Chapter 13

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"Behind every smile, a silent vow of revenge waits for its moment."

Ji-ah's early years were a blend of fragile hope and stark disillusionment. Her story began in a quaint orphanage in Korea, a place where dreams of familial love and security were nurtured despite the harsh realities of life. As an orphan, Ji-ah was among many who wished for a family to call their own, someone to love them unconditionally and provide a sense of belonging. Her days were filled with a mixture of longing and quiet hope that someday, she would find a place where she truly mattered.

When the day finally came that she was adopted by a wealthy Korean couple, her heart swelled with anticipation. At first, everything seemed like a fairy tale come true. The couple's home was a grand estate, a world of luxury and comfort that was worlds apart from the stark, cold environment of the orphanage. Ji-ah, a beautiful and well-mannered child, was given a room of her own, a wardrobe filled with elegant clothing, and the promise of a future filled with love and care.

Yet, the dream was short-lived. The couple had adopted Ji-ah not out of a desire for familial love but as a strategic move. They were interested in expanding their business empire, and Ji-ah was a means to secure a profitable alliance. This cold reality set in as she grew older, and the veneer of affection from her new family began to crack. The warmth and kindness she had hoped for were replaced by a chilling sense of betrayal and neglect.

Her new siblings, a boy and a girl, were far from the loving companions she had hoped for. They saw Ji-ah not as a sister but as a rival. The jealousy and resentment they felt towards her were evident in their every interaction. They bullied her mercilessly, their cruelty a constant reminder that she was an outsider in a family that never truly accepted her. The parents, preoccupied with their business ventures, turned a blind eye to the abuse, choosing to focus on the economic advantages Ji-ah's presence provided rather than her emotional well-being.

The true extent of her misery became painfully clear when her adoptive parents arranged for her marriage to Kim Taehyung, a man whose name was synonymous with power and ruthlessness. The marriage was a strategic alliance designed to bolster the Kim empire. Ji-ah was married off not for love, but as a calculated move in a high-stakes game of business. Her dreams of a loving union were dashed as she realized that her life was now bound to a man who saw her as little more than a business transaction.

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