Chapter : 5

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Next few days go normal we would just talk in collage sometimes chat and sometimes go for normal movies and hang outs our bonding was developing alot and i could see even she was enjoying it so once we were just sitting on the bench and i asked her you never talk about how your life was before coming to collage and then she says well it was just normal their were few ups and downs but normal i think and i reassure her saying you can tell me after all you know so much about me and we would just become better by knowing each other better. 

She says she was just like every other person in the school , decent friends and nothing much going on and then she says everything was just going fine until it was 10th std and i met a boy , he would always find ways to talk to me , he would always use such soft sugary words while chatting and would always ask me hows everything and all the other questions , as a normal girl all of this was new to me and i didnt knew what to do other than let all thats happening let it happen and we both would talk in school and then chat alot sometimes and i was also liking the way he used to talk , it would always just feel something new something different about it like he would always come up with things i could have never even thought of and i liked that part of him, he always seemed genuine he used to ask so many questions and i would like to answer them also , he knew me better than anyone of my other friends 

I didnt knew when it was when he became so close to me, i have never let anyone get this close to me, and he started to mean something to me , i used to feel different around him , it was like i was starting to get controlled by him, what ever he would ask me to do i would first try to reason but then he would say all those nice things and i just would not be able resist it and thats when it all started to become bad he would use me like a poppet how ever he wished and everytime i tried to reason with him he would threaten me by saying i know so much about you and i can make your life living hell by just spreading some false about it and i just didnt knew what to do , every time he would be toxic like this and make me rethink my every decision about him and then in the end come and say few sweet words and i would start to think maybe i am thinking wrong he isnt bad.

i i i ( sara starts to cry) just didnt knew what to do , where to go what is right what is wrong , and then after all this using me as much as wanted sometimes asking me to make his mood by saying good things about him or or what not , after all this he just left saying i was wrong about you , you were never worth my time , get lost and he just left me in pieces and i didnt knew where to go what to do , and he didnt stop their before leaving the school he spread false rumors about me flaming me bad and everyone would just look down on me and make fun of me and it made my rest of days go pretty bad, things did start to get better in 11th and 12th and it was ok in 12th, and then i say i am very sorry to hear that , but if you had such bad experiences why did you talk to me or like shared this with me. 

She said you are just like the type of person i wanted who would really listen to me and understand me not just use sweet words on me , i feel better being around you and talking to you and from how much i have suffered i know that my suffering time is over and this is a start a start to something new probably something better, now when i think about i think i was just not ready for any of it and just went with in the flow and it almost lead to my ruin, it almost made me think that everyone is like that and things like real love and all is just a myth , but i was thinking too much back then being depressed all the time trying to convince myself everything is ok, but now when i look back at it i think what happened was really bad for me at that point of time but maybe it was for a greater good, and as time passes by my perception about love changed back in 11th i had given up all hopes for it, but now after some time has passed by i think , 1 bad experience cant make the whole thing bad can it now, i am starting to see the better side of it, and maybe regain some confidence , after all bad things happen to everyone but they live in hopes of better times because bad things happen so that people can value the good things in their life, you are the person who has given me hope again so thank you , you showed me the other side of a mans nature, you made me things see from a different perspectives and i always liked being around you.

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