A target on our back

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Shirley's POV

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Shirley's POV

'Dang it ! I bet she heard me. I gotta stop being so nice with her she's gonna think there's a chance between us'
I cleared my throat before talking.

"We weren't followed, the wolves made sure of it. Now we have to get to a town to get more informations. When we arrive we need to be on low profile got it ?" I asked still with a sleepy voice.

"Yeah but why ?"

"Because it's a tracking mission. If they have spies we'll be seen and the whole mission will be compromised."

She responded with an
aknowledging 'Ooooh'.

"Anyway, just pick up all your things we have to go. It's still early but we have to start to walk now if we want to get to town before noon."

She started to get all her things ,I gave back to Neilah her pup and we left, we started to walk trough the woods at a fast pace in direction of the closest town.

We walked for 40 minutes before we had to cross a river. I sighed and dropped my bag on the grass.

"How do we cross there's no bridge ?" Delilah asked seeming confused.

"I need you to answer to that one thing Delilah. What's the strongest plant ?"

She looked at me and started to think about it.

"Definitely the sun eater." She answered with confidence.

I nodded and took my staff between my two hands. And touched the ground with it to say my enchantements.

"E terra pullulat altas radices Solis comedentis , qui hanc profundam hanc nos transire permittit aquis. "
Slowly from the ground emerged some sun eaters that grew themselves into a bridge to access the other side. I picked up my bag and started to cross the temporary bridge followed closely by Delilah. But when we crossed we hadn't even made 2 steps that Delilah stopped, I turned to see what was going but I smelled it before. Someone's not far and is releasing a great amount of pheromones. They are trying to stop us. I dropped my things and came next to her to help her. If we aren't careful she'll get sent in an early heat. She was already swaying so I helped her to keep her balance.

"Do you think you can hold until I catch them ?" I asked in a tone so gentle that it even surprised me.

"Y-Yeah I think you have enough time before I lose control. Just be fast."

I nodded , helped her sit down, and gave her my black scarf to reduce the amount of pheromones she was inhaling. And with that done I raced trough the woods to follow our assailants. My feet were hitting the ground so silently that he wouldn't even have time to escape. Then I saw it caped figure behind a tree.

I slowed my pace and slipped behind the tree taking a dagger to put it under the man's throat.

"Stop releasing the pheromones now or your head will be on the ground before you could even register it." I said in a tone that obviously made the man tremble. He didn't wait more and stopped immediately.

"Good. Now you're gonna tell me who you work for and fast."

A sweat drop rolled on his left cheek and he gulped hard before responding.

"I-I don't know ! I-I'm a simple bounty hunter a-and a man came and paid me 100 crowns to slow you down if you came this way."

I huffed, didn't look back and released him saying one last thing.

"I advise you to say to your employer that you stopped us if you want to keep your head and a beating heart."

With that said I left him and ran back to Delilah. When I arrived I bent down next to her and helped her getting her breathing under control.

"That's it Delilah. Breathe in and out." I said while her breath calmed down.
She started to pull of my scarf but I shook my head.

"Keep it Delilah if we meet another bounty hunter you should have it with you if you need it to keep your breathing under control."

She nodded and I helped her to get on her feet.

"Thank you Shirley...for that and for taking care of um... well whatever that was."

I nodded and started to explain.

"That was a bounty hunter sent by one of the assassins we're tracking,possibly the chief. I'm sorry this happened to you Delilah but we still have to go to at least get some proper rest."

She nodded and we got back on track. If we continue at this pace we'll arrive at Vileria in an hour. But right now we should probably stop so I can make sure Delilah was okay. We're going trough some grassy hills so we could sit down if needed.

"Everything okay Delilah ?" I asked turning to face her.

"Yeah I'm still a little affected but not enough to be sent into an heat."

"You wanna sit down a little ?" I asked.

She nodded yes and we both sat down in front of each other, then she started to laugh.

"You know Shirley, you're a weird person. All the other persons you've been on a mission with said you were harsh and aggressive. And, I'm pretty sure you really are. But even though you said there was no way between the two of us you keep sending signals that suggest otherwise. Did I actually pulled of the most prestigious heist of all time and managed to steal your heart Shirley Jackson ?"

She asked making me flush for the second time today.

"You're getting ideas."

I answered turning my head. She came closer to my face, way to close to keep my cool anymore.

"No Shirley, I think you're lying to yourself. And with the way you look at me I know you're at least insterested." But before I could fall for it, I stood up quickly.

"We're not from the same world Delilah, back off." I answered turning my head so she couldn't read my emotions and with a tone that was way too harsh.

"We have to go." I continues with an harsher tone that I'm sure hurt her.

But before she said anything more. I started to walk again towards the town, her following behind.

Words count: 1053 words

Words count: 1053 words

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