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As the hooded figure stepped into the faint moonlight, my eyes widened in shock, my mind reeling. It was Sinobelle, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and danger, sending a shiver down my spine.

We stood on the rickety bridge, its wooden slats creaking ominously beneath our feet.

The absence of rails made my stomach drop, the lake below a dark, churning abyss waiting to swallow me whole. The lake was reportedly cursed, known to drown people who dared to cross its waters. They called it the 'Grim Lake' or 'Devil’s Mouth', a place where the damned souls went to meet their maker.

"Hey Valerie! Well, well, well, look what we've got here! The mute freak, right on cue. I've been expectin' you," Sinobelle said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “You're as curious as a kookaburra, ain't ya?”

I took a step back, but a firm grip clamped around my arms, holding me in place. Panic set in as I struggled to break free, but it was like trying to escape a vice. I didn't even know how they'd crept behind me. They were probably stalking me the whole time since I got here and I hadn't even realised it.

Sinobelle's laughter echoed through the air, a cold, mirthless sound that sent chills down my spine. The bridge creaked and swayed, making my heart race with fear.

How? When? Why? Questions swirled in my mind, leaving me disoriented and helpless. The only thought that crossed my mind was that I'd fallen into her trap, like a naive lamb led to slaughter.

No! No! No! Tears stung my eyes as I bit my lip to hold back a sob.

“Fair dinkum, I keep forgetting you can't talk, mate! My bad,” Sinobelle said, her eyes holding a wicked gleam.“But don't worry, I'll just keep yappin' away and you can just nod or something.”

I felt a surge of anger and frustration but it was trapped inside me, unable to escape. Sinobelle's words cut deep, like a knife twisting in my gut. How could I be so naive as to fall for her trick? But I'd been desperate, seeking closure like a drowning person clinging to a lifeline.

"Good on you for showing up, Valerie! I thought you might've been too chicken to come," Sinobelle said, her laughter growing louder and more maniacal.

“But you're as easy to lure in as a galah to a bird feeder. You're a deadset legend, mate! And now, you'll be joining the others at the bottom of the Devil's Mouth.”

Her words were like a slap in the face, leaving me reeling. I felt my blood freeze as she walked towards me, her eyes calculating like a predator stalking prey.

The bridge creaked ominously beneath our feet as if warning me of the danger lurking ahead. I tried to struggle again, but the grip behind me only tightened, holding me in place. I was trapped at Sinobelle's mercy and she showed no signs of having any.

Sinobelle's eyes gleamed with excitement as she took another step closer to me. “You know, Valerie, I’m curious to see if the legends about Grim Lake are true. They say anyone who goes in never comes out again. I did my research. Fantastic, don't ya think so?”

I tried to struggle again but the grip behind me only tightened.

Sinobelle's slap sent my head spinning, and I pleaded with her, my voice barely above a whisper. “P-please.”

She froze, taken aback, as her eyes widened in shock. “You can talk?” she spat, her Aussie accent laced with venom. “I thought you were mute, you lying vixen!”

Blinded by rage, she yanked my hair, her fingers twisting like a vice as I screamed in pain.“That's what you deserve, you deceitful little thing! You trapped Reed with your lies, making him marry you. Clever, I'll give you that.”

I winced im agony as Sinobelle's pinch dug deep into my skin, the man's grip behind me tightening like a vice. She'd already brutalized me at home, leaving me with aching ribs and limbs. This new onslaught of pain was almost too much to bear.

But then my phone rang, shrill in the night air. Sinobelle snatched it from my pocket, her face paling as Reed's name probably flashed on the screen.

She hid her fear behind a mask of anger, shoving the phone in my face. Hope bloomed in my chest but Sinobelle noticed my expression and switched off the phone. I watched in horror as she walked over to the edge of the bridge and she tossed it into the lake.

My heart sank but I used the distraction to kick the man holding me, aiming for his groin. I tried to flee but my protested limbs and hurt rib slowed me down. Sinobelle caught up, pushing me to the ground. The breath knocked out of me and all I felt was pain; blinding pain.

The man roughly pulled me up, his mask hiding his face. His vice-like grip told me I wouldn't be able to repeat what I did.

As he dragged me to the edge of the bridge, Sinobelle sneered, “No one will suspect me and I'll have Reed all to myself.”

The man leftt me to stand beside Sinobelle. The distance between us was wide if I could just...

“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” Sinobelle warned as if she could read my mind.

I was surprised when the masked man pointed a gun at me. I was suddenly filled with fear. Where was Reed? Why couldn't I ever be happy?

“It ends here, mute freak. You're dying alone. Not even Reed can save you now. Reed is mine now. We'll live happily, ever, after.”

I was about to die. Alone, just like I'd always been. I blinked back the tears, the pain in my heart too much to bear. I would never see my adopted family again.

I'd never get to hug Skye agin, feel her warm embrace and bright smile. Abuelita's wisdom and loving scolding would be silenced forever. I'd miss Acio's constant teasing and goofy grin, the way he could make me laugh on my worst days. And Reed... my husband, my love, my life. The memories of our past, of our laughter and adventures, flashed before my eyes like a bittersweet movie.

A single tear escaped as I closed my eyes, waiting for the end to come, my heart heavy with the thought of leaving behind everything and everyone I loved.

But then, police sirens pierced the air. My eyes snapped open in shock as Sinobelle's eyes widened, fear etched on her face.

Sinobelle panicked, snatching the gun from the man's hand. Time seemed to slow as she pulled the trigger. I felt the bullet's impact and my body toppled backwards, crashing into the freezing lake. The icy water enveloped me and I sank beneath the surface. My head struck a boulder with a sickening crack as I succumbed to the darkness.

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