. " He says with a smile.

"Yeah I hope too. Thanks Tyrone,want a drink before you come back home to your dulcine ?"I ask playfully as he laugh.
"I guess I can give you some of my precious time. "

A few minutes later,we're sitting on the steps of the house,watching the sunset with glasses of wine in our hands.

"Do you want me to ask Noemie to replace you on this one ?" He asks in a voice full of worry.
"No Tyrone, I mean I love you brother but if they're calling me it's probably because it's a dangerous one, and I don't want you or Noemie be to get hurt or worse because of me. Plus doesn't she want a baby soon ?"

"Yeah she does. But I'm sure she would give up on that if it meant saving you you know ?"
"Yeah I know."

"Hey don't you have a roommate now ?" He asks wiggling his brows.

"Yes I do but don't go thinking shit."

"Ooooh what ?" He said clearly disappointed.
"Why not ? She's ugly ?" I laughed at his last question.

"No Tyrone she's actually my type but you know damn well I can't."

He scoffed.

"Shirley Jackson you're a dumbass."

I chuckled softly as we continued to slowly drink our glasses as the sun goes down I decide that if I want to survive, I should let Tyrone go home to Noemie.

"You should go home Tyrone, it's getting late."
"Right. Need something before I go?"
"Nah I'm fine don't worry."
"Are you sure ?" He asked dragging the sure.
"Okay then I guess I'll get going. Goodnight Shirley."
"Yeah Goodnight. Kiss Noemie for me."
"Sure." He said closing the door behind him.

What both of them ignored was that a very curious Delilah had heard their conversation

—————-1 hour later——————

Delilah's POV:

I think I should go downstairs for the dinner. I don't know what Shirley made but it's smell hella good. As I open the kitchen door this time I don't see Shirley, just a plate with a note next to it.

I had to go out for a quick ,here's your dinner. Don't bother waiting for me.


I wonder where's she's gone to. But either way I'm eating my meal with pleasure. As always with Shirley's meal it's delicious. I write down a thank you on the back of the paper where she already wrote.

Thanks for the meal Shirley as always. I hope you get home well.


Well that's done. I can go in the garden to rest a little bit maybe. There's nothing for me to do but I can still lay down and star gaze.

Third person POV:

   While Delilah star gaze in the garden, Shirley is with her baby. Spark had hunt down a doe in the woods and was about to eat it when Shirley arrived. She decided to clean the animal properly and to skin it. While the meat was being roasted on a fire Shirley made with a spell, she and Spark were lying down on the grass. The wind blowing in the trees all around them was just perfect. Together even if they only two and from different races,they were family.  But little did they know, that trouble was ahead of them. In a noisy castle an angry King is trying to solve some country issues. And he needs the help of Shirley and maybe even earlier than he thought....

Shirley's POV:

I think I should relax  a little before the big day. I should probably get ready to go back.
"Hey buddy listen I'm gonna have to go. " with a whine he lets me know that it doesn't please him. "I know buddy but we're gonna be on a mission soon so wait just a little bit more and then it will be just the two of us. Okay baby ?" He looks me in the eyes with a sad glint and lower his head so that I can kiss his head goodbye.

I arrived home within five minutes carefully being quiet so I dont wake up Delilah. When I opened the door of my room I was hit by a wave of my own pheromones,like always,the only ones possibly in my room.

All hail the great Shirley.

Words count: 977

💙Laughing dragon

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💙Laughing dragon

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