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The pandemic was frightening and worrying for the majority, including Rosé and Jimin.

However, during the time of quarantine, they got to spend more time together.

2020 was the peak of their qrelationship. The majority of their days were spent well with each other's company. They got to spend more time with each other compared to the pre-pandemic times wherein their hectic schedules occupy the majority of their time.

In the comfort of their homes, they spent so much time together. This year, 2020, they started knowing each other on a deeper level.


"Baby, what's wrong?"

Jimin asked her, a worried frown plastered across his face. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and shook it gently. 

His eyes were met by her teary ones. His heart immediately aches by such sight. Without a word, he pulled her into a warm, lasting embrace.

"You're still thinking about it, aren't you?"

He asked her and sighed softly as he wiped a tear off her cheek.

"It's just...Just so...unfair. Why won't they appreciate me for once?"

She sobbed quite loudly, her shoulders trembling with emotion . She buried her face in his chest and sought comfort in his embrace amidst her inner turmoil.

"Shhh... it's okay, just let it all out. I'm here for you, and besides, you don't have to be your parents' favorite. If they prefer your sister, let them be. What's important is that they aren't stepping on your boundaries. Besides, you have tons of people who appreciate you. First, you have God, you have your fans, you have me."

He spoke gently and softly to her, considering his tone and choice of words very well. He's talking to her as if he's talking to a little child who's been bullied. The way he talks to her just gives her a lot of comfort that she needs.

Her sobs intensified as she muttered her words, burying her head in his chest even deeper.

"Yeah, I know. They're more than enough, but, it's just, it just hurts you know? Just because Alice-eonnie is  the eldest and just because I wasn't able to spend most of my adolescence with them to pursue my dream as an idol, they keep saying that I'm not a good daughter blah, blah, blah. Alice there, Alice this, Alice that blah, blah, blah. It hurts!"


As Rosé spent more time with Jimin, she realized how much of a gentleman he really is. He always puts her needs before him. Sometimes, it made her feel worried. There was a time wherein she threw a tantrum jokingly for him to make her kimchi fried rice and stew right this moment and a few hours later, she was sleeping in her room but was later awaken by a knock on the door. It turns out that he still made her the food she wanted despite the gigantic amount of effort needed to do it in such a short time. Rosé's heart ached at his sweaty and tired form.

There was also a time wherein she got mad at him for a very big reason, well FOR HER it was big. (He ate her last piece of Samanco Ice Cream)
And she got so mad at him that she made him sleep outside on the couch, without any blanket. The next morning, he was gone. It freaked her out.

"Jimin-ah!! Jimin-ah!! Where are you? Baby, I'm sorry, okay?"

She panickedly looked all over the house for him. Under the couch, in the restroom, in the kitchen, the cabinets, but to no avail.

She's freaking out terribly right now. What could've happened? Did she leave him already? It's all her fault.

As the emotional person she is, Rosé collapsed on the floor and started sobbing.

"Jiminie.... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry....I shouldn't have gotten mad at you over such a stupid and petty thing."

She continued sobbing as she hugged her knees tightly. She felt like the most terrible person on Earth right now.

"Ch-Chiminie...come back.... I'm sorry....c-come back..."
She sobbed loudly.

Suddenly, the front door of their apartment swung open.

"Baby, wake up, I've got something for y-"

Rosé froze as soon as she heard that voice. It was Jimin. Without a word, she jumped onto him and threw herself into his arms, sobbing intensely. Jimin was caught off guard by the sudden hug but he quickly reciprocated the hug.

"Baby, what's wrong? Did something happen while I was gone?"

He asked softly in a whisper-like voice. As usual, he's got that gentle and soft demeanor while talking to her, which just makes her feel even guiltier. More tears brimmed the corner of her eyes as he wiped it with his thumb. She sniffled through her tears and snuggled closer to him as she began to sheepishly explain what happened.

"I-I...I thought you left me."

"Huh? Wh-Why-"


Said Rosé as she sobbed even harder and pulled him even closer to her. He smiled sweetly at her current state. He found it cute how she worried for him.

"Shhh, you don't have to cry. I'm here, okay? I'm here and I'm not leaving. I just bought you another pack of ice cream and your favorite fast food. I won't leave you for such a petty matter. In fact, I won't even leave you. Ever." He smiled softly before planting a tender kiss on her lips.

A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips and her lips quivered even more. "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! I'M SO SORRY, SO SO SORRY, I'M SO SOR-"

He placed his index finger on her lip to shush her and hugged her again.

"It's okay, baby. It's okay, it's all clear. Now, why don't we eat the food? It's so much better when it's still warm!"

𝗕𝗲𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀  | 𝖩𝗂𝗋𝗈𝗌éWhere stories live. Discover now