Family tree

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After explaining to Hecate what happened, Hades took pain and panic down to his throne room to properly torture them for endangering and hurting his girlfriend; leaving Maleficent and Hecate alone in the library together. "I'm sorry we couldn't meet on better terms." Hecate stepped forward and held her hand out. "I'm Hecate. Goddesses of witchcraft and crossroads."

"Maleficent." She shook the goddesses hand.

"I'm glad to officially meet you." Hecate says. "Even though we've technically met before."

"We have?" Maleficent asked.

"Well, I've met you. When hades first brought you to the palace." She explained.

"Oh. So...are you like Hades assistant or like his work mom?" Maleficent asked.

Hecate laughed at that statement. "I suppose you could call me his "work mom". I stick around to help down here and make sure he's not being an idiot."

"Yeah that tracks." Maleficent nods

"I got to say, you sure do have an influence on our boy." Hecate told her, sitting on the couch in front of the fire.

"How so?" Maleficent asked, sitting on the other side of the couch.

"Hades has always been kinda, down in the dumps for lack of a better word. Never really seemed to be genuinely happy. His jackass family didn't help with that either. Until he met you that is." Maleficent was a bit taken aback by that last part. "Every chance he got he would talk about you, show me pictures of the two of you together; he actually seemed happy for the first time in his life and I have you to thank for that."

She wasn't sure how to respond to that, especially cause she didn't feel worth hades talking so much about. "I don't see how, I've been nothing but a burden since I got here."

Hecates eyes widened in surprise. "You don't actually believe that do you?"

Maleficent looked away sadly, she really did believe that.

"Oh honey." Hecate scooted closer to her and held her hands. "You are not a burden. Hades loves you and will never see you as anything more than perfect. And trust me, if you were a burden, he'd kick you to the curb." Hecate joked to lighten the mood.

Maleficent laughed a bit, "I guess you have a point."she said.

Hecate smiled and brushed the dark Faes hair out of her face. "You will always be the most important thing to Hades, and I can't thank you enough for making Hades as happy as he is now."

Maleficent didn't know what to say to that, she'd never had anyone say anything like that to her before. She started to tear up and pulled away from Hecate. "I'm sorry," she cried, wiping her tears, "gods I'm not normally this emotional."

"It's okay sweetheart." Hecate cooed, putting her arm around Maleficent. "You've been through hell, literally and figuratively. It's understandable for you to be emotionally."

Maleficent turned her head away and wiped the tears off her face. "Can we talk about something else please?" She asked.

"Sure." Hecate answered, stroking the girls hair. "Anything specific you'd like to discuss?"

"Hades family....he never talks about them and you mentioned they suck. So...what's the deal with them?"

Hecate cringed a bit and rubbed the back of her neck nervously, "it's uhh...complicated."

"How so?"



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