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Manik could see a man sitting in the dark room, on a lavish chair, where the only source of light was a small outlet that was probably made for some exhaust fans.
"Manik Malhotra! I knew you'd be here."
Everything about his voice gave Manik negative vibes from him. There was nothing good about this man. This man was definitely upto something big, something filthy.
Manik: I had to be here. After all you're successfully fucking my life, Rohan Khandewal.
Anyone could decipher the hatred and disgust that Manik had for Rohan, with the way Manik took his name. Rohan swung his chair to face Manik, and smirked looking at his blood shot eyes.
Rohan: It's a proud feeling to fuck someone's life, specially the one who's interested to fuck other's life.
Manik scowled at him in hatred. Rohan walked towards him and stood right in front of his face.
Rohan: What are you here for, Malhotra?
Manik: You already know that, Khandewal.
Rohan turned back and laughed. He picked up the glass of whiskey from the table beside Manik.
Rohan: Oh trust me Malhotra, I very well know it but I would love to hear it from your mouth.
He was testing every bit of patience from Manik, that he walked towards him, and turned him towards himself, holding him by his collar.
Manik: How do you know about Nandini and I?
Rohan smirked at his desparate face that demanded answers from him.
Rohan: Why? Did she blame you or what?
Manik's grip on his collar increased with every word that came out of his mouth.
Manik: That isn't the answer to my question.
Rohan freed his collar, jerking Manik back, which made him stumble a few steps back.
Rohan: How does it even matter? You guys have already broken up and you're here for taking your revenge right? So, let's join hands and make their lives hell.
Manik screamed on top of his voice. He was way too agitated with this man, his statics and the fact that Nandini was doubting him. Why would he share their private moments and memory with a stranger? Manik closed his eyes and took deep breaths to calm himself down.
Manik: Just freaking tell me, why are you doing this? Why are you involving me in all this? Then you're free to go your way, without ever involving me in your shit.
Rohan looked at him with his scrutinized gaze as if calculating his moves and strategies.
Rohan: Ok fine. Waise bhi, you're of no use to me. Nandini is way too smart to fall in my traps through you. Well, let's just say, someone from your own family doesn't like your peace and happiness. Bas, that's all I can tell you. Now, who is that person and why is he doing so, that's for you to find out because apparently, I'm not interested. Now, get out.

Manik reached the recording studio but he was way too lost in his thoughts. Who could it be? Was Rohan even saying the truth? But then, if he wasn't, how come he knows all the private details that were only known to the family? Who doesn't want him to be happy? Was it all related to the past?
Manik's thought process came to a halt as he heard someone calling him. He turned back only to find Nandini's assistant Jennifer.
Jennifer: Mrs Rathore wishes to see you. You're way too late for recording today. She's not very impressed. Your group is waiting up.
Manik rubbed his face and followed her up where he found the rest of them, waiting outside Nandini's cabin. Honestly, Manik was way too drained out to fight anymore. They were about to knock when heard Nandini talking on the phone throught the slightly ajar door.
Nandini: What the hell! Are you out of your mind? First you forced me into this marriage, and now that I'm away from all of you, you're telling me to force Manik into something he'd never want?.... I can't freaking believe this......... No way in hell I would do that...... Back then, I wasn't powerful enough, but now I AM. I can protect my family and Fab5 myself..........I doubt you even love Manik........ He'll be heartbroken once he gets to see your ugly face......... Just go to hell....
Saying this she smashed the phone on the wall and sat down with a thud on her chair, with her head in her hands, tears of anger and frustration flowing out of her eyes while they were all standing outside in shock. Who was she talking to? Who forced her back then? Who's forcing her to force Manik into what? Why would she protect Fab5 after all these hatred and bully? Why would Manik be heartbroken? Was Rohan really speaking the truth?
