There are secrets in the tomb mountain

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Wang Qi's real name is not Wang Qi, but a name Qin Feng made up at random. Of course, there is no village called Jingtou Village around here.

He made up this paragraph just to get close to people.

Qin Feng was also one of the five independent cultivators who entered the mountain. All of them had reached the out-of-body stage. They came to this burial mountain for no other reason than that he accidentally rescued a seriously injured old man a few days ago. That old man turned out to be a master of asking questions from the sky for help.

To use the words of Wen Tianshi's group, "everything has cause and effect". He saved the old man, and the old man, adhering to the idea that "cause and effect offset each other", calculated a "reward" for him.

And the "reward" is located in this burial mountain.

As long as Qin Feng gets it, the cause and effect between him and the old man will be "offset".

If he can't get it, it means that there is "no connection" between Qin Feng and the old man.

No matter what, Qin Feng gathered four independent cultivators he was relatively familiar with and came here.

But the journey into the mountains was not smooth. They searched the mountains for several days without any progress. Then the black-scaled earth python jumped out from nowhere and chased them away in a panic. Finally, they went up the mountain again late at night, and found that there was another person there.

In order to find out why this young man was here, whether he also knew that there was a so-called "treasure" in the tomb mountain and planned to get there first. The problem was that they couldn't tell whether this guy was a weak mortal or a highly skilled cultivator.

So Qin Feng volunteered to show up and planned to explore first. The old man gave him a secret talisman that could temporarily conceal his breath and isolate him from detection. Combined with this "disguise", he now looked like a hunter who had lived in the village for decades and made a living by hunting.

Qin Feng thought he had successfully deceived the other party, but this young man...

Now he took out a Guyuan Blood-Coagulating Pill!

This is a seventh-grade elixir!

Qin Feng's eyes widened and his breathing became heavy! At this moment, Qin Feng felt that he had difficulty breathing, his whole body was shaking, and he seemed to be stunned. He even forgot to reach out to take the pill.

The seventh rank, this was something he never dared to think about in his entire life.

He was in the out-of-body stage and still a casual cultivator, which meant he had no background or foundation. As for ordinary elixirs, the best he had ever used was a fourth-grade elixir, which he had obtained with great effort. As for seventh-grade elixirs... he could only say that he had seen them, and the number of times he had seen them was less than five times.

But something so far away was now right in front of him, ready for him to take?

Qin Feng suddenly didn't dare to move.

Because he was thinking that anyone who could come up with a seventh-grade elixir was definitely not an ordinary person. Since the first idea had been ruled out, there was only one left.

This is someone they can't beat.

Moreover, Qin Feng also keenly captured a piece of information just now, that is, the person in front of him actually encountered the black-scaled earth python, but he seemed to not care at all. It seemed that to him, the monster that could fight back and forth with a cultivator in the Spirit Severing Stage was not a threat at all.

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