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Delilah's  POV

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Delilah's  POV

I don't know why I keep pushing because right now that's really hard. I feel like we should give it a chance. She's being harsh but I can't help thinking that we would miss a chance there.

Wait what if... that's it I know what to do.

Shirley's POV

Maybe I was too mean. I shouldn't have talked to her this way. I can regret all I want I can't say anything it will only prove her right.

So we continue, and we continue on the road in a heavy silence. Then, after an hour we start to see Vileria behind trees. Our feet soon hit the pavement and we start to walk trough the town to get to the hotel. And we don't have to wait too long before we find it.

When we enter we're immediately hit by the freshness of the place

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When we enter we're immediately hit by the freshness of the place. They probably use an illusion for the place to be that cool in summer.

I waste no time and make my way to the counter to reserve our rooms. It's a little lady who's probably at least in her 60s.

"What can I do for you two young ladies ?" She asks us in a voice radiating joy.

"Yes uhm we would like two individual rooms please if that's possible. " I answered. 

She checked her keys behind her and turned to me with eyes that definitely said sorry.

"I'm so sorry but we're booked and the last room I can give you since you travel together is a couple room. All the other individual rooms are taken. I'm truly sorry."

My mouth was sealed and I couldn't even properly talk. WHY ME ?! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME ??! ISN'T THERE OTHER PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET?!??

I sighed before responding.

"We'll take it."

"I'm truly sorry love," she said "but I can offer you free room delivery for the meal."

I nodded paid and took the key she was giving me. I turned to Delilah that was waiting behind and we both got to our room.

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It's nice at least

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It's nice at least. We drop all our things in it and leave to asks some information at the closest bar. As we make our ways trough the street we have our hoods on to keep low profile.

"Why are we going to a bar."
Delilah ask visibly just as annoyed as me for the room.

"Because almost everybody drinks when they are here because of the famous beer of Vileria. So if one of them passed in town there's a possibility that the bartender know about it."

She hummed and we entered the bar. It was full of noise and crowded so we kept our hood up. I made my way to the bar with Delilah close behind. We sat on stool and waited for the bartender. He was a well built man and kind of intimidating if you don't know him, but he was actually one of my friends. Jack was a good informant when needed and right now I need him. He entered from the backdoor and immediately saw me but when Delilah saw him she seemed scared. Not that I could blame her. He quickly came to me and greeted us.

"Shirley, long time no see."

He said shaking my hand firmly.

"Yeah hello Jack. Glad to see the business is still as flourishing."

He nodded and gave me a pint of cherry beer while we exchanged for a few minutes.  Suddenly Delilah broke our conversation.

"I'm gonna go make a tour."

But before she could go I held her back by the wrist.

"Stay here." I said almost like an order.

" You're not my mate Shirley, you have no say in where I can and cannot go."
She said yanking my arm away and going into the crowd.

Jack looked at me and her back and forth.

"Woah... What was that about Shirley ?"

I scoffed.

"Nothing. Anyway I'm glad we could catch up but I didn't came here to reminisce old good times. Have you seen a suspicious man around here ? Perhaps an assassin ?"

He looked at me with surprise before answering the question.

"Yes he left. He came in here covered in a black cape. Not even bothering to hide the daggers at his belt. When he entered the bar,all the conversations dropped, it was like a desert. But when he came at the bar he asked for some beer that would last until in two days. My guess is that he left for-"

But he was cut off,cut off by my hand that I lifted to stop him. Something wasn't right and I could smell it. Delilah's distress pheromones. I followed the scent until I found her being hit on by two man's that could not seem to take no for an answer. They were blocking her way to outside and she was backing of slowly to try and find a solution. I came behind her and she backed off right into me but I held her so that she wouldn't fall.

"I think you guys have other things to do than hit on a poor Omega no ?" I said in a threatening tone, releasing menacing pheromones making them run off. Since I still held Delilah she got out of my grasp basically shoving me.

"I had that under control." She said making me scoff.

"Yeah I bet you did. What you're searching for is thank you." I said giving her a middle finger.

I came back to Jack for him to tell me the name of the town.

"Sorry about that Jack. What's the name ? "

He nodded in

"No problem, he's heading towards Caralina."

"Thank you again Jack, I hope I see you soon." I said to him shaking his hand for the last time.

I said to Delilah we were leaving and she opened the door for us to go when Jack called me one last time.

"Hey Ina ! You better invite me to the wedding !" He said laughing his ass off as I gave him a middle finger.

When we got back out it was already noon and if we wanted to have our room delivery for our much we had to get back to the hotel.

Words count: 1037 words

Words count: 1037 words

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