Chapter : 13

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The next day me and sara were sitting on the bench during the break and i was thinking about that note i read yesterday and i asked sara , if you had to chose between the life you have now or the life you had before or the life you will have in future which would you chose and she said ofc this one because the life i have today is a result of things that happened in the past and i would always want to save this life as this is the best because i know what it is but idk about the future life how it will be so instead of taking a blind guess on future i would try to save this present life. And i was thinking about it all the time what do i do , i dont want to lose the only few people who are their in my life i dont know what the future will be with or without them all i know is that this current life is like a present to me and i dont want to lose it and sure as hell dont want to go back to my old silent life , and i was thinking for few days and then one day i call sara for a normal walk at night she comes and we head to a park and after some time we are sitting their and i tell her , their is something i need to tell you and she says yeah tell and i then tell her everything , everything about the things that will happen on sunday and then she asks why is rahul so much concerned about all of this and i say idk he is just too much behind this all power freedom thing so much that he is risking his life for it , even i was once like that but not so much extreme about it and after i got you guys and this new life i have almost accepted that this this is the true freedom i wanted , rahul says he wants to meet the most powerfull person and see weather the freedom power we all think about is it really true or is it just a myth and then he also wants fame and name also then i ask her what do i do i cant lose them and keep your promise at the same time , and then she says if you if this life really means so much to you then i am sure you will do everything in your power to come back alive and bring them with you too , so if this is the most precious thing to you then save it from getting broken save it , go help them they surly need your help in this , and then i say to her thank you so much and she just smiles.

Then the next day i go to rahuls house and tell him i will come on sunday and then rahul says thats the nice choice now haha, and then i ask him why atleast tell me why do you want to get involved in all this you have so much money wealth power why get yourself into this and then rahul says everything you see here is just a show this all isnt mine its all thats been given to me in my family i am seen as the least worthy all this my elder siblings and parents all look down on me because i am just not the type of person who is powerful enough to handle their business or anything so everyone else in my family are more worth of all this wealth power , alot has happened in my family many ups and downs and every time anything happened weather in business or anything else we all just felt powerless , once their were many legal cases going on my family regarding money and other things and these powerful people were putting false cases on us to just get our money and i can see the police working under them and every person in the streets in the school and everyone it seemed like it was all connected some how i can see that , like even with so much money wealth fame we still could no be sure for even a thing and that's not power not the power i always thought we had , from that day when i realized truly how power less we are ,i had a dream to experience and be a person who truly is the most powerful and now when i think about it i think is it even worth it being that powerful that's why me meeting that highly powerful man they talk about is important if not meet but at least see him observe him , i want to know does power truly exist or its just a myth because you can be free but still be powerless but when you have power , you can always be free as you have the power to be free.

Sunday comes and we are all waiting for zain to come and so that we can start and then zain comes and says i have finally sorted things out he says my cousin he is in the police and i have told him to keep track of our locations and if anything goes wrong he will come to save us because here we do not know what might happen because this place is more dangerous than last time , and then we all go near the river side area and we can see the van parked near the river and we wait their for a very long time , i ask rahul is this van even going to move or not and he says idk man , and then suddenly the van starts and leaves the river area and we all get alerted and follow it from a safe distance we see that the van goes to a old junk yard and we can see that their is the normal party going on their like last time and some how we lose the sight of van but now we knew the spot where the party was going on so the deal must be being held some where close here only, and then we all spread out in the party trying to search for the place where the deal might be held and we saw a container where their were few guards guarding it and we saw those two guys take their cash inside that container so now we knew that , that is where we must go but the guards were blocking our way, and then zain tells us that this place is huge their must be other entrance and then rohit says their is nothing behind the container so their must be something under it which means we need to find a way to get under this place , and then I say let's just all search for openings and then we all go all around the whole junk yard searching for any clue or way to get to the underground area and then I see that their is shallow river type of thing flowing near it , it was more like a sewer than a river but the good thing was that if their is a sewer then their must be opening too.

 I call everyone and we all go down that dried sewer to see if their is an opening and we eventually find one but it was kinda on the other side of where we had to go but rahul said atleast we found our way in side doesnt matter how far it is now the only thing is to open this damm thing its freaking jammed and locked and then we all try to open the rusted metal gate but we just could not get it to open and then zain brings a big metal rod and tries to open it still we were not able to open it and then zain says their is no way past this thing man and then we were all thinking what to do till then rohit comes with some petrol and a lighter and he says we need to make that metal burn so it gets hot and then try to open it strongly using the rod and then we all pour little amounts of petrol on it and start to burn it and as the metal gets hotter and hotter we try to again open the gate and this time we did see some progress we managed to break the lock but now the only issue was the chains that were wrapped around it for the chains we just use the same tactic and break it and then i ask him where did you get so much petrol from and then he says well the junk yard is quite big and has alot of rusty cars here and their so i just went around and found some old still stored in them and as for lighter that i found laying around in the junk yard and i ask why were you searching for petrol before we even found this entrance and he said well safety maybe if they attack us we can just you know make use of this and escape and after hearing that we are all silent and look him and he is laughing and i say yeah good idea to only escape haha. And then we finally enter that maze of sewer tunnel

Their was almost zero visibility inside that tunnel and all we had was a torch and we were still going in that tunnel that seemed almost endless until we arrived at a center point from where their were 3 different ways and we decided to split , me and zain went into one tunnel and rohit went into another and rahul into the last one , and me and zain are just going and going on in that endless tunnel untill we finally came to an opening it was the place where ac vents connected with the sewer and i said this is it our jackpot we got it now we can go though these vents and know whats exactly going on down here and thats what we do , we slowly slowly make our way though the vents and we can see and hear things that are going on below us , as of what we barely could see it seemed like their was another party going on down below but it was more of a vip only type with few people in it and it seemed like vip lounge down their and regardless of that we still kept making our way through the vents searching for any suspicious activity untill we arrived at a point in the vent from which we could see a room and their were 4-5 men waiting for someone to come and when i looked closely it was all those people who were their at the cave , who tried to threaten us all of them seemed too much nervous and scared and their were just bags and bags of cash loaded in it and then their were two doors front of the table in which they were waiting , that room seemed like a very special room is it was isolated from every corner except for the vents that is haha, their was only one entrance and one exit to that room and then the doors open and a man comes inside the room and says Mr. Louis Frost will see you in some time please wait patently till he arrives and keep the items of deal ready, and then i call zain and say take a look at this some serious thing is going on here this is our guy this is what we came here to find out the deal.

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