A mistake that will definitely cost

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Shirley's POV

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Shirley's POV

I just woke up with the sun hitting my face with brightness. Any it's even more violent as I realize: I totally messed up.

Why the hell did I kiss her ?! I'm the one who talked about serious relationships and is supposed to not like her ?!

It can't be that bad right ?

_a few moments later_

Okay so it's really bad...

We avoided each other all day and the only possible way of knowing she's here is that a plate has been washed and some bread has been cut.

This is pissing me off but at least I don't have to deal with it.

But even if that issue doesn't need to be handled at the minute, one still remains.

"Isaiah." I grit trough my teeth.

I open the entry's door and head for the three I carefully tied him to. I see him his head hanging low. When he heard me coming he slowly lifted his head to face, smirking in the process of doing so.

« Good morning lil sis.~" He said obviously trying to make me angry.

An almost inhuman laugh made it's way trough my throat. It even managed to scare me but he kept a straight composure.

"You're no longer worthy of calling me that. You lost that privilege the day you left." I said looking him straight in the eye. In the reflection of his black eyes I saw the regret I was waiting for.

"Shirley I ca-" I cut him off by kicking him in the jaw.
Aouch.That will most definitely leave a bruise.

"You know what Isaiah? I don't wanna hear any of it right now. Right now, I want information."

He looks down but a smile appears on his lips.

"Sure Ina." He respond as I slap him.

"Still not it but spill. And fast." I say with a menacing look in my eyes.

I spent five minutes listening to him and I decided that I had all the information I needed. I turned away but I was stopped by Isaiah.

"Can I at least explain myself ?" He asked.

I know I should listen but I honestly am not in the mood.

"No. I really don't want to hear any of it right now." I turned my back once more but this time his hand in mine stopped me.

I took a deep breath before talking.

"Since when are you free ?"
I ask a tear rolling down my cheek. Shit. I'm crying.

He chuckled softly before answering.

"Since last night. I think you forgot who taught you how to tie someone's hands Ina."

Of course. I take a deep breath to steady my voice.

"Stop.calling.me.that." I say even tho my voice is still trembling.

"At least turn around Shirley. If you really want me gone. I'll be on my way. But at least say it at my face."

I slowly turn to face him and as I look in his eyes I realize that I don't want him to go. I can say whatever I want but he'll always be my brother. Even if he hurt me.

He tilts his head in a questioning but gentle look.

"So..." He asks searching for an answer.

I look at him with tears now rolling down freely. I closed my eyes shut and turned my head away to avoid his gaze.

"I can't...." I answer trying to keep the very little cool I had left.

"Then let me be here." He says pulling me into his arms.

I cry softly while he hug me close. I missed him so much that right now every hold I still had on my feelings was breaking. And I just let it go.

He held me close until I was done. All my energy drained,    my legs gave up. But in a blink Isaiah lifted me in his arms and started to carry me inside the house.

He slowly bent down and put me on the couch.

"Thank you..." I whisper.

My eyes burns after crying so much and I feel pathetic but I'm too tired for now so I'll just sleep.

Isaiah's POV

Shirley just fell asleep. I feel relieved but I'm still worried. I know me leaving probably left an open wound but this right here wasn't just because of me. Something happened. And now that I'm here, I'm gonna take care of it.

But right before I turn a dagger is being thrown at me from behind,grazing my cheek. I turn swiftly and I see the woman from yesterday's evening.

Her eyes meet mine and I see nothing but defense and anger. Ooooh she probably wonder why I'm in here.

"What are you doing in here ?!" She asks angrily and almost yelling.

"Well I-" I started but was stopped by her lunging at me with another dagger and just as I was getting ready to fight back Shirley stopped her. She didn't even move but her voice alone stopped us.

"Stop it both of you." She said in a chilling voice. I'm not usually scared of Shirley but I know my limits. So we stopped.

She started to get up, visibly grumpy. In another I would've laughed but this whole thing visibly has taken it's toll on her and I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.

"Fuck. I can't even sleep 5 minutes with you two." She said annoyed. She took a deep breath before she started to explain.
"Delilah this is my big brother Isaiah. Isaiah this is my roommate and partner for this mission,Delilah. Delilah, Isaiah will help us and means no wrong so no need to kill him. The end. Now let me fucking sleep and Isaiah wake me up at 7pm, we have to discuss my plan and you have some explanations to give." With that said she dropped dramatically on the couch and seconds later she was asleep. I turned my head towards Delilah and just passed in front of her and started to head towards the kitchen.

"What am I gonna eat ?~" I said in a singsongy voice.

Words count:  1015 words

Words count:  1015 words

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