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"Good morning I didn't hear you get up" Kate says coming into the kitchen where I was already making breakfast for us. "Yeah I didn't want to wake you" I shrug as kate makes her way over to stand next to me.

"Good morning" I smile as I peck her lips. "Morning pretty girl" "I made you French toast, eggs, bacon and berries on the side you want coffee? I also have apple juice" I say. "You are just wife material huh" she jokes.

"Future wag here" I shrug making her laugh. "What is that" she asks "Kate you don't know what a wag is?" I ask "I'm asking for a reason" "okay tone that attitude down" "yes ma'am" "it's wife or girlfriend of pro sports players" I shrug and turn to see Kate's face have a little grin.

Nice to know can we eat on the patio?" She asks I hum in response handing her the plate. "Thank you" she smiles as I serve my own plate before we make our way outside.

"So what do you want to do today?" I ask. "Whatever you want to do" she shrugs "if it were up to me I'd have you in bed all day" "and I'd be totally okay with that" she giggles.

As we start to make conversation we hear my doorbell go off all through the house. "Were you expecting someone?" She asks "yeah my wife" I joke "not funny" she laughs as I get up and head to open the door "you laughed though."

I open the door to find my parents standing in front of it.

"Mami dad hi no los esperaba" I say hugging both of them. "We were in the neighborhood" my dad shrugs "why?" I ask closing the door as they make their way in. "We've been looking at the new developments" "interested in buying another house here?" I ask he nods.

"Have y'all had breakfast?" I ask "nomas un liquado" "she made a strawberry shake" "would you like to join us" "Bianca is here?" My dad asks "kate came down to visit me" I smile "no way awh how cute is that" my mom squeals.

"Of course we can serve our food you go tell her we're here so we don't ambush her" my mom says excitedly making me chuckle. I head out to the patio "who was it?" She asks turning around to face me "uhm pyramid schemes" I lie moving my food next to her.

"Where were we..?" I turn to her "mmm I think you were sayi-" "hiiiii it is so nice to meet you!" my mom says making me turn around to catch a better look as I laugh.

"Is this-?" Kate turns to me confusion wiping over her face as she stands up making me giggle before I start to feel bad that I gave her no warning. "Isabella you didn't tell her!" My mom yells "it didn't come up" I shrug. "Como de que no hubieras dicho que llego tu mamá I'm so sorry to ambush you sweetie I'm Sofia Isabella's mom" she smiles going over to hug Kate.

"And I'm Paul Isabella's dad" my dad says extending his hand to her. "Pleasure to meet you two I'm Kate, Kate Martin" she smiles at both of them before we all take our seats to eat.

"Sorry again we were just in the neighborhood we thought we'd stop by we had no idea you were here" my mom apologizes once again. "No no you're fine you just caught me off guard a little bit happy to meet you guys" she smiles.

"So bella tells us you came as a surprise" My dad says "yeah I wanted to come down before I go off to New York I figured I should take advantage of the fact that I have a break" she explains. "Ooo New York that sounds fun" my mom says wanting to know more.

"Yeah our friend Caitlin she's number one on draft rounds for the w so she invited the team to go support and that's where I'll be headed in a few days" "oh wow that sounds like so much fun" "yeah I've been asking Isa here if she wants to go but she said she wants to settle in so" Kate shrugs.

"You've settled in for about two weeks now you should go" my dad tells me. "Seems a little hectic" I say picking at my food "who knew I raised a lame daughter" my dad jokes I gasp pretending to be offended by his comment.

"Pay for my ticket and I'll go" I say challenging my dad "will do as long as you look for the flight yourself" he says "I was kidding" "I'm not if you want to go I'll be more than happy to pay" he says.

"What do you guys do for work?" Kate asks making me laugh "sorry was that rude" Kate asks confused turning to me and back at my parents. "No not at all" my mom giggles softly. "We have a restaurant here and Paul flips houses turning them into rental properties" my mom explains.

"Oh no way that's so cool I was telling my dad I wanted to flip houses he said it wasn't a good idea" Kate tells my dad as he attentively listens. "Well see it's not an easy business I could say partial success of what I do is because we live in a main city loads of people moving her all that..."


"I like them they're such sweethearts" Kate says as we lay down on my bed after a long day of roaming the streets of Austin.

"Yeah?" I ask "yes I think I'll put a ring on your finger to have them as in laws" she says making me laugh. "Haha so funny" I say taking a seat on the couch. "No but in all seriousness I enjoyed their company they were so easygoing" "I'm glad you liked them" I smile genuinely.

"How'd you like Austin?" "I actually liked it it's really nice out here a little too warm but manageable" she shrugs before her phone starts to ring.

"It's cait" she whispers over to me before answering "hi" she says waving to the camera "hiii Katie what ya up to?" Caitlin asks the phone panning over to me awkwardly making me laugh. "Hi cait" "we're just talking" Kate says setting up the phone on the coffee table.

"Talking about New York? Bella Kate said you don't want to come?" "I don't know it's just not my scene" I shrug "after parties aren't your scene?" "New York you love New York" Kate nudges me. "Come onnnnn just say yes what else do you have to do?" Caitlin asks making me sigh in defeat "exactly you're coming with start booking your flight."

"When do you go off to New York?" Kate asks "tomorrow" she groans "you ready?" "Yeah I mean it's not that much of a surprise anymore I thought it'd be cool getting all this coverage but it's like I know I'm number one pick I know who gets number one pick. Obviously it's an amazing opportunity."

"I'm going to go get my laptop I'll be back" I tell Kate heading into my office to get what I needed before going back to take my place.

"Bye bella see you soon" Caitlin grins waving "bye cait" "alright see you later bye" Kate says before hanging up on Caitlin. "Mm let's see there's one for tomorrow night, and there's one the morning of" "I think morning would be better so I could go pick you up" "you don't have a car silly" "taxi duh" she sasses "uhm almost 100 bucks for a thirty minute drive" "as long as you I get to pick you up by the time you land" she says.

"Mm fine" I say booking the ticket.

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