Night Owl Ch. 9

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Perched on the edge of the sofa, the tension in the room was palpable. His hands fidgeted, betraying his anxiety about the conversation that loomed between us.

"Thanks for coming," I murmured, keeping my tone neutral to mask the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

Starting this conversation was daunting. How do you even begin to address the revelations about other women? "So, what about those other ladies?" felt too blunt, too raw.

"," he stumbled over my name, then cleared his throat. "Can I start?" His voice was hesitant, unsure.

"Sure," I replied, shifting to sit on my feet and face him directly, bracing myself for what he might say.

He took a deep breath, his eyes locking with mine, conveying a seriousness that made my nonexistent heart skip. "Look, Rae, I know I messed up. I should have been upfront with you from the start. I didn't tell you about the others because I was scared of losing you."

His confession hung heavy in the air. The vulnerability in his expression made it clear he was bracing for the worst. I tried to remain composed, letting him lay bare his thoughts.

"When I met you, something clicked. I couldn't stop thinking about you, replaying your voice, wondering about your face. And the first time I made you cum, I felt something I hadn't with anyone else, not physically, not at all."

His words echoed my own hidden feelings, the very reasons I had avoided other suitors. Once we met, no one else ever lived up to the way he made me feel.

"Rae, last week when you asked just to talk, it nearly brought me to tears," he continued, his voice cracking slightly as he looked up at me with moist eyes.

The urge to comfort him was strong, but I needed him to continue, to tell his truth.

"When I realized it was you at the bar, I felt torn. I was drawn to another woman for the first time in so long, and then to discover it was you... It felt like fate."

He reached for my hand, gently taking it in his. "Rae, you've been the only one for me in a way that counts. I don't want anyone else. And yes, I'm hoping to change my career path, to get out of that line of work as my music takes off."

"Wait, are you saying you want to sign with us?" I couldn't hide the flicker of excitement in my voice.

"Only if you're okay with it," he replied, his head tilting to catch my full gaze.

"That's not my decision to make for you, JK."

His next question came softly, "Are you still uncomfortable because of my other clients?"

I nodded, unable to mask the discomfort that tightened my expression. It was clear that, that hurt him a little. The fact that it seemed I didn't trust him to fully devote himself to me.

He sighed, a hint of pain crossing his features. Turning to fully face me, "Let's clear the air. Ask me anything you need to know to put your worries to rest."

My mind raced. Did I really want to punish myself learning about how other women might turn him on? How he envisioned fucking them through that mirror like he did with me. Yet, I needed to understand, to know where I truly stood.

"Do you give them nicknames too?" I blurted out, needing to grasp the full scope of his connections.

"Yes," he admitted without hesitation, and my heart sank. But he quickly added, "They're not like yours. They're based on favorite things, like 'Anime' or days of the week. Nothing intimate like yours."

That stung less, but it still hurt.

"Okay, do you enjoy your time with them?" The question was out before I could stop it.

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