A woman fears to lose two things in her life, her family and her dignity. Often times you've heard that fear gets the worst and best of a person but what if you are afraid to lose your family, what if you're afraid to lose their happiness? You'll find yourself going crazy right? Panicked, helpless. That's what's Nandini was going through that moment. That one phone call freaked her out. It threw her back to square one. It put her back to the darkness of her past which she has been trying to overcome. Alas! Nothing soothes the pain of losing your mother. She put her head between her palms, squeezing the sides of her temple, trying to ease the pain that she felt. Her head felt heavy, like it would burst any moment now. Moreover she felt dizzy, as if the world spun faster than it should've been. She took a deep breath, through her mouth, to survive, because she felt suffocated and threw her head back at the headrest of the plush, luxurious armchair, tightly closing her eyes because her vision was blurred. She knew. She knew it was another triggering attack and she should control it lest she should invite more damage to her body than it was already. After a few deep breaths with a blank mind, she snapped opened her eyes only to find five aghast faces staring down at her in what you could probably say concern. She wasn't surprised about Dhruv, Alya and Cabir, because she was on a friendlier term with Dhruv and Alya while Cabir, though namesakingly, was her brother after all, but what about the other two. But then, Nandini felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. Her past experiences have made her almost like a robot. She is just supposed to feel and be concerned for her family which obviously doesn't include these familiar strangers. She leaned forward and maintaining her professional aura, decided to start her interrogation.
Nandini: Yes..? What brings you here? How may I help you?
Hearing her strict, professional tone, as if nothing has ever happened few moments back, when a lot involving them had took place, surprised the group. What was she hiding? Their confused yet curious glances asked each other and got nothing in return. Manik, being the leader of the group, composed himself and cleared his throat, readying himself to answer her.
Manik: We were informed by your P.A that you wished to see us.
He carefully spoke his words with a calm expression, noticing every bit of expression change on her face as if, the slightest change would give away a hint to him. She scrunched her eyebrows and looked into nothing as if to remember the reason she had called them. These anxiety attacks leave her completely useless, they make her unaware of her surroundings and present. She made a mental note to discuss this with her doctor. She can't be forgetting pettiest things over her anxiety attacks, it could be worst someday. Suddenly the bulb of her brain lit and everything gradually came back to her. She looked at him with her sharp eyes, awaring him of the return of their same old dangerous Nandini.
Nandini: Oh yes! That reminds me Mr Malhotra. I see you guys haven't even started practicing till now, have you?
Manik exchanged a look with his fellow band members. They all knew they were guilty because there isn't any doubt that they are simply here because of Ana and Nandini. Had they not controlled the situation here, they would've been thrown out by now. So they definitely owe an explanation.
Manik: Um, yes, Nandini. We haven't because I had some important work and I got late but I promise we.......
Nandini: So, this album doesn't hold any importance in your life Mr Malhotra? If that's the case then why on this earth are you even wasting our time?
She screeched in a high pitch cutting Manik in between because of two reasons. One being she hated any kind of negligence in work and two being she hated fake promises and considering Manik's past self, she knew he only made promises that he couldn't keep. Hence this only added to her frustration. She stoostood up banging the table hard with her fists.
Nandini: Listen Mr Malhotra, we are very serious about this album and at no cost we'd prefer any negligence in it henceforth. You should be thankful to God that the personal situation at our side prevented us to conduct a final audition for you guys and hence you automatically got a chance, which you guys don't deserve but make hay while the sun shines, that's all I can tell you.
She paused and looked straight in his eyes and normally Manik would've felt angry at her, for giving him advice and insulting him, but today, just like olden times, he took her words seriously. There was something in her eyes and voice that told him that she only wanted what was right for him and she seriously wants him to succeed. So he slowly nodded at her.
Nandini: Cool. Now listen very carefully. Abhiman, himself would listen to your recordings by the end of this month and if satisfied, there would a grand album launch at our anniversary , just as planned. So please be prepared and stop fooling around.
This seemed to bring back the grudge in Manik's heart back, making his facial expressions tight, and his body posture stiff. Nandini sat back and looked up as the mahogany door of her cabin opened, after a brief knock, revealing Jennifer.
Jennifer: How may I help you Ma'am?
Nandini: Where's Abhiman?
Jennifer: He's in his cabin.
