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Valerie's eyes gazed out the window, lost in thought as the car ride home from visiting Skye seemed to blur by. Skye was right; she had to tell Reed the truth. A sigh escaped her lips, her heart heavy with the weight of her secrets. She should've spoken up a long time ago but fear had held her back. Fear of being seen as weak. She'd been a fool, allowing Sinobelle to have her way.

Valerie's thoughts scattered. How could she break the news to Reed? He'd be furious, not just with her but with Sinobelle too. He'd been so busy at work they'd barely communicated. He'd tried but she'd ignored him every time that he'd stopped.

Yet, every night, he'd leave gentle kisses on her forehead, thinking she was asleep. The tender gestures broke her heart, reminding her of the distance she'd created. She hated that she'd pushed Reed away, hated the distance between them. She hated herself because she didn't know how to fix it.

Her phone beeped, shattering the silence.

I have information on Sinobelle. If you're interested, meet me at Grim Lake.

Valerie's eyes widened as she read the message, her heart racing with a mix of fear and adrenaline. Who couldn've sent her this?, she wondered, staring at the unknown number.

How did the person know her? How did they find out about Sinobelle? Was this a prank?

Several thoughts ran through her head. Her phone beeped again. She read the message.

We both have Sinobelle as a common enemy. I have a plan that will be beneficial to the both of us.

The words sent a spark of hope through her. Maybe, just maybe, this was her chance to take back control.

She bit her lip, slipping her phone into her pocket. The offer was tempting. Yeah, she didn't like Sinobelle. The girl was making her life miserable and all she'd done was to cry and wallow in self-pity.

As the car pulled Infront of the mansion and she got out, heading inside. She stopped in her tracks when she was greeted by the sight of the woman who had become Regina in her new home, except she was far more calculating and cruel.

Valerie planned on ignoring her, hoping to make it to her room without any drama. Luckily Sinobelle will pay her no attention and focus on her phone.

However luck wasn't on her side as Sinobelle glanced at her. She offered a nasty smile that made Valerie's skin crawl, wishing she'd never met her.

She rose up and stepped behind the couch, intercepting Valerie, stopping few steps away from her. Valerie's heart sank.

“Well, if it isn't the mute freak. Hey there, Valerie. How was your day, mate?” She asked, eyes glinting with a weird gleam.

Valerie gave her a blank stare as her heart drummed in her chest. She wished whatever she was up to, she did it quickly so she could go to her room. She was feeling fatigued. She could use a nap before revealing everything to Reed.

“Oops, forgot you can't talk.” Sinobelle uttered evilly, cackling like the maniac that she was, making Valerie's skin crawl.

She suddenly stopped laughing as her expression morphed into a furious one, her gaze filled with so much loathing it stunned and frightened Valerie as hell.

“God, I hate you. I wish to see you die and rot, you thief! You stole my man and you have to pay a price for that. Sinobelle never forgives.” Her voice was cold as they sent shivers down her spine.

Valerie stepped back in fear. She had underestimated the girl's hatred for her. Where was Raquel?, She wondered.

Sinobelle stepped towards her and grabbed her arm with unbelievable strength. Valerie tried to shake off her grip, unsuccessful. The hand that gripped her was like vice, refusing to let go.

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