Chapter : 1

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When ever I think about true freedom, freedom from this world freedom from oneself freedom to do what you want to, be what you want to, live how you want. Every time i used to think about my life it felt like i was not free i was tied to chains of this ordinary world it felt like i was not living life to its fullest and feel powerless and trapped in the cage of society . Every time i though about how being free free from all of this would feel like i always looked into the sky and thought about eagles flying with their wings wide open no one is their who can trap them and chain them when they are flying with their wings wide open those majestic wings of their and the power to rule the skies was all that attracted me ,they are free, free from all of it, free like how i always imagined myself to be but i didn't knew that freedom , power always comes at a price.

I was from a decently well to do family , i had always been average student throughout my schooling life, and i was told to pursue computer science as it was the best option for jobs and future if i talk about my interest i always liked mystery shows like sherlock Holmes etc. I always had problems making friends that's why i never had a friend circle or group i only had few people i used to hangout with on weekends sometimes or just stay in my house watching some show or drawing, yeah drawing was also one of my core hobbies but the thing i did even more than drawing or watching shows was imagine, yeah imaging how my future could be if i did this thing like that and all and making stories in my mind where i am a detective and solving cases as a kid i used to love doing all of this but as time passes we grow and realize that dreams as kid were good but as adult you have so much more things to take into consideration and where the main focus should be on and so i applied for a collage to get my degree and become responsible in life and this is where it all started, it was the first year of the collage and everything seemed new and fresh. I had recently finished my schooling and was very excited for the collage because collage life was seen as best days of everyone's life, my collage was quite far from my house as i had to travel across the whole city to get to it. Firstly my name is Ahmad and i was a normal 18 years old boy who lived a very ordinarily boring life , it made me even more excited for my upcoming collage life as i was expecting it to bring major changes in my life.


It was the month of September when the collage first year began, on the first day i was so excited for the collage that i didn't sleep the whole night and ended up being late for it, i rushed to collage as fast as i could since it was across the whole city and rushed to find my class and when i came to my class i saw every student sitting in a disciplined manner silently their was a big silent everyone was just looking at me and then i hear a voice ' go and sit where you find place fast ' it was the teacher who was in the class that instructed me to sit fast so that class could proceed. I sat in the class trying to focus on what the professor was teaching and also trying to figure out people sitting near me. After roughly an 1 or 2 the first class ends and its time for a small break before the next class and i see their are people talking to each other and having some snacks and having fun. I looked behind my desk and their was guy who was just sitting idle like me i waved him hello and he nodded his head so i went and sat beside him and said hello my names Ahmad, he replied by saying my names Rahul i said this class has quite a lot of strength lot of people sitting here and Rahul replied by saying yeah lots of girls too ;-) and i was like yeah sure man girls too, then i asked him where he lives and he said he lived in the center of the city and i said thats nice i live on the other end of the city.

Then we were just talking normal stuff and the professor enters the class to begin the second lecture and i decided to just sit beside Rahul as he was the only one i knew, we completed the second lecture and left the class as it was time for long break before the next class. I asked Rahul if he wanted to come to canteen or not and he said yes sure why not so then we headed to canteen and we were browsing the menu of what items were their and we decided to get some snacks and cold coffee we were sitting on the table and having our small meal and talking about studies and collage related stuff like future plans and all and as we were in the same branch which was computer science and we were talking about how we could improve our skills to get better jobs after collage ends while i was talking to Rahul he seemed like a very passionate energetic and ambitious person we both seemed to bond quite well and it was just the first day of the collage. I saw the time and the break was almost over so we both headed back to class to attend rest of our lectures and we did and after 4 hours or so the first day of the collage was finished and i had successfully made my first friend.

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