Nandini: Thanks Jen.(Looking over to Fab5) And one more thing guys, I won't remind you again and again, it's Mrs Rathore for you all. Don't forget that ever. You may leave now.
They clearly understood that this instruction was more for Manik than them because she looked straight in his eyes whilst saying this and Dhruv was already on an informal basis with her. They saw her picking up her phone and walking out so they too followed her out but chose to maintain some distance. They saw her bump into Abhiman who caught her before she could fall. Every nerve inside Manik's body screamed to hold Nandini and tell Abhiman that he's there for her and that he shouldn't interfere between them but on what basis could he possibly warn Nandini's husband after all?
"I think we should stop by and hear what she's about to tell him. After all, it involves us."
He was brought out of his trance by Mukti's grave voice. He looked at her only to find her staring at the now lost in each other's eyes couple.
Cabir: I think Mukti is right. It's safe to say, we might get some clue as to who it was and what does it have to do with us anyway.
Manik nodded and so the five of the curious heads walked closer but careful enough to hide themselves from the couple.
Abhiman: Nandini..! What happened? Why are you so stressed?
He carefully made her stand properly and cupped her cheeks, talking to her gently as possible, for she seemed the same old, lost, baby like innocent Nandini who had lost her mother five years back. Nandini, however, once again, lost the calm that she somehow managed to bring back, as soon as she fell in Abhiman's arms.
Nandini: She...she ca...called Abhay.. I'm.. I'm scared....
Her voice was a mere whisper as she fanatically moved her head and her body shuddered with fear. Abhiman was confused. What has happened to her? She was fine few moments back. He held her head with one hand and her waist from the other in his firm grip to provide her with warmth.
Abhiman: Ssh! I'm right here baby. No one would hurt you. Ok? Look at me.
He made her look at him and found her giving him an innocent, blank and scared looks. He joined their forehead and both of them involuntarily closed their eyes.
Abhiman: Jab tak Abhiman hai, tab tak koi uski Nandini ko choo tak nahi sakta, samjhi?
Nandini smiled and nodded her head still in daze, which finally relaxed Abhiman. He parted away from Nandini and looked at her, after easing out a lock of hair behind her ear.
Abhiman: My beautiful Nandini.
A red hue automatically leaked on her cheeks, giving them a natural blush which made Abhiman sigh in content. It was definitely not the first time that Abhiman called her beautiful or his but when you're in love, everything seems new and different even though it's done or said a million times before. That's how love is-a little selfless, a little selfish and a little crazy.
Abhiman: Ab batao! Who called you?
And suddenly the air around them grew thick making Nandini visibly gulp while Abhiman kept drawing little circles on her back to assure her of his presence.
Nandini: Nyo......
Abhiman: Got it...
Abhiman immediately cut her in between, knowing exactly who it was, and how painful was it for Nandini to even take that woman's name but five curious heads were confused. They were here for some answers and now they were getting none. In fact, the whole mystery became even more mysterious than it already was. Nandini once again lost her strength as she thought about that conversation and kept her head on Abhiman's chest almost lifelessly and subconsciously he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, even though he himself was worried.
Nandini: I'm scared Abhiman. She said that if I don't follow her instructions, she'll ruin everything once again. Abhay, had it been the Nandini after our wedding and Mamma's death, she wouldn't have been scared because she had nothing to lose except her brother, who in turn didn't have anything that SHE could destroy. But now, I've everything to lose Abhay. Our family, Navya, Rudy, bhai, bhabhi(Aditi) and most importantly, Ahana and YOU.
She immediately looked up and held his cheeks and blinked her eyes a few times to clear her vision which resulted some tears to escape which instantly crushed Abhiman's heart. She was just like the Nandini he witnessed after her mother's death, the broken to infinity Nandini.
Nandini: I DON'T want to lose Ahana and you Abhay. What if she comes to know about Ahana? I don't want to loose my daughter Abhay. She is my life. Infact I can't afford to lose my family once again. This time, I won't be able to handle any separation or betrayal. I swear, I'll die.
Abhiman immediately cupped her cheeks and nodded in a no, pulled her in his embrace, resting his cheek on her head, letting his tears fall free.
Abhiman: Aisa phir kabhi mat kehna Nandini. Mai kaise jeeyoonga tumhare bina? Don't worry mai hoon na, kuch nahi hoga. Everyone will be fine and most importantly Ahana. you will never loose Ahana. She is our daughter Nandni-our lifeline. If she would dare to touch.. no touch is very far if would cast a bad eye on my pumpkin I swear then no one gonna save her from me. You and Ahana are my heartbeat Nandni.
Nandini: Abhiman! Mai Fab5 ko bhi hurt nahi dekh sakti.
Abhiman immediately broke the hug in surprise and looked at her confusedly. She gave him a sad smile before looking down.
Nandini: I know they've made my life hell and they even failed me but I can't forget the fact that once, they WERE mine. Manik was my love while Cabir was my brother. Dhruv was my best friend while Mukti was my brother's love. And Alya.... She was my best friend's girlfriend and my love's best friend. How can I forget my duty towards them. As much as I want them to suffer, this is not the way I want. In the end, you and I, we both know that no-one deserves a betrayal like this, Abhiman. No one does. At least at this point, when once again, destiny has brought us all in one same place and connected us to each other. I don't want the guilt of not being able to protect them once again Abhay. I don't.
She broke down. She could speak no further. While Abhiman was left surprised. How more selfless this girl could be? She wanted to protect the ones who caused her pain, both mentally and physically. But in the end, he was happy that Manik was finally her past now and that she was able to share her turmoil with him. He cupped her cheeks and made her look at him.
Abhiman: Nothing wrong would happen to anybody. Alright?
She nodded and hugged him tight while the five curious and confused heads were left in tears. Hearing her say all those things, it automatically brought back all those good times which they had spent with her. All of them. And finally their hearts and minds both agreed, that they had indeed missed out on lot of things in the past.
Abhiman: Meri jaan thak(tired)gayi hogi na?
Nandini bobbed her head like Ahana making him chuckle at her cute antics.
Abhiman: Go home and rest. You still need to have proper rest. Even my pumpkin would be getting bore at home alone you go and spend some time with her. And before you argue, you should know that I'm not listening.
Nandini pouted at him which he pecked taking her by surprise. She immediately looked around to check if someone saw their little show making him laugh at her.
Nandini: Waise tumhe koi kaam tha kya?
Abhiman: Arey haan I forgot. Woh deal confirmed ho gayi. Like finally.
Nandini: Thank God!
Abhiman: I know right!? Now we can finally get our hands on that bastard.
His jaw clenched even at the thought of his traitor ex best friend who would do anything, even if it was cheap, to get what he wants.
Nandini: Hmm but I really think someone's helping him.
Abhiman immediately looked his wife who was lost in deep thoughts.
Abhiman: What makes you say that?
Nandini looked up and found him looking at her curiously. She sighed but then thought to tell him everything she had on her mind.
Nandini: Abhay, tum khud socho, koun usse mere aur Manik ke past ke baare mei batayega. Initially I thought it's Manik himself but now as I think of it rationally, why would he? After all, even he wants to hide our past from the family to maintain his relationship with Ana and get his revenge from me. So there has to be someone else involved with him and if my instincts are correct, then it's definitely HER.
She had a point, a valid point. Manik may go to any extend but not at his own cost. And SHE could definitely need involved in this. After all she wants to get her way with Nandini and by blackmailing her, she can do it easily. Abhiman now seemed confirmed just little evidences were needed. While Manik and group were confused and curious to find this HER who's been making their lives hell. All Manik knew what that it was someone from his own family.
Abhiman: That makes sense, I'll see to it. For now you go home.
Nandini: Ok FINE! I'll go.
Abhiman nodded smilingly and buzzed her forehead.
Abhiman: Be careful and call me once you reach.
Nandini nodded and left after locking up her cabin while Advik left for his cabin. Fab5 too dejectedly left for their practice, in the hope and determination to find the missing pieces.